Ghosts in Sothern MD?


The Original Lilly
Just saw the Others last weekend! What an awesome twist in the end! Loved that movie!

I have heard a tape from Point Lookout - very creepy! While they heard nothing while they were there - when the tape was played back you could hear doors slamming, footsteps and voices - but you couldn't make out what they were saying. The ones who made the tape claim they saw or heard nothing - but frequently talked about going through cold pockets of air!

Don't know if I would actually do it myself - listening to the tape was spooky enough!

tipsy mcgee

Always thirsty
Pixie, are you referring to something different than the mental hospitals? There's a bunch in that area, Clifton Perkins, Spring Grove Hospital and Crownsville that all have people committed for psychiatric reasons and such. I used to have to go to Perkins for hearings involving inmates who were trying to get out or had to be forcefully medicated. Lots of weirdos.

I can't honestly say I believe in ghosts. I've looked for them in my younger days around halloween and never had much luck. Lots of people seem to believe in the Point Lookout and Civil War stuff, though. I posted in the topic back when Darby wrote it and mentioned probably the most popular St. Mary's ghost story, Moll Dyer. She was thought to be a witch and when they burned her house and she ran into the woods to escape, she left her baby there and you can hear it cry still today. I think that's how it goes. I guess I'll have to see or hear it to believe it.


New Member

I've heard about the insaine assylum. Sandy's sister went with some friends a few years ago. I don't remember what happened. :duh:

But hey, you don't have to travel to B-More...just go to St. Elizabeth's in DC. :lol:


Cleopatra Jones
Sxy, Are there ghosts at St. Elizabeth's?

I only remember the story about the place in B-more vaugly. Something about the asylum catchin fire and people dying. The place had long since been closed and maybe even condemed. Supposedly there have been several ghosts seen there. I'll do some research and see if I can find some more info.


Chairman of the Board
I still have grave doubts (pun intended) about *anything* beyond this life. I've never seen, heard or in any way experienced anything that would have me believe in ghosts. I'm not frightened by these things, because I'm nearly 100% certain it's something very explainable by other means.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I believe! Since I was a small child I have felt a "presence" especially about a week after my much loved Grandmother passed away.

There was a place in California called Alpine Mansion that was haunted. Story goes, man builds home for new wife, they marry and move in, house catches fire and she dies.

I was there one night with friends and you could see an appiration (sp?) of a woman in a white nightgown standing on top of one of the chimneys. Keep in mind it was 3 stories tall and standing alone since the house burnt down.... creepy.

I saw The Others just this weekend and I liked it too!


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by missi1013

Point Look Out is haunted! I go up there at night, to do night fishing! Little creepy!

What's the Queen Mary? And what's her story?

So what is it that you hear out there? I've heard a lot about Point Lookout, but never any specifics.

As for The Others, I'm so mad! I was listening to "Don & Mike" one day and they gave away the ending...


New Member
If anyone actually plans on going to any of these places to hunt for spooks, let me know... I am definitely in!

I know what I've seen and felt is real, so there are no doubts in me when it comes to believing in ghosts...

Barbra - You'll have to let us know if you ever record anything on your digital recorder, (other than your shopping list of course! :cheesy: ) I couldn't get on the site you posted though... :(

p.s. Checked out your website. What great pics of your dogs!! :cheesy:


New Member
I finally got to watch "The Others" over the weekend. I loved the movie. I couldn't believe the ending...I never would have expected that. I heard stories about how freaky it was, but I couldn't find anything scary about it. That part was a little disappointing.


One of the sinners
My b/f will laugh his a$$ off if he ever reads this but oh well.

He has a little cottage out in Tall Timbers which is on a farm. I guess it once was a B&B. But the main house scares me to death. I had to go in one night after dark to get his clothes out of the dryer and I refuse to go back in there at night. He|| I hate going in during the day time lol There is just something about the place that is creepy. He says Im crazy but I hate that house.

Here's a little story for yall though. My best friend in high school used to live in this house that was 2 stories plus an attic bedroom. We got the pleasure of sleeping in it. She had told me before I went to stay with her the first time that the house was spooky. Well it was fine till we shut off al the lights in the house and went to the corner of the attic bedroom, there was a little greenish-yellow light that just sorta seemed to spin. It wasnt that she was doing it or me. We got up to see if maybe i was a glow in the dark thing but nothing. That corner of the room was bare. No toys on the floor no pictures, nothing.

We found out later that a guy had lived there in the 1940s and shot his wife and 6 yr old son in the attic. The wife was found the son never was.......


New Member
Thanks for all of the interest in ghosts! I would love to get a group together to go hunting!
I have experienced many bizarre things at Point Lookout, St. Andrews Church graveyard, St. Mary's City (college dorms), Sotterly Plantation and a few other places here in St. Mary's. I have photos of orbs and other anomolies...I also have been interested in this a LOOOOOOoooooooooooooooong time and have a "Scully side" to me, so I always look at both sides. None of it scares me and I am willing to hunt around...the only thing I am scared of are humans with bad intentions or breaking laws and going to jail! Nuthin like explainin to everyone you got arrested hunting for ghosts!:D


New Member
My ghostly experience at Sotterly

Okay, so I don't really live in Southern Maryland. But I used to. I moved to Florida when I was eleven-years-old, and I now attend the very old Florida State University in the very haunted state capital, Tallahassee. But I was curious one day and wanted to look up Sotterly Plantation, seeing as how I used to live literally five minutes from the grounds, and spent a few summers there in some of the camps for creative students or whatever (I was like, nine.)

