Ghislaine Maxwell


Well-Known Member
CBS News confirmed years ago that Adrenochrome was real and reverses aging.

In 2009, CBS would run a news story talking about using a teenager's blood to reverse aging. They even admit that is has a very high demand. How can CBS call adrenochrome a conspiracy theory when their own past report contradicts that? Adrenochrome is a chemical that's a byproduct of adrenaline. Satanic Secret Societies are said to extract Adrenochrome, by torturing children into releasing adrenalin into their blood, and then drinking it. I've heard John Podesta, Hilary Clinton and Huma Abedin are very experienced in this field.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You really need to stick to the Conspiracy sub-forum....
You have my expressed permission to ignore the posts @PJay makes if you so desire. I hereby forbid SoMD Online from further forcibly requiring you to read them against your will, regardless of sub-forum.

I hope this settles your complaint satisfactorily.

Yes, I do feel the need to include this.--->:sarcasm:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You have my expressed permission to ignore the posts @PJay makes if you so desire. I hereby forbid SoMD Online from further forcibly requiring you to read them against your will, regardless of sub-forum.
Considering how many "conspiracty theories" have turned out to be true the last four years, this section is just fine. He might do well to keep abreast of them.


Well-Known Member
You have my expressed permission to ignore the posts @PJay makes if you so desire. I hereby forbid SoMD Online from further forcibly requiring you to read them against your will, regardless of sub-forum.

I hope this settles your complaint satisfactorily.

Yes, I do feel the need to include this.--->:sarcasm:
Meh.. not really.
When I click on a sub-forum for "News and Current Events," I expect it to be news I CAN'T find on the front of the Examiner or Enquirer :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Meh.. not really.
When I click on a sub-forum for "News and Current Events," I expect it to be news I CAN'T find on the front of the Examiner or Enquirer :rolleyes:
You didn't get to this tred by clicking on "News and Current Events". You got here by clicking on "Ghislaine Maxwell", which was obviously started by @PJay, which is the simplest explanation and therefore most likely the correct one.



Well-Known Member
You didn't get to this tred by clicking on "News and Current Events". You got here by clicking on "Ghislaine Maxwell", which was obviously started by @PJay, which is the simplest explanation and therefore most likely the correct one.
So you agree that they often post tin hat crackpot conspiracy stories. And how I got here doesn't change the fact of where it is listed so....


Well-Known Member
"If they had any incriminating evidence on Trump, it would have been released before November 2016.

If Epstein had tapes of Trump, he would have released them before Trump seized his island and threw him in jail.

If Trump was on their team, why are they at war with each other?

If Trump was implicated, why would he bring up the island in 2015?

If Trump was compromised by Epstein, why is it that they cannot control him?

If Trump was involved, why did he sign EO 13773 and dedicate his presidency to stop global human-trafficking?

If Trump was one of “them”, why do ALL of “them” hate him?

If they had blackmail on him, they would have used it."


Well-Known Member
"If they had any incriminating evidence on Trump, it would have been released before November 2016.

If Epstein had tapes of Trump, he would have released them before Trump seized his island and threw him in jail.

If Trump was on their team, why are they at war with each other?

If Trump was implicated, why would he bring up the island in 2015?

If Trump was compromised by Epstein, why is it that they cannot control him?

If Trump was involved, why did he sign EO 13773 and dedicate his presidency to stop global human-trafficking?

If Trump was one of “them”, why do ALL of “them” hate him?

If they had blackmail on him, they would have used it."

Addressing seriatim:

There are enough of elites who f*ck underage girls such that no one will risk talking, lest they too be outed.

Why would Epstein do that? It wouldn’t have served him.

See response to #1

See response to #1

The sin you hate the most is the one you commit the most.

See response to #1

See response to #1

See response to #1

You’re welcome