Gay marraige

Should gays be allowed to marry?

  • NO way! One man and one woman only. That's what marriage is

    Votes: 27 39.1%
  • Sure, why not

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • Civil union maybe, but not marriage

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • This world is really going crazy!

    Votes: 8 11.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt1Active id=p1637697 width="50%">Gay marraige</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>08-11-2006 02:42 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">Jesus is supposed to 'love and care for all his children'</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

:huggy: He does love them, he even cries when he has to send them all to Hell :poorbaby:


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
Carried this over from the other (now dead) thread...

oldman said:
What involvement does religion play in a marriage in court as my second marriage was? I do not believe God was mentioned. And do not misunderstand me for I am not for same sex marriages.

My point (unsaid point - as it was) exactly! Religion has nothing to do with a court. I was approaching the word "Marriage" as being an institute of the church/religon seeing how it was through the church that Marriage was instituted in the first place. Hence...brings me to the question of clarification - was he meaning to say "union" instead of "marriage".

If we refer to homosexual "unions" as "marriages" - then wouldn't religion have to condone the act? I think that the way we approach this is a big deal. If you say it is a "marriage" people reply with the thought of "marriage" in mind when answering such question. Like-wise if you approach the issue as a "union" instead.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've said it a thousand times - here's one more:

You cannot constitutionally forbid gay marriage. Churches can say they won't marry gays, and that is their right - hell, they won't even marry heteros who aren't church members. But people who are married by a JOP consider themselves married, and the law considers them as such, too. Religion has nothing to do with "marriage" - you get a marriage license from the state, not a church.

So, yes, gays should be allowed to legally marry.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
I've said it a thousand times - here's one more:

You cannot constitutionally forbid gay marriage. Churches can say they won't marry gays, and that is their right - hell, they won't even marry heteros who aren't church members. But people who are married by a JOP consider themselves married, and the law considers them as such, too. Religion has nothing to do with "marriage" - you get a marriage license from the state, not a church.

So, yes, gays should be allowed to legally marry.

I agree. Government has no compelling interest in banning gay marriage. And the claim that gay marriage threatens straight marriage is an attempt to scare voters, in my view. It suggests a paranoid scenario of hordes of gay men and lesbians acting as homewreckers, luring decent, upstanding straight people away from their loving spouses. (Sorry, I've been reading too many JPC posts.)


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
Uncle Rico said:
:yeahthat: You mean I might be able to marry that little sheep that keeps winking at me. I do kinda have that tingley feeling toward her but I know it's just not right. You have given me hope though. :flowers:

:smack: Hey, I'm confused, your wife would object to Winn Dixie's proposal but you're willing to marry a sheep? :whistle:


In My Opinion
I think its wrong
I dont like
I would vote no on it.

thats my opinion, and I have a constitutional right to have it, and speak it.
maybe more of a constitutional right since freedom of speach is covered but marriage is not.

the rest of you have the right to think and speak and vote your opinion.


vraiblonde said:
I've said it a thousand times - here's one more:

You cannot constitutionally forbid gay marriage. Churches can say they won't marry gays, and that is their right - hell, they won't even marry heteros who aren't church members. But people who are married by a JOP consider themselves married, and the law considers them as such, too. Religion has nothing to do with "marriage" - you get a marriage license from the state, not a church.

So, yes, gays should be allowed to legally marry.

Onto my own personal opinion, I do not think that God gives a darn if you prefer to love (in a biblical sense) the same gender. We really only know what the Good Book tells us because it has been passed down through the generations. Written Word, Smitten Word... Did you ever play the game in School where you start the secret and then pass it on to the next person, only to get to the last person and find out that they said something completely different then the first person? We only believe what the bible says because we have nothing else to go on. It happened how many years ago? Were you there? All I do know is that something bigger then me makes the sun rise and set everyday. I do know that something bigger then me made me happen. In my perfect world I would like to believe it is God and that he does not judge anybody for who they plan to love by gender preference.

Uncle Rico

New Member
bcp said:
I think its wrong
I dont like
I would vote no on it.

thats my opinion, and I have a constitutional right to have it, and speak it.
maybe more of a constitutional right since freedom of speach is covered but marriage is not.

the rest of you have the right to think and speak and vote your opinion.

Your opinion is the same as the majority of us in the country and world. Most real polls have shown that. Of course, you'll never see a real nationwide ballot on this issue. The gays won't let that happen. America doesn't want gay marraige. It's just not normal and natural but the homos are using the media and courts to push thier agenda. I really don't care if two guys wanna :buttkiss: but they need to keep it private. It's hard enought raising kids these days. I have to monitor all media very carefully to make sure they aren't washing some brainwashing pro-homo video or something.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Uncle Rico said:
Your opinion is the same as the majority of us in the country and world. Most real polls have shown that. Of course, you'll never see a real nationwide ballot on this issue. The gays won't let that happen. America doesn't want gay marraige. It's just not normal and natural but the homos are using the media and courts to push thier agenda. I really don't care if two guys wanna :buttkiss: but they need to keep it private. It's hard enought raising kids these days. I have to monitor all media very carefully to make sure they aren't washing some brainwashing pro-homo video or something.
I bet you still have white sheets and lawn jockeys too.... :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Since I am heterosexual, I really don't care one lick what they're doing.
Let them marry - tell them they can't - I don't really care.
I don't care who's sleeping with whom, or who's marrying whom. :shrug:

Uncle Rico

New Member
virgovictoria said:
I bet you still have white sheets and lawn jockeys too.... :coffee:

I just checked the linen closet. We don't own a single plain white sheet. I do have some knomes and a pink flamingo in the front yard. ARe they bad?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Uncle Rico said:
I just checked the linen closet. We don't own a single plain white sheet. I do have some knomes and a pink flamingo in the front yard. ARe they bad?
What are knomes?