And I'm shocked that no one seems to know much about Sotterly Plantation's hauntings. I look up Sunnyland (Sunlands Hospital) here in Tallahassee, and my computer screen fills up with a thousand links! But Sotterly ghost stories are much, much harder to find. So I thought I'd share my own experience, and hope to get some feedback, or better ... other experiences.

I remember that when you went on tours in the Sotterly mansion - they never allowed you to go upstairs. But they USED to. I remember there were several stories on different occurrences when someone would get pushed over the railing of the main stairwell from behind ... when they were the last person in line.

When I was in elementary school, I went to a summer program there. Two weeks of drawing and writing at the Plantation. And of course, there were tours. But we were never allowed upstairs. Until the very last day we were there, and one of the teachers decided there was no harm in letting a bunch of youngins upstairs behind the directors' backs. She opened a wall in that huge beautiful dining room, and voila, there was a servant's staircase that led upstairs. Well, the second story of Sotterly Plantation isn't too much to look at. It's what you might expect ... four or five bedrooms with nice colonial beds and nice colonial furniture, big pretty windows. I can't remember much except for the fact it wasn't that impressive.

Here's the strange part: the teacher decided to lead up back downstairs by way of the main staircase, in which case, a friend of mine and myself were the very last two in line. And I SWEAR I felt something touch my back. Not a push, just a brush. I turned to look if maybe my friend was pulling a joke on me, but she had chickened out and made her way in front of me so as not to be the last in line ...

I haven't been back to that place since I was probably ten-years-old, and I'm eighteen now, so maybe since then they've started letting people upstairs again, or the ghost stories have been explained or shot down. But I know that obviously, someone is still curious about the haunts. And I'm a sucker for a good ghost story...


All Right - Let me add my 2 cents.

If you are really interested in studying the paranormal, go here:

TAPS is often seen on the Sci Fi channel (Ghost Hunters). It is a VERY reputable group and have made many findings that has made denial of the paranormal very difficult for many. I am so amazed at what they have come across on some of the episodes.

Oh a personal note. Are ghosts real?? That is an age long question. From the perspective of religion - if you believe in the Holy Ghost/Spirit - how can one possible deny the possibility of other "ghosts". If it is possible to have a good spirit, why not an evil spirit?

From the scientific aspect, no one has yet to explain the mysterious EVP voices or undeniable ghostly images caught on film. Certain paranormal experiences were not able to be debunked.

To simply say that one has to see something to believe it exists is really silly. If you cannot see something but can see the effects the entity you “cannot see” – does it in fact exist? Try answering this question with “wind” in mind.

What ever the case, I do not think that we are meant to understand what life beyond the grave is to be like. I personally believe in purgatory and if the theory of purgatory is in fact a reality – then it could be understood that one may see ghosts.

For those who believe in the Holy Bible, there is a passage that says something about the dead crying out to God and asking him when they would be avenged from the sin that inflicted their lives (or something like that). If I am off in understanding, correction is appreciated. None the less, if the dead cry out – again – the true existence of ghosts would make sense.


New Member
All this talk about ghosts.......

If anyone EVER reads this who knows who I am - NO! I am NOT out of my mind!

It must have been about 6 months after my dad died, but I had a dream about him. He was sitting in his favorite rocking chair and wearing his favorite plaid shirt. I asked what he was doing, because he was supposed to be DEAD! He said, "just hanging out" and smiled at me. I started crying and told him to never, ever trick me into believing he was dead. I started to hug him and told him "don't go, dad!". I woke up crying and screaming out "don't go, dad" so loud, that I woke my entire family!!!!! When I woke up.......I had his smell on my clothes!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if this has anything to do with ghosts, but I've had this same thing happen with my mother died when I was 11, my dad, and just recently my step-mom.

I believe that the people who love you the most, will make sure you are okay, before they "move on". I hope this is true. I miss my family so very, very, very much. But I, at least, have the peace of mind that they are okay.


Rebel of the South
I use s to live in this house on Bishop Rd. in Loveville and I swear this house was haunted! radio would jus turn on while we're eating dinner, things would fall!

One night me and my 2 older sisters were home alone and my parents bedroom door was closed. We don't know what it was, but something kept knockin on the other side of that door! Scared the hell outta me!

There was this other time when I was in bed and I felt this ball at my feet but when my aunt turned on the lights in the room it was nothing there! Then she turned the lights off again and I felt it again!!

My old nieghbors and my sister said they say a ghost in their house but just strange things happen in our house. Never really saw nothing.


I think I have a ghost living at my place. When I went to bed I could swear I had more beer in the fridge but when I woke up there was none. Then this other time I could swear there was a half of bottle of ameretto and when I awoke the next morning it was gone. Then there was this time that I went out to the pub and when i woke up all of my dollar bills were crumbled up in my pocket? Very Strange and Spooky :confused:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I used to live in an old house on Cemetary Road (yes, the real name and it's still there!) in Leonardtown. Many strange things happened in that house. The most amazing thing I remember is waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a ghostly shape in the room, then watching it go through the wall. The next day, the wallpaper was discolored where it had vanished.
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