Ghislaine Maxwell


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Sarah Ransome of Epstein's victims told reporters outside of the courthouse "I never thought this day would come"



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Complications now among two jurors of the Maxwell and Epstein trial. Probably going to have to swap them out of the juror pool. Opening statements getting pushed back.


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"It appears like the mainstream media (who famously called an occult temple a gym) is attempting to water down what really was going on with Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein. Many in the media are acting like Epstein and Maxwell were acting alone in their devious schemes. This couldn't be further from the truth.
We must highlight the facts:
Epstein was running an international sex trafficking ring (with the blessing and backing of intelligence agencies) as a mean of blackmailing those in power. This is the truth. This is a spiritual battle and there's nothing more important than highlighting the occult symbolism presented on the island. This is not just some lone perverts committing crimes. This is good v evil on a Biblical scale.
Those in the media who do not highlight this are white washing the truth."



Well-Known Member
I tried sharing the video of him saying it..but said file was too big. So..look it up..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FL prosecutor Bradley Edwards said there was only one man who helped him take down Epstein in 2009..

That man was Donald Trump.

The DumBots are trying to make this about Trump, but we'll note that Epstein wasn't busted under Obama even though every single one of those scumbags knew what was going on.

I'm telling you, that is why they all freaked out and are freaking out to this day - because Trump was spilling the beans on their nasty proclivities. And not just Epstein, but also all those perverts and rapists who got busted under #metoo - the entertainers, politicians, and news people. That happened under Trump, NOT Obama or any other Democrat who pretends they give a damn about women or minorities or gays.


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A banned YouTube video on what President Trump's administration has done to combat human trafficking -- a report you'll never see in the mainstream media.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
To Save Time, Ghislaine Maxwell Just Lists The Hollywood Celebs And Politicians Who Didn't Visit Epstein Island

NEW YORK, NY—The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell is underway but began to get bogged as Maxwell listed the names of people who had flown on Lolita Express and visited Epstein Island. Now, in order to save time, she will just list the names of Hollywood celebs and politicians who didn't.

"Um, there are only, like 3 or 4 who didn't," said Maxwell, looking at the ceiling. "Let's see, there's, uh... Mel Gibson and Kirk Cameron... oh yeah, Keanu Reeves. Ron Paul. There were a few others, but that's most of the big ones, I think."



Well-Known Member
Ghislaine Maxwell being found guilty was one of my wishes for this year.. whew, just made it. Now only a couple days left for a few more to be granted🤞