Global Gov Corruption


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Appeal Likely After Christians Acquitted A Second Time Of Bible Booklet ‘Hate Crimes’

The case began in 2019, when Rasanen argued on X (then Twitter) that Finland’s state church, in which her husband is a pastor, should not sponsor an LGBT parade. She tweeted a picture of Bible verses that say non-heterosexual acts are unnatural.

Finland’s top prosecutor investigated complaints filed over Rasanen’s tweet. This led to three days of police interrogating Rasanen and an investigation into Rasanen’s 25 years as a member of Parliament and former interior minister for the nation recently admitted into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

That investigation unearthed a 2004 booklet Rasanen, a medical doctor, wrote and Pohjola published as part of a church catechism series. The booklet, titled “Male and Female He Created Them,” explains basic Christian doctrines about God’s design for marriage to comprise one man and one woman for life.

Helsinki prosecutor Anu Mantila argued Finnish courts should ban from the internet the booklet, Rasanen’s tweet, and an audio recording of Rasanen defending Christian views. Mantila also seeks punitive fines. “Male and Female He Created Them” was published in 2004, several years before Finland adopted the antiterrorism laws now being used to prosecute the two Christians for “hate speech.”


PREMO Member

Australians want Labor to ‘back off’ legislation that would control their TVs​



PREMO Member
💉 Politico EU ran a story yesterday headlined, “Pfizer is suing Poland over vaccines. This is how we got here.” The sub-headline explained, “The court case is the latest fallout from Ursula von der Leyen’s massive COVID-19 vaccine contract.” I would represent Attila the Hun long before I’d ever consider representing Pfizer, but if I did, I would tell the pharma giant it is making a huge mistake.

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Pfizer claims Poland refuses to pay for sixty million doses of Pfizer’s defective mRNA genetic shot. Poland says it doesn’t need them, never wanted them, and isn’t paying for them. But since Poland is in the European Union, it is legally bound to a jab contract signed by the EU’s president in Brussels. You’re welcome, Polish people.

In April 2022, Poland’s Health Minister announced the country was not taking delivery of any more covid vaccines. Poland invoked a force majeure (“Acts of God”) clause in the contract, citing economic disruption caused by Ukraine war refugees (war), and that evolving variants caused less need for vaccines (disease).

Then once they saw Poland getting away with it, other EU countries started complaining too.

To respond to the complaints, earlier this year in May the EU and Pfizer quietly announced a “substantial renegotiation” of the oversized original deal. The new agreement reduced the number of doses required to be purchased — by some unspecified amount — and stretched out the delivery and payment dates into 2026.

If only four percent of eligible adults took this year’s booster, who’ll want covid jabs in 2026?

Anyway, Poland smartly refused to sign the revised deal. So Pfizer intends to hold it to the original deal. But Poland will probably win this fight. Pfizer has a lot to lose if certain information obtained in discovery were somehow to be leaked. And if I were Poland’s lawyer, I would suggest responding to the lawsuit by arguing not only force majeure, but also that Pfizer fraudulently deceived Poland into the deal in the first place, by falsely representing that its crappy, defective product was safe and effective.

If Poland does it right, Pfizer is going to regret picking this fight.

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WOKE Police ARREST Teen Boys For Directing Misogynistic & Sexist Chants At Female Football Referee!​



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Surveillance On Steroids: The Future of Britain

Is the UK a surveillance state? The answer appears to be yes. In London, for example, there is now one CCTV camera for every ten people. Things are bad now. But if recent reports are to be believed, they are about to get many times worse. That's because Fusus, a US tech firm, "has been privately lobbying UK councils and police forces to scale up their surveillance using an AI-powered platform," according to a recent Open Democracy report.

As noted in the report, one London council is already using the company's software, which boldly claims to be "the most widely used and trusted real-time crime centre platform in US public safety." It's trusted. But it's not safe. Not for the average Brit, anyway.

Joseph Cox, an investigative journalist in the US recently reported that Fusus' all-seeing, all-knowing camera technology is very similar to the type of tech that has been used in South Africa, where a new apartheid, ominously referred to as an AI-apartheid, is currently taking place. Cox, who liaised with numerous security experts before writing the piece, warns that Fusus-like technology creates a "blanket of surveillance."

