FYI: Chipotle


New Member
aps45819 said:
10 oz Bud float
Completely off topic, but for giggles and grins, I asked for a 10 ounce Bud Light while I was in Nevada recently. They looked at me as though I'd just asked for the horn of a unicorn.


New Member
Just bumping this up since it's tonight. I'm gonna be there with my 3 rugrats. Yah, I'll be the short part of the hilariously mis-matched couple-my hubby's 6'1" and I'm 4'11"! :lmao:
Ange1icflowers said:
Just bumping this up since it's tonight. I'm gonna be there with my 3 rugrats. Yah, I'll be the short part of the hilariously mis-matched couple-my hubby's 6'1" and I'm 4'11"! :lmao:
Mutt n Jeff. :lmao:


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Ange1icflowers said:
Just bumping this up since it's tonight. I'm gonna be there with my 3 rugrats. Yah, I'll be the short part of the hilariously mis-matched couple-my hubby's 6'1" and I'm 4'11"! :lmao:

UMMMMMMMMMMM Chipotle Tacos!!!! :drool: Can't wait til tomorrow! See ya'll there!


Main Streeter
TexasSunflower said:
UMMMMMMMMMMM Chipotle Tacos!!!! :drool: Can't wait til tomorrow! See ya'll there!

Wait ‘til tomorrow?? Heck, I just got home from there and I am stuffed. We went to the pre- opening $5 per head fundraiser. Had to wait in line for about 15 minutes, not bad. Got to watch and tell them what to put on our burritos. It was yummy. Only thing missing was cold beer.


Support Our Troops!
awpitt said:
Wait ‘til tomorrow?? Heck, I just got home from there and I am stuffed. We went to the pre- opening $5 per head fundraiser. Had to wait in line for about 15 minutes, not bad. Got to watch and tell them what to put on our burritos. It was yummy. Only thing missing was cold beer.
Husband made me promise not to go tonight because he couldn't go due to him working. So i'll have to settle on tomorrow! hurry up tomorrow! sure will be different for us because we are use to the ones in Texas where every restaurant there sells beer and alcohol. :buddies:


Main Streeter
TexasSunflower said:
Husband made me promise not to go tonight because he couldn't go due to him working. So i'll have to settle on tomorrow! hurry up tomorrow! sure will be different for us because we are use to the ones in Texas where every restaurant there sells beer and alcohol. :buddies:
It'll be worth the wait, even without da beer. I'm still stuffed. The wife and I walked a mile after getting home to try & make up for it.


Salt Life
Went to Chipotle last night for dinner. I was disappointed at the amount of stuff they give you, mostly it is just rice. The food was good, but the Waldorf Chipotle (IMO) is much better!!


Main Streeter
Chasey_Lane said:
Went to Chipotle last night for dinner. I was disappointed at the amount of stuff they give you, mostly it is just rice. The food was good, but the Waldorf Chipotle (IMO) is much better!!
You can tell them to go lite on the rice/beans and still load up on the other goodies.


awpitt said:
Why not? it's just a part of telling them how you want it made. It's not the same for everyone.

dur, she's Chasey Lane :duh: They're supossed to be able to read her mind.


Salt Life
nomoney said:
durhard, they're made to order - just tell them you don't want rice :smack:
women :duh:
I LIKE the rice, I was stating that they didn't give us much of ANYTHING. And, what they did give us was mostly rice. Not much meat at all and skimpy on everything else. The Waldorf Chipotle gives you lots and lots of everything w/out being skimpy.


Chasey_Lane said:
I LIKE the rice, I was stating that they didn't give us much of ANYTHING. And, what they did give us was mostly rice. Not much meat at all and skimpy on everything else. The Waldorf Chipotle gives you lots and lots of everything w/out being skimpy.

well then go to waldorf biznatch. We don't want you at OUR Chipotles anyhow :hmmph: