Gas Prices


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PREMO Member
My brother used to make this observation about return on investment - buying a very reliable used car - if you can maintain it even with repairs totaling a thousand a year - it beats buying a NEW car over the long haul.

An inexpensive car with ICE - plain old car - if you can maintain it affordably - it totally beats an EV. Period. Especially if you already own it.


Well-Known Member
I was surprised when we went to VA on Saturday that gas was 10cents HIGHER there than here. We only went as far as King George, wondering if it gets lower the further from MD you get..
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This increase is a direct result of Saudi partnering with Russia and Iran. All the other add-Ins mentioned are going to be in addition to.. keep in mind the Biden administration pissed off Saudi. This move is most definitely designed to destabilize America even more so.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Just wait until MD adds that sweet, sweet CPI bonus to the fuel tax in July.

But we really do need that money so they can finally finish Rt. 5.


Long Haired Country Boy
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Maybe diesel will come down some more since home heating oil demand will go down.
Now that I have a gas sipping S10 to free up some of my salary, it's time to jump back into the Jetta and see what's causing my smoke issue. I could really get used to the 42-47mpg I usually get with summer diesel. The plus side is that I no longer have tail gating morons trying to get me to drive more than 10 above the speed limit.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Great. Was starting to feel like boating might be almost affordable this summer....

Guess not.
What About Bob Time GIF


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Glennn Diesen: Brazil and China are liberating themselves from the US dollar. This means not paying the cost for US inflation, and also reducing vulnerability to US sanctions.

^That statement, though short in its explanation and over simplified, is the huge, in-your-face, warning sign, saying, DANGER AHEAD!

It's not just China and Brazil though. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela, India, Turkey, Singapore etc., are accepting, or paying in, anything other than US dollars for energy trades. And guess what happens when those dollars that were once held in reserve in those countries, aren't needed anymore? The US dollar/petrodollar hegemony comes crashing down and those trillions of dollars, (China alone holds over $3 Trillion), will be repatriated back here to the US causing sever hyper inflation destroying the US economy and pushing everyone into immediate poverty.

This is an extremely serious situation that few even understand, nor comprehend the devastation that is headed our way. This the de-dollarization of the world's leading economies. Economies in countries that have their own more stable currencies. And we haven't been making friends of late. In fact, we've gotten very good at making enemies, which is one of many reasons countries are starting to drop the dollar.

Now, if Saudi Arabia goes full stop trading in US dollars, (which would end the Nixon created US/Saudi petro-dollar agreement), who do you think might step up to take the place of providing that military security which the US now provides to Saudi Arabia? China? Russia? Iran? India? Brazil? South Africa? Two or more countries forming an alliance together to protect Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries? Can you see the writing on the wall here? If this happens, we will be at the mercy of every oil trading country.

It cannot be stated with anymore urgency, that we are on a collision course with ourselves from our past and current polices brought upon us by our own government, in coordination with the evil machinations of the Federal Reserve.

Soon, if this keeps up, all will soon realize the intrinsic value of the dollars in their pockets ..... zero.

Convert those dollars you currently hold into something useful, that holds its value. Because soon, you may not be able to do so.


PREMO Member
It cannot be stated with anymore urgency, that we are on a collision course with ourselves from our past and current polices brought upon us by our own government, in coordination with the evil machinations of the Federal Reserve.

The US is not a country mentioned in the End Times ...


Well-Known Member
Just wait until MD adds that sweet, sweet CPI bonus to the fuel tax in July.

But we really do need that money so they can finally finish Rt. 5.
Rt 5 going into Leonardtown is like a sore they keep picking. It never heals.
It's been sore for about 5 years now, meanwhile they have built a major bridge in less time.
Then consider this. The expansion stops at Lido's so now we have a passing lane that stops at Lido's it comes back to two lanes and the people going into that shopping center are still making their left turns. I predict more trouble there instead of less.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I have said it before, we are printing Confederate money.
When everyone stops accepting it we are in the deep sh1t.
Already we are overextended.

But as for the oil situation we have plenty. It would take a while, but if that ignorant dip sh1t in the White house and the Democrats get the phuck out of the way that is one problem we can solve. WE HAD IT SOLVED so don't say it can't happen.
I am not a super Trump fan, but IMO it's either Trump or a depression that will last a long long time.


Well-Known Member
I was surprised when we went to VA on Saturday that gas was 10cents HIGHER there than here. We only went as far as King George, wondering if it gets lower the further from MD you get..

Last time I was in VA around Harpers Ferry it was MD prices or 5 cents more.