With headquarters in the red state of Georgia and another one in London, Fusus doesn't actually sell cameras. Instead, it sells various types of hardware and software that sync effortlessly with existing installations. According to Cox, the company's hardware and software latch onto the likes of "government-owned surveillance cameras as well as privately owned cameras at businesses and homes." Fusus delivers steroid-like technology that turns otherwise "dumb" cameras into incredibly smart ones. "In essence," as Cox writes, "the Fusus solution puts a brain into every camera connected with the system."


Beloved Misanthrope
Good to know with all the other perversions government representatives partake, voyeurism made their list.


PREMO Member

Inside the UN Plan to Control Speech Online

In its 59-page report released this month, the U.N. Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) outlined a series of “concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society, and the platforms themselves.”

This approach includes the imposition of global policies, through institutions such as governments and businesses, designed to stop the spread of various forms of speech while promoting objectives such as “cultural diversity” and “gender equality.”

In particular, the U.N. agency aims to create an “Internet of Trust” by targeting what it calls “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and “conspiracy theories.”

Examples of expression flagged to be stopped or restricted include concerns about elections, public health measures, and advocacy that could constitute “incitement to discrimination.”

Critics are warning that allegations of “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories” have increasingly been used by powerful forces in government and Big Tech to silence true information and even core political speech.

Just this month, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee released a report blasting the “pseudoscience of disinformation.”

Among other concerns, the committee found this “pseudoscience” has been “weaponized” by what lawmakers refer to as the “Censorship Industrial Complex.”

The goal: silence constitutionally-protected political speech, mostly by conservatives.

"The pseudoscience of disinformation is now—and has always been—nothing more than a political ruse most frequently targeted at communities and individuals holding views contrary to the prevailing narratives,” states the congressional report, "The Weaponization of ‘Disinformation’ Pseudo-Experts and Bureaucrats."

Indeed, many of the policies called for by UNESCO have already been implemented by U.S.-based digital platforms, often at the behest of the Biden administration, the latest congressional report makes clear.


PREMO Member

At least 400 female and child migrants have been brutalized in 'rape tents' along infamous Darien Gap while making treacherous journey to the US, bombshell new report reveals

  • Tents set up in Central American jungle for sole purpose of raping migrant women, children who can't pay bribes to criminal gangs
  • Most victims of rape on migrant journey to US are women, but children as young as 11 years old also sexually assaulted
  • Men who tried to save women from rape were killed or beaten

'A 100-kilometer stretch of wilderness known as one of the most dangerous migrant crossings in the world - people report being subjected to kidnappings and rape in tents set up for that purpose,' Doctors Without Border said last week.

An estimated 460,000 migrants have crossed the Darien Gap so far this year in hopes of making it to the US.

Earlier this month, a caravan made of 7,000 migrants made its way through the treacherous pathway.

Armed groups of men demand money from migrants - most of whom have already spent their lives' savings just to make the trip north - just for being allowed through the Darien Gap.

Those who can't pay are subjected to abuse ranging from unwanted touching to rape in front of other migrants or in tents set up to assault victims.
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PREMO Member

Reports of Growing Income Inequality Are Greatly Exaggerated

But a new paper — “Income Inequality in the United States: Using Tax Data to Measure Long-Term Trends” — reaches a dramatically different conclusion: “Increasing government transfers and tax progressivity have resulted in rising real incomes for all income groups and little change in after-tax top income shares.”

The paper is the work of Gerald Auten and David Splinter. Auten works for the U.S. Treasury Department and Splinter for the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation. Both have stellar reputations as analysts. Their work, looking at pre-tax income, finds the income share of the top 1 percent has gone up only 2.6 percentage points since the early 1960s. For after-tax income, top income shares haven’t changed much at all.

Among the many reasons that Auten and Splinter conclude inequality hasn’t grown is that they include cash and in-kind transfers for the lower income groups, to better measure their true incomes. This is an approach taken by former Texas senator Phil Gramm, which NRO’s Dan McLaughlin wrote about last year.

