Global Gov Corruption


PREMO Member
📉 It did get worse! Forming a perfect trifecta of NATO chaos, Germany’s pro-Ukraine government is also facing an electoral crisis. The drumbeat of pessimistic headlines tell a remarkable story of how to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. For instance, Reuters ran this story two days ago:

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Two weeks ago, German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz went all-in on Biden. Politico ran this awkward, prophetic headline:

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Ruh-roh. I bet Scholz wishes he could take that back. In the history of bad takes, Scholz’s assurances about Biden’s critical leadership skills will surely earn him at least a runner-up award.

If Chancellor Scholz expected any political assistance from Team Biden, he’s sunk. Whatever else happens, Biden’s leaky ship of state has its own problems and is sailing toward Cloud Cuckoo Land. The best you can say is, unlike President Macron and Prime Minister Sunak, Chancellor Scholz was not dumb enough to call for snap elections after Germany’s EU vote shellacking by “far right” parties:

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The emerging global picture is a scene of total NATO disarray. At best, Biden is a political spent force. Every decision he makes from here on out will be instantly dissected under the harsh light of his enfeebled mental state, and will be tied down by an army of tiny Lilliputian questioners asking whether Hunter gave him that advice. And what world leader wants to side with a battered and mocked dementia patient?

The three biggest and most important NATO members, France, Germany, and Great Britain, are all now mired in the slough of “far right” despond, the Ukrainian Rasputitsa. And the anti-Proxy War parties are ascendant throughout Europe.

There’s lots more bad news for Biden and his neocons. For just one example, Hungary’s solidly anti-Ukraine, anti-immigration, pro-Trump Prime Minister Viktor Orban is taking his seat as the European Union President. His slogan? “Make Europe Great Again.” I am not making that up:

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At the start of the year, the globalist neocons appeared unassailably installed in world government. But now, just a few months later, it is falling apart faster than Ukraine’s shrinking army. Thank Heavens.



PREMO Member

French ‘feminists’ don skirts, go topless, and start mopping the floors in protest of the ‘far-right’ winning at the ballot box

They’ve got their bare boobs out, doing “housework” in a skirt and heels, looking cute enough with their makeup, all without the financial stability and safety net of a provider husband because…they’re mad about electoral results. Seriously, if you’re going to become a cliché male fantasy, at least get the serious benefits that a man brings to the table as a partner. Why give all that up for nothing in exchange?

If the relationship between men and women is all so gross and transactional, as leftist feminism routinely implies, then this little stunt just goes to show how truly incompetent leftist women are when they come to the bargaining table. Leftist feminism accuses men of being pigs who “only want one thing” which means any woman who adopts such an ideology and then acts like the woman epitomizes stupidity—a more intelligent woman would use that knowledge, and her femininity, to her advantage.

Shouldn’t embracing the “traditional wife” role be the dangling carrot to getting the benefits of a “traditional husband” role? The dynamic promoted by traditional conservatism, or the “far-right,” assumes that men are to be monogamous providers, loving and cherishing their wives, and this is objectively a good deal for a woman. You can work but you don’t have to, and you have a man to protect you physically, emotionally, and financially. It goes without saying that infidelity, neglect, or abuse are of course immoral behaviors, and would not be considered an accurate and good reflection of the traditional conservative male role—which is what these leftist feminists cling to when making their specious cases for progressive leftism.

I wasn’t the the only one taken aback by the irony though; OutKick’s Clay Travis said this on X:

French feminists are mopping topless to protest right wing success in elections. Finally a protest I can support.
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PREMO Member

France's triumphant left-wing coalition unveils its radical plans for government including a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich, lowering the retirement age and huge spending

France's radical left-wing coalition has vowed to bring in a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich following their shock election triumph on Sunday.
In a result that caught political commentators by surprise, the New Popular Front (NPF) emerged as the biggest party in the second round of the elections which ended in a deadlock, gaining 182 seats ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's centrist Ensemble party, on 168.

Marine Le Pen's populist right National Rally (RN), which won the first round of elections on June 30, performed poorly in the second round and only obtained 143 seats.

The NPF appears to be heading for a power struggle with President Macron - as he wants to be free to pick the next Prime Minister himself - against the backdrop of tensions and uncertainty in a country with a long history of political violence.

The NPF - a coalition put together just before the elections which include the socialists, the ecologists, the communists and the radical France Unbowed party - have not designated a candidate for French Prime Minister and the group's leaders met on Monday to try and agree upon who would be put forward for the job.

Manuel Bompard, coordinator of France Unbowed, said: 'We are preparing to govern, to apply the programme which is ours.'

The programme includes a 90 per cent tax rate on any annual income above €400,000, a reduction in the retirement age from 64 to 60, a block on the price of essential goods, a 14 per cent increase in minimum wage and spending commitments of at least €150 billion over three years.


PREMO Member

Let them Eat Bugs

Some of the more obscure headlines from around the world can be the most informative. Let’s face it—what happens in some other nation may already be happening in our own.

So, when the above headline caught my eye, it felt like time to dig a little deeper.

Sixteen species of insects, including crickets, locusts and silkworms, have been approved as food in Singapore, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) said on Monday.
“With immediate effect, [the] SFA will allow the import of insects and insect products belonging to species that have been assessed to be of low regulatory concern,” the agency said in a circular addressed to processed food and animal feed traders.
“These insects and insect products can be used for human consumption or as animal feed for food-producing animals.”
The SFA first conducted a public consultation on the regulation of insects and insect products in end-2022.
In April last year, the agency said that 16 species of insects would receive the green light for consumption in the second half of 2023, but the decision was pushed back.
Earlier this year, the SFA, said it was finalising the implementation details and aimed to introduce a regulatory framework in the first half of this year.
In late June, sources such as restaurants and potential farms said that the approval was imminent (Source: SCMP).

The article then goes on to mention that “The farming of insects for human food and for animal feed has been promoted by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization for their benefits as a sustainable form of protein.”

It turns out that the UN Food and Agricultural Organization has been working on using insects for food since 2003.

Despite having a home page on the topic, the links to the various regulatory issues, facts, and figures are all broken.

Clearly, those of us in the mis-dis-malinformed camp are causing some internal hiccups within the division of food and agriculture at the United Nations. So, let's all keep up the good work in exposing their horrific world plans.

To be clear, cricket and mealworm flour is being put into all sorts of processed foods in many countries, including the USA, and the labeling of such products is not always clear.

If you see Acheta protein in a product, know that it has been adulterated with insect protein (aka cricket protein powder)

Here is a map the producers of cricket flour in the USA as of August, 2023

.Note that although the FDA has issued some guidance on the topic, they are not regulating the edible insect market in any systematic way.

The problem with the lack of regulatory controls on insect products is that they carry specific risks to the general population, particularly people with shellfish allergies. This has been known for years, but even now - a slew of peer-reviewed papers are being published about the dangers of insects being added to foods without proper labeling.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Over the last few days, they’ve continued counting the votes in France. The totals explain why the globalists freaked out and escalated to this: Politico ran a story yesterday headlined, “Marine Le Pen hit by shock probe into 2022 presidential campaign funding.” The sudden and unexpected criminal investigation of France’s “far-right” leader was a shock only to corporate media reporters.


Numbers vary. But as far as I can tell, Le Pen’s “far right” party received around 10.5 million votes. The Commie Coalition of “far left” parties got around 7.5 million votes. And the now bantam-sized, “center-right” RINO party of Macron got only 6.2 million votes.

You might wonder why Le Pen’s party lost, despite getting the most votes. It was because France’s far-left and center-right candidates worked together. In each district where Le Pen might have won, one or the other opposing candidate dropped out at the last minute and told their voters to support the other candidate. So, while the majority of French voters wanted the “far right” party, they discovered that what they thought were two traditional opposing party systems are really just a uni-party.

Alas, the predictable result that shocked reporters was that Marine Le Pen is now finding out the hard way that no woman is above the law:

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That will teach her! Nowhere in Politico’s article did it wonder whether Le Pen’s sudden new criminal prosecution was politically motivated. Nor did it compare Le Pen’s legal problems with the Orange Man.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 However bad you may think things are, it could be worse. A lot worse. We could be France. Consider several headlines yesterday about that country’s cheesy recent elections. The first headline explained—according to France’s sitting president, mind you— “no one won”:


So. Next up, Bloomberg said le rats are departing le ship:

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And then came this wild headline, suggesting Politico’s aggravated headline editors just threw their hands up in the air, and asked the question that everyone is asking:

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What the heck is going on? That’s what we’d like to know!

Jeff’s Rule of Modern Journalist 212: when a corporate media headline poses a question, the article never answers that question. Don’t bother reading it.



PREMO Member

France 'on the brink of financial meltdown' as 'rich to flee country over 90 percent tax'

France is on the verge of a “financial crisis” and consequent economic decline after the surprise success of a hard left coalition in this weekend’s elections, the country’s outgoing finance minister Bruno Le Maire has warned.

Speaking on the political situation, UK-based banking expert Bob Lyddon has told the result signals an end to Emmanuel Macron’s policy of “controlling debt and public spending”, warning the inevitable “deadlock” is no better than a victory for Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally.

In a possible hint at future chaos, riot police clashed with left-wing demonstrators in Paris on Sunday evening.

The hastily assembled Popular Front (NFP) - spearheaded by left-wingers including former Presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon - is pledging to increase public spending by £125 billion if they successfully form a government.


PREMO Member

Xi Jinping and China: Running Out of Time, Ready to Strike

Whether he goes to war or not, he is getting ready to do so. Both the Financial Times and CNN have reported that businesses have been establishing military units inside their organizations. "Chinese Companies Are Raising Militias Like It's the 1970s," the cable network reported.

Xi is engaged in the fastest military buildup since the Second World War. In addition, he is purging military officers opposed to war, trying to sanction-proof his regime, stockpiling grain and other commodities, surveying the U.S. for nuclear weapons strikes, and mobilizing civilians for war. At the same time, he is reasserting state control over the economy, financial markets, and virtually all other aspects of society. He is, in short, bringing back totalitarian controls to China.