Uncle Rico

New Member
BS Gal said:
What are knomes?

Damn keyboard! I meant gnomes. Oh, and I really don't have any of those anyway. I think they are hideous. My Mary statue wouldn't put up with those guys very long either.


100% Goapele Head!
StarCat said:
NO, it opens doors for marriage to animals and all kinds of other wack ass things :jameo: Civil union maybe but NOT marriage in a church. Jesus says :nono: to homo's :lmao:

Wow, our first deep agreement. :clap:

I love Jesus and believe that marriage is sacred because God designed it the way he saw fit. However, I do believe that if two gay people want to show their love for each other through commitment that they should be allowed to do so in a way that makes it legal. But, the government should come up with a new relationship category that is similar to marriage in order to address what it actually is. God allows everyone to make their own choices and gay people made their choice so we should accept that much and leave the rest to God.

IMO the Bible is holy and its teachings respected by many. If God does not approve of something then those who love Him should respect it. It doesn't mean he doesn't love us back because according to his word we live in sin but he does not accept it in any form and according to His word never will. Those who choose to believe His word know there is forgiveness so I really don't have to go any further with that. But, at the same time if God said marriage is between a man and a woman then that is the description.

I don't sleep with boyfriend after boyfriend saying I am married in God's eyes because I believe my love for each of them is so special and so I give it to them because I feel like their my husband. I know that's not the way it is suppose to be and that what I am doing is fornication (pre-marital sex) and He does not approve and I accept that and realize there will be consequences. But, for me to try and redefine his Word to justify my behavior as acceptable in His eyes so that my conscious can be clear would be an abomination.

My point is people are going to always do what they want in this world regardless of what use to be the way of life. So if we know this then create laws for the people as discoverie come about. Just like it was done for Civil and Women's rights as those things became agreed upon among the people of this country/ The laws are meant to be changed in order to accomodate those who are affected by it.

But, don't be surprised if it starts a new trend. I agree with SC that if you start changing stuff now how do you justify trying to give certain categories limits? (Unisex names) Sam can now marry Haley but not a non-human/non-living thing.


Will everyone in the America please grow a back bone and please quit kissing every ethnic group and homos ass.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.

Thats all.:snacks:


100% Goapele Head!
gumbo said:
Will everyone in the America please grow a back bone and please quit kissing every ethnic group and homos ass.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.

Thats all.:snacks:

I'm not kissing anyone's ass. We all have to live here on the earth (and no we can't kill ourselves lol) so why not make it a life that is fair for everyone. God accepts that not everyone is going to choose His way. So why should people who don't believe in him have to live limited because of His teachings.

I am almost always 50/50 on things because I try to see it from all sides regardless of right and wrong or black and white vs. grey. It's just like with children, if your child doesn't want to eat chitterlings like everyone else at the table you shouldn't make them. Children deserve to eat foods they enjoy and as a child I hated having to eat parts of the pig I thought was disgusting.

If gay people don't want to be with the opposite sex then why should they have to be? So since they won't and since it's now a lifestyle in society there should be provisions made for them. All churches are non-exempt from taxes regardless of religious denomination. Gay couples should have options that allow them the same benefit of commitment to their partner as heterosexuals. Just don't redefine marriage. < my other 50%

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Marriage used to be thought of... between a man and a woman...of the same background.

The idea of a black and a white marrying used to cause civil unrest. So did the idea of two people marrying of different religions. Marrying a 'foreigner' would get people up in arms. This goes all the way back to marrying from different tribes. Marrying (having kids) outside your group upset the natural tendency of humans towards their 'own' kind. That tendency meant safety, security and social order which meant, or was intended towards, success in the game of life for the group.

This was all absolute common survival sense. It made sense biologically and it made sense as social policy.

As the human race became more and more successful, the biological needs and the social needs for purity lessened and have, frankly, fallen away. Tribes mingled. Races mingled. Entire peoples, nations and religions mingled.

If we take a casual glance, we see where the problems in the world are; groups desperately clinging to what they are vs. groups that are what they are; Jews vs. Muslims. Sunni's vs. Shiias.

Europe, for all their affected indifference to petty world affairs have their own divisions. Witness Muslim unrest in France and Great Britain. The only cool people are us, the US, and there's a reason for that; melting pot.

Marriage nowadays, for Americans, is about one and only one thing; social order.

Anyone wanna debate why a black and a white should not marry? A Jew and a Muslim (it happens)? A Catholic and a Baptist? An Italian and a Pole?

We can rationally limit the size of a union (2 members only) for practical purposes. We can not limit the gender of the members of the union on rational grounds. Gay marriage would serve the same intended purpose as 'straight' marriage; social order.

Concerns of 'yuck' factors over gender are as relevant as concerns over race and religion. These concerns are still legitimate but barely so. It is true that two people simply stand a better chance of a successful marriage if they have as much as possible going for them and that is because, as a practical matter, 'yuck' factors work against marriages. Yuck in this context is another word for prejudice. It is a consideration. It could get you killed in many nations. Here, people will look at you and say 'yuck'.