Economist Tyler Cowen of George Mason University has reviewed the Auten and Splinter paper and concludes in his Bloomberg column: “At the very least, the presumption in favor of Piketty, Saez and Zucman is now gone. . . . When it comes to the most commonly cited statistic about income inequality — namely, the ascendancy of the top 1% — the dominant discourse has been misleading, if not outright wrong.”


PREMO Member
🚀 Reuters ran a story yesterday headlined, “Brazil increases northern border military presence amid Venezuela-Guyana spat -ministry.

A “spat” is one way to put it. Possibly thinking the world was getting too peaceful and too settled down, Venezuela’s communist government has suddenly and unexpectedly claimed to own two-thirds of the neighboring country of Guyana. The parts with the oil fields.

Apparently there was some kind of border dispute between the two countries two hundred years ago. So the Venezuelans are, apparently, saying enough is enough. Or some spicy Spanish words to that effect.

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In other words, it looks like Guyana is about to have a big fat border problem. And since the U.S. is the world’s police force, whether you called for police or not, our military could soon face yet another continent of war.

What allegedly brought the dispute to a head is Guyana’s discovery of significant oil reserves off its coast in recent days. Two days from now, Venezuelans will vote on a referendum about "the rights" to the disputed lands. Guyana filed an emergency request with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to block the referendum. It rules sometime today.

But Venezuela said the referendum will go forward no matter what the ICJ does.

For a lot of complicated and historical reasons, the Venezuela-Guyana conflict is likely to quickly spark into a regional flame, which is why Reuters reported that Brazil is sending troops to its northern border — in support of Venezuela. But there may be a simpler root cause. The analysts at Forward Observer speculated yesterday that the Russians are really behind the conflict, pushing the Venezuelans to create a third regional world conflict for the U.S. to police.

After all, applying Ukraine logic, we have no choice but to protect the peaceful, democracy-loving people of Guyana from the lunatic communist dictator in Caracas, as a message to other wannabe dictators not to invade other countries. I mean, we can either fight the communists over there or eventually fight them over here. Am I doing this right?

It’s stacking up. The United States is currently “maintaining peace” in both Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and adding a South American conflict would really test our military’s ability to handle three simultaneous theaters of war. And that’s not even counting the murky military situation surrounding Taiwan.

The Russians would benefit because the pressure of a regional South American conflict, piled on the Middle East, would make the failing Ukraine Proxy War that much less inviting for U.S. adventurism.

Biden’s bench is getting spread pretty thin. Soon, Secretary of State Antony Blinken won’t know what time zone he is supposed to be waking up in. Unless a miracle happens, this particular conflict will be especially thorny for Joe Biden, because he has been courting Venezuela’s dictatorial government as his backup plan to keep gas prices low during this election year. He can’t ignore it.



PREMO Member
🚀 Told you! Barron’s ran a story yesterday about world’s third regional conflict headlined, “US Holds Military Exercises In Guyana As Border Tensions Soar.

Last weekend, Venezuela revived a 200-year-old border dispute over the oil-rich Essequibo region, which has part of neighboring Guyana for well over a century. Venezuela has long claimed to hold the legal right to the Essequibo oil fields. On Sunday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro raised the stakes by holding a successful referendum over his plan to invade Essequibo.

The long-running dispute over the “Essequibo” region — about two-thirds of Guyana’s territory — is complicated, but really began ‘intensifying’ in 2015 when ExxonMobil discovered vast oil deposits. For some reason, perhaps because the U.S. is already occupied in two other theaters of World War, Maduro decided that right now, while Biden is still President for a year, might be a good time to invade Guyana.

In other words, it looks like Guyana is about to have a border problem much like Ukraine. And like the U.S. border! There wasn’t much publicly available about yesterday’s joint US-Guyana exercises, except that they happened. Brazil supports Venezuela and has sent military to its border with both countries.

I’m not saying our military, which is failing to meet all its minimum recruitment goals, is stretched thin or anything. I’m just saying.