Those controls are, among other things, choking the economy. Beijing on July 15 reported 4.7% year-on-year GDP growth in the second quarter, but that number is hard to reconcile with signs of a stagnating economy. The country, for instance, is flirting with deflation, which is inconsistent with the reported robust expansion.

The problem is that Xi refuses to empower consumers so that they can create a consumption-based economy. Why would he reject near-unanimous advice to put money into the hands of ordinary Chinese? Among other reasons, doing so would undercut his efforts to build a wartime economy.

"Xi Jinping's propagandists desperately try to paper over the fact that there is a growing crisis of confidence in his regime to reverse the economic decline caused by the re-imposition of neo-Stalinist Mao-era policies," Charles Burton of the Prague-based think tank Sinopsis told Gatestone. "His repudiation of the progressive 'opening and reform' agenda of Deng Xiaoping and his successors has led to a severe downward spiral. This is matched by increasingly popular dissatisfaction with Xi's repressive personality cult leadership."


PREMO Member

Quelle Surprise: Much of the Funding Against Europe's 'Far-Right' Came From NGO's

These shady, massive, non-government agencies seem as if they're Europe's version of Soros and lefty American tech billionaires, only they're cloaked in an aura of goodness and light, whereas Soros et al. are as dark as money gets.

It also helps that where Soros's money is his own, these NGOs derive their income from?

The European Union coffers.

Neat little circle of self-interest there, no?

EU-funded NGOs are behind attempts to rally the European Parliament against the so-called “far-right”, it has been revealed.
A Brussels Signal investigation has uncovered evidence that advertising campaigns asking centrist and left-wing politicians to fight against hard-right political groups have the backing of state-funded organisations.
In one ad campaign run in Politico’s Brussels Playbook several times in June, an open letter was promoted that attacked the Sweden Democrats (SD), Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), labelling all three as “far-right”.
It went on to order new MEPs arriving in Brussels for the first time to refuse to work with these politicians.
Other adverts run as part of the campaign included cartoon versions of various EU leaders being manipulated by Italian PM Giorgia Meloni, RN parliamentary leader Marine Le Pen, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

So what the EU has been doing is surreptitiously undermining the duly elected populist members who were elected to the new parliament in spite of all their anti-ring-wing hysteria machinations beforehand.

This is pretty dirty pool.

They have farmed money out like crazy to demonize the conservative parties, their new MEPs (member of the European Parliament) and to stymie their effectiveness working together in the Parliament against Von der Leyen's agenda


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 The UK Daily Mail ran a very odd story yesterday headlined, “Paris is hit by a 'power blackout', claim social media users.” What? Which was it? A blackout, or social media “claims?” A smattering of media covered the story, and bizarrely, while not denying it happened, they all reported widespread power outages in the French capital as “unconfirmed.”

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Unconfirmed? Just when you think the media can’t get any more moronic, they come up with something like this. How many reporters do you suppose are in Paris right now to cover the games? How is it possible for a major world city, the location of the 33rd Summer Olympics, to have an “unconfirmed” power outage?

Well, it is Paris we are talking about. So, maybe. But which is weirder? A city-wide power-outage right after the irreverent Olympic organizers were practically begging for a lightning bolt? Or that the unholy media can’t confirm whether it happened?

Apart from the mysterious, unconfirmable power outage, what was confirmed was a whole lot of Olympic-sized misfortune. First, torrential rain spoiled lots of outdoor Olympic events (including the godless opening ceremonies). One fan, Marc Hobes, 25, who lives in Paris and eats croissants like they’re going out of style, said, “This is not typical weather. For a tennis fan like me, this is very bad luck and also for Paris.”

It could be ‘bad luck,’ and not Divine Justice. According to the Mail, the torrential downpour caused all sorts of problems, like in the cycling events, with several competitors crashing on the capital’s slick streets.

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Here’s another one, in a short video clip:

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Biblical downpours and crashing cyclists were not even close to all the bad luck infecting the ceremonies. The New York Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “More Trains, but Few Answers, After Railway Sabotage in France.” Apparently, unidentified arsonists —probably Russians— attacked France’s high-speed rail network early Friday, paralyzing travel to Paris from across Europe for over 800,000 people, including many Olympic athletes who’d been heading to the controversial grand opening ceremony, but couldn’t get there in time, providentially rescued from the wicked, eyeball-searing show.

But wait! There’s more. In perhaps the most ironic headline of all, from the Wall Street Journal:

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“Pollution” is a nice way of saying the Seine became a river of sh… dung. Dangerously high e-coli levels precluded anyone sane from getting anywhere near the water, although anecdotal reports suggested Kamala Harris was seen gaily splashing around. But I can’t confirm that either.

Outraged social media gangs drew a line straight from the sacrilegious opening ceremonies to all the bad luck, including baffling railway sabotage, ‘unconfirmed’ city-wide blackouts, execrable river conditions, and Noahic weather. I think there is a whole chapter in the Book of Revelation about that.

Anyway. I’m not saying anything. I report, you decide.
