

wandering aimlessly
When I was at a gathering at Mattapony (on base) our hostess told us of several ghosts that they had seen while living there: A man out on the lawn that fit the description of a former resident that had died of a sudden illness, a woman in old fashiioned dress walking through the kitchen, and a lady in the garden.


New Member
For Christs sakes if there were ghosts. Don't you think the womens locker room at the St Marys Community College would be the best place around here to find um.


New Member
Point Lookout is haunted. We was down there one evening near the lighhouse and Stephanie turned white as a ghost and said Mom did you just see that. It was a solider in uniform walking from the lighthouse to the smoke house. To say the least we left.
Two years ago on the third of July we went down for the guys to go fishing and I remember sitting in the car dosing off when I thought thats odd, I thought the guys were over on the other side. The men talking didn't sound like my family and started getting loud so I said, hey guys could you quite down and when did you move to the other side. My husband said we are still over here, so I said well who's over here and the guy said we are. I then said who are you and he gave me some strange name and rank and said , we'll quite down as we didn't mean to disturb you. I never did go to sleep and when I shone the flashlight over to where I heard them talking, there was no one. Around 2 am we saw laterns of some sort like coming across the water. I have lived here all my life and remember stories of the prisoner camp being in the area where most people fish and the prisoners being buried where the water has covered now. As a child I remember the shore being wider and the old hotel as well.


New Member
Well try Point Lookout then. There is evidence floating around all over the place for Point Lookout. I am fairly certain that one of the Ghost Walks they did back about 5 or so years ago ended up in the paper because they caught someone on tape that was not in the group and that no one seen until they watched the tape. I could be wrong but I believe thats what the story was.

You saw one down there before, remember
I was at GhettoMart in Waldorf this evening and thought I heard reference of a ghost... I kept hearing from a few aisles over someone saying "Hey Boo, where are you?" "Yo Boo, I see you!"

I am assuming it was a ghost. :shrug:


New Member
I was at GhettoMart in Waldorf this evening and thought I heard reference of a ghost... I kept hearing from a few aisles over someone saying "Hey Boo, where are you?" "Yo Boo, I see you!"

I am assuming it was a ghost. :shrug:



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New Member
Thank you everyone for your input, if you have any more stories please share. if you want an investigation or are interesting in helping us in anyway PM me. Thank you again.


New Member
Pointlookout???? Other than the ghost walk can one catch something on camera or camcorder during the year?

Yes you can. My next door neighbor does paranormal investigations and she has a picture of a soldier that she took at Point Lookout one night. In the background behind the soldier you can also see a lady in a dress. The lady is not as well pronounced in the picture as the soldier, but still noticeable. The funny thing is - the ghosts did not show up in the picture right away. You could see orbs and an orange colored light or streak. A couple weeks later she was looking at the pictures and you could see him. I have an older computer monitor than hers and you can't see him on my monitor - just the streak, but on her monitor you can see him...
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Soul Probe
Anyone remember when the old hotel was still there? We went in one night. Pretty creepy.

I do! I used to goof off in there as a kid after it was abandoned. My children's great grandfather used to work on the slot machines there during it's heyday and he said the place had secret passages.

alot of good info, does anyone have any stories about houses? our equipment doesn't work that well outside.

Psstt....St. Michael's Manor, Scotland, Maryland; directly across from the Civil War monument. It's privately owned and I'm not sure if the owners are inclined to an investigation but you can always try. The property was first owned by Leonard Calvert in 1639, supposedly it was occupied during the War of 1812 by British troops, and apparently was used as Union field headquarters during the Civil War. There is also a family graveyard on the site which dates back to the mid 1800s. I used to live across the street right next to the Civil War monument (never saw anything there), but I did have several separate events that occurred when I was at the Manor house (PM me).

My children's great-great-great grandfather was lightkeeper at Point Lookout and died there. His pictures and notes are in the archives. That side of the family refuses to talk about ghosts. :lol:


Has confinement issues..
Six months ago on Indian Bridge Road I was heading towards St. Andrews Church and it was just before dark. As I reached the second bridge I caught a glimpse of red in my left periphery and looked over to see a statue of the the Virgin Mary holding something bright red in her hands out from her waist.

I was so freaked out that a few hours and several drinks later, I took a friend back there to check it out. Not one thing in the area on that side of the bridge could have been a statue, there was nothing even close to it. Not unless if were floating in mid air.

I have gone back and looked several times and done some looking in to what it could have been. My very Catholic friend and my Mexican friend say that one particular Christian virgin tends to appear to non-believers and her hands are often out in front of her. She also comes with flowers, red roses to be exact. Our Lady of Guadalupe sent roses to Juan Diego as a sign to build her church. She is represented as the Cosmos and is called the goddess of Agave( I.E. TEQUILA :lol:)


Whatever it was, it did look just like a virgin Mary statue and it totally freaked me out..:ohwell:


New Member
Six months ago on Indian Bridge Road I was heading towards St. Andrews Church and it was just before dark. As I reached the second bridge I caught a glimpse of red in my left periphery and looked over to see a statue of the the Virgin Mary holding something bright red in her hands out from her waist.

I was so freaked out that a few hours and several drinks later, I took a friend back there to check it out. Not one thing in the area on that side of the bridge could have been a statue, there was nothing even close to it. Not unless if were floating in mid air.

I have gone back and looked several times and done some looking in to what it could have been. My very Catholic friend and my Mexican friend say that one particular Christian virgin tends to appear to non-believers and her hands are often out in front of her. She also comes with flowers, red roses to be exact. Our Lady of Guadalupe sent roses to Juan Diego as a sign to build her church. She is represented as the Cosmos and is called the goddess of Agave( I.E. TEQUILA :lol:)


Whatever it was, it did look just like a virgin Mary statue and it totally freaked me out..:ohwell:

very crazy story