PREMO Member

The Government has developed a dangerous affliction and is faced with intractable problems

The government has developed a dangerous affliction. Faced with intractable - maybe insoluble - problems, it has started to make policies on the basis of wishing them away, as if stating a much-desired outcome while ignoring serious obstacles could somehow bring it about. This is a species of what psychologists call “magical thinking”.

The first example on show this week was Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s “plan B” Bill to deter migrants from crossing the English Channel in small boats by sending them to Rwanda. One can pity Home Secretary James Cleverly for having to announce its details in the Commons knowing that his immigration minister Robert Jenrick had already resigned, but this wasn’t a great example of what Theresa May once called “strong and stable” government. On Friday, the Times reported that Sunak had been warned by lawyers that the plan would be “seriously impeded” because it “provides an easy way” for individuals to avoid deportation, and he now faces serious challenges over the policy from both the Tory left and right.

The second example was less widely reported. Defence Secretary Grant Shapps’s assertions that the best vehicle for governing Gaza when the war ends is the Palestinian Authority, and that the British Support Team, a military unit that has been training the PA’s security forces for many years, should play a vital role, with its “capacity” enhanced.

There is one immediately obvious problem with this prescription: the fact that the Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that it doesn’t think the PA should govern post-war Gaza at all. Another is that the PA is led by Mahmoud Abbas, who has a long history of making antisemitic statements. A third is that the months before October 7 saw a surge in terrorist attacks in the PA-governed West Bank - where Hamas still has strong support.


PREMO Member
🔥 Don’t cry for Argentina, because things are looking up in that socialism-suffering country. I need to find a new decoration for terrific counter-revolutionary stories like this one. It is so good that you won’t find it reported anywhere in corporate media; they’ve blacked it out so we don’t get too encouraged or something. Ready?

The People’s Gazette ran a story yesterday headlined, “Argentina's President Javier Milei reduces ministries from 18 to nine on first day in office. The sub-headline added, “President Milei immediately streamlined his government, consolidating federal ministries from 18 to nine on his first day in office.”

If there’s one thing that the former economist, “ultra right wing” politician, “Argentinian Trump,” and now President Javier Milei can’t stand, it’s marxists. And Argentinian marxists created hyper-inflationary conditions in Argentina (200% per year) basically wrecking the country’s economy. Then Argentinians elected a super-spicy, profane, almost over-the-top, just-short-of-a-caricature conservative who’s promised to surgically excise the left in that country using a chainsaw.

Literally. I’m not joking. He literally showed supporters the chainsaw he plans to use.

So yesterday, as his first official act after being sworn in, Milei fulfilled one of his grandest campaign promises and chainsawed the size and expense of his country’s federal government. He told Argentinians that righting the economic ship would be painful for a while, but the government would share their pain.

In other words, Milei is pursuing a radical conservative scheme of deregulation and privatization. He will be opposed by every leftwing group in the world seeking to ensure it fails, so that Argentina won’t become some kind of example to the rest of the world.

To my knowledge, nothing quite like this has happened, maybe ever, certainly not since the Cold War. The closest I could find was Sweden’s consolidation of 22 ministries into 11 in 1991 (which was more consolidation for management efficiency than it was cutting anything). Obviously, government does not voluntarily reduce itself. It always goes the other way. Even Greece under IMF-imposed austerity never reduced the size of its government as much as it appears Milei just did.

I don’t know Milei, and I have no conflicts about or investments in the man. But I would like to point out to all the black-pillers who poo-poo’d Milei’s election and called him a WEF mole, maybe just wait a minute before declaring nothing good could come from conservative sea-change in Argentina. As I’ve said before, the unfolding events there say more about the mental state of Argentina’s population — maybe even the world’s population — than it does about any particular candidate.

We should do the same thing here! I’d like to volunteer the full U.S. security state, the whole CDC, 90% of the FDA, the entire NIH, the Department of Energy, the EPA, and the Department of Education as initial cutting candidates here in America. That could be a good start. Start your chainsaws. Let’s goooooo!

A candidate that keeps his promises


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Albanese govt ‘failed to mention’ the ‘power’ it receives from misinformation bill​
