


i have heard alot about the old closed down hospital in PG, but most have said that there is nothing to it, i have read alot of factual history on it and there wasn't anything really disturbing that went on there. most of it is just made up from one person to another. now i am not saying that there isn't anything there, or that it isn't a scary place. i just think that the mind can play alot of tricks on people when they are scared. i have never seen any hard evidence of stuff there. same goes to alot of stories i hear about ghosts in southern maryland. that is why i want to try and get some real evidence.

i grew up down the street from glen dale mental hospital. when we would skip school we would hang out there. we always had heard about the things done to patients there, now we didnt see anything but did have weird feeling when walking around. also up there they have a place where a goatman is suppose to be as well as a cry baby bridge both right there in glen dale/ lanham area.


New Member
When I was a teen I lived in a house off of 10th street in Ches. Beach--was said to be a old civil war house where soldiers stayed or battled tenant house and all --- when we moved there we cleaned letters upon letters written by a lady to her dead husband who said she knew he was there with her. The first night we stayed in the house we heard noises like moaning and I saw a white glare floating over the mantle when all the lights were out..... We lived there for 8 years or so and had many wierd things happen. The house caught fire and burnt down while my family was living there-- Its now being built into a bunch of new homes.... I will forever say that house was TRULY haunted.


New Member
When I was a teen I lived in a house off of 10th street in Ches. Beach--was said to be a old civil war house where soldiers stayed or battled tenant house and all --- when we moved there we cleaned letters upon letters written by a lady to her dead husband who said she knew he was there with her. The first night we stayed in the house we heard noises like moaning and I saw a white glare floating over the mantle when all the lights were out..... We lived there for 8 years or so and had many wierd things happen. The house caught fire and burnt down while my family was living there-- Its now being built into a bunch of new homes.... I will forever say that house was TRULY haunted.

what other things happened to you in that house?


New Member
what other things happened to you in that house?

We would hear people walking thru the house and noone was home-- the steps would creek. one night I recall what sounded like banging on the ceiling but when my dad went to look it was nothing. You just had that cold feeling all the time in the house. I saw that glow quite a few times when we lived there. I think there was a sort of curse that went with anyone who lived in that house cuz seems like since we have my family has had bad luck after bad luck expierience and anyone who lived on that farm had the same feeling. Im not even sure if that house or whats left still stands-- if you go to 10th street in chesapeake beach you might see where it used to be but its back in a field WAY off the road. Id guesse its about a mile back off the road.. It was totalled last time i saw it- The fire took all we had --- Lemme know if you want to know where exactly it is LOL maybe you can get a scare from it.


New Member
It's really interesting. Especially spooky is the hospitol in P.G. County that is now empty.

Where is it in PG Co?

When I was about 19 I was over a friends house. Her parents didn't throw anything away so there was a small store room in the basement with shelves to the ceiling and all full. We're in the basement playing pool (the next room) and all of the sudden there was a loud crash, we figured the shelves finally gave way.

Well we went to inspect and everything was as it should be but it was VERY cold in the room. This was summer without air conditioning and no door on the storage room so it was odd. We figured something fell upstairs, her mother said no, nothing fell and she didn't hear what we did. This was a small house, no way she wouldn't have heard.

You know when you realize something just isn't right and get goosebumps? Yeah well, I left right away and never went in their basement again. Apparently all of her family members had seen at some time or another a girl about 20 in a white dress, usually in the basement. Thanks for the heads up!


Well, I was driving down a lonely road one dark and stormy night. When a little girl by the roadside showed up in my headlights. I stopped and she got in back and in a shaky tone. She said: My name is Mary, please won't you take me home?

She must have been so frightened all alone there in the night. There was something strange about her, for her face was deathly white. She sat so pale and quiet in the back seat all alone. I'll never will forget that night I took Mary home.

I pulled into the driveway where she told me to go. Got out to help her from the car and opened up the door. But I just could not believe my eyes 'cause the back seat was bare. I looked all around the car but Mary wasn't there.

A light shone from the porch, someone opened up the door. I asked about the little girl that I was looking for. Then a lady gently smiled and brushed a tear away. She said: It sure was nice of you to go out of your way.

But thirteen years ago today a wreck just down the road. Our darling Mary lost her life and we miss her so. Thank you for your trouble and the kindness you have shone. You're the thirteenth one who's been here bringing Mary home...:shocking:

That just sent chills up my spine! :yikes:

Where did this take place?


I know that this probably sounds like a strange question to many of you but this seems like a good thread to ask this question in. :smile:

Does anyone know the easiest way to "research" the property your house is on, any internet sites, etc.? In other words, how would I go about finding out what the land was used for prior to this house being built or if any violent acts took place on this property in the past?


pretty black roses
I know that this probably sounds like a strange question to many of you but this seems like a good thread to ask this question in. :smile:

Does anyone know the easiest way to "research" the property your house is on, any internet sites, etc.? In other words, how would I go about finding out what the land was used for prior to this house being built or if any violent acts took place on this property in the past?

If it is in St Mary's, you could try the Historical Society in Leonardtown


Has confinement issues..
very crazy story

That's the first time I've ever had any sort of religious thing happen. My sensitivities lean toward angry men and sad women. I've had several things happen to me in the past, some physically aggressive ones that still make me uneasy when I think about them. Nothing in this area though.

That's the one I was always told was "crybaby bridge". It used to be a one-lane and made of wooden planks.

I don't remember it way back when... Tell me about it...:whistle:



Speaking about ghosts, did anyone catch last nights episode of Ghost Hunters? It was pretty good.


Where is it in PG Co?

When I was about 19 I was over a friends house. Her parents didn't throw anything away so there was a small store room in the basement with shelves to the ceiling and all full. We're in the basement playing pool (the next room) and all of the sudden there was a loud crash, we figured the shelves finally gave way.

Well we went to inspect and everything was as it should be but it was VERY cold in the room. This was summer without air conditioning and no door on the storage room so it was odd. We figured something fell upstairs, her mother said no, nothing fell and she didn't hear what we did. This was a small house, no way she wouldn't have heard.

You know when you realize something just isn't right and get goosebumps? Yeah well, I left right away and never went in their basement again. Apparently all of her family members had seen at some time or another a girl about 20 in a white dress, usually in the basement. Thanks for the heads up!

the old hospital is in glen dale