Global Gov Corruption


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Putin Wins Transparent Russian Reelection, Biden Calls it a Dictatorship – Zelensky Cancels Ukraine Elections, Biden Calls it a Democracy

March 18, 2024 | Sundance | 14 Comments

It really is a transparently obvious contrast that highlights how far the west has fallen. Russia holds transparent elections and Vladimir Putin wins 87% of the vote, resoundingly being reelected; yet Biden calls it a dictatorship. Meanwhile Ukraine cancels all elections, Zelensky declares the political opposition party unlawful; yet Biden calls it a democracy.

The totalitarian areas and liberty areas are ideologically inverting as a direct outcome of western governments deliberately cleaving the globe. What they call “globalism” is actually a fracturing of the international compact. This reality is now transparent and obvious to the ordinary person, and the Ukraine vs Russia example stands as direct evidence of just how abusive the Western government gaslighting has become.
"Transparent" elections. How many hundreds of TikTok videos were there showing people having to vote with a uniformed soldier with a gun an arms distance away literally staring at them. Or the videos of protesters running in and dumping ink on in the ballot box to protest? Opposition leaders dying being the expectation.


PREMO Member
"Transparent" elections. How many hundreds of TikTok videos were there showing people having to vote with a uniformed soldier with a gun an arms distance away literally staring at them.

You gotta admit... It's transparent. :sshrug:


PREMO Member

This is What a Rigged Election Looks Like

Machado hoped that a clear win in the primary would embarrass the socialist government into allowing her on the ballot, but in January the country's Supreme Court, which is made up of Maduro loyalists, ruled she would not be allowed to run.

Apparently ruling her out of the process wasn't enough for Maduro. Last week, his government announced that it was arresting her campaign manager and other members of her staff.

Venezuela’s top prosecutor on Wednesday announced arrest warrants for the presidential campaign manager of opposition powerhouse María Corina Machado and eight other staffers, accusing them involvement in a violent anti-government conspiracy...
Saab said the warrants stemmed from what he called a confession by another Machado staff member, Emill Brandt, who was detained earlier this month and whose attorney, Omar Mora, told The Associated Press he has been denied legal counsel of his choice.
Machado, who has insisted on pressing forward with her campaign despite an administrative ban on her holding office, accused the government of unleashing “brutal repression against my campaign teams.”
The announcement of the arrest warrants came hours after an independent panel of experts investigating human rights violations in Venezuela told the U.N. Human Rights Council that the government of President Nicolás Maduro had increased repression efforts against real or perceived opponents ahead of this year’s presidential election.

The arrest of Machado's political coordinator, Dignora Hernández, was caught on video. That's her screaming for help as a group of police shove her into the back of an SUV.


PREMO Member

Botswana threatens to send 20,000 elephants to Germany in trophy hunting row

Earlier this year Germany’s environment ministry raised the possibility of stricter limits on the import of hunting trophies over poaching concerns. But a ban on the import of hunting trophies would only impoverish Botswanans, Mokgweetsi Masisi told German daily Bild.

The African leader argued that conservation efforts have led to an explosion in the number of elephants and that hunting is an important means to keep them in check. Botswana banned trophy hunting in 2014 but lifted the restrictions in 2019 under pressure from local communities. The country now issues annual hunting quotas.

Herds of elephants were causing damage to property, eating crops and trampling residents, Masisi told the German paper.

“It is very easy to sit in Berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in Botswana. We are paying the price for preserving these animals for the world,” he said.

Germans should “live together with the animals, in the way you are trying to tell us to”.

“This is not a joke,” said Masisi, whose country has seen its elephant population grow to some 130,000.


PREMO Member

Marxist Globalists Will Resort to Terror and Violence

By J.B. Shurk

It is important to understand that censorship does not occur in a vacuum. It is a symptom of a worsening disease. It is an early indicator of the political repression to come. Like a canary in a coal mine, the criminalization of speech forewarns that State-sponsored terror and murder are not far away. First, certain words and thoughts are banned. Next, certain people are rounded up and imprisoned. Finally, certain “enemies of the State” are executed quite publicly. The imposition of fear supersedes the rule of law. Terrorism undergirds social order. Oppression replaces popular support.

What is happening in the West today is a concentrated push for global communism. We could bicker about precise definitions — whether we are under attack from Marxists, socialists, Leninists, Trotskyites, Maoists, or other “revolutionaries” — but the end goal is clear. A small group of global “elites” seek to use ideological and economic leverage to centralize political power and direct all human activity. They seek the abolition of private property. They seek absolute control over individual lives and local communities. They are rebuilding twentieth-century totalitarianism with the privacy-destroying surveillance technologies of the twenty-first century.

Most Western nations are working together to promote a public vision that achieves their private totalitarian goals. Governments do not care about “hate speech”; they are dedicated to seizing control of the press, punishing dissent, censoring political opposition, and regulating public debate. Governments do not care about “climate change”; they are dedicated to seizing control over all economic activity by first establishing a monopoly on available energy. Governments do not care about “systemic racism,” “social justice,” or “income inequality”; they are dedicated to maximizing social divisions and distorting the meaning of fundamental rights, so that they may undermine long-cherished personal liberties. Governments do not care about “gun violence”; they are dedicated to disarming their populations and making it impossible for them to fight back against tyranny. Governments do not care about minimizing vicious and costly wars; they are dedicated to distracting their citizens with false threats to their personal security. Governments do not care about maintaining the integrity and value of their monetary currencies; they are dedicated to printing and spending money that inflates household costs, taxes middle class savings, maximizes Wall Street profits, and increases welfare dependency. Governments do not need to create central bank digital currencies to stave off economic disaster; they are dedicated to creating economic disasters, so that they can justify a future communist system that runs on privacy-destroying CBDCs.


PREMO Member
The Left’s Hypocritical Love Affair With ISLAMISM - Nuriyah Khan (4k) | heretics. 41



PREMO Member

'Between Caliphate And Dictatorship'

What a day this has been. I never imagined that I would witness the banning of a peaceful political meeting in a supposedly free and democratic country. But that’s what nearly happened today in Belgium — in Brussels, the capital of the European Union.

I say “nearly,” because despite the attempts by the municipal government, aided by the police and urged on by Antifa, the National Conservatism conference went on, though in a much constrained fashion. After having two venues cancel on us at the last minute, under pressure by both the mayor of Brussels, and two district mayors, police entered the Claridge event space with the intention of shutting the meeting down.

They were greeted by a wall of TV cameras from press covering the event, and apparently thought better of it. What they did was to station themselves outside the doors (see photo above), and to refuse to let people enter. If you left the building for any reason at all, you were not allowed back in. They were clearly hoping to choke off the event without staging a spectacle that would be beamed around the world by the gathered media.

Eric Zemmour, who ran for president of France, was refused entrance. Here is the moment:
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Well-Known Member
So, they want to shut down NatCon because nutcases opposed to them MIGHT get violent? Am I right?

Why do they have police at all?


PREMO Member
So, they want to shut down NatCon because nutcases opposed to them MIGHT get violent? Am I right?

Why do they have police at all?
Obviously to crush unapproved speech.

Like the way Democrats use the FBI and Justice Dept.


PREMO Member

The Brussels gangster state

For yet another Socialist Party Brussels mayor, Emir Kir, issued an order to shut down the conference. His reasons were

that [NatCon’s] vision is not only ethically conservative (e.g. hostility to the legalisation of abortion, same-sex unions, etc.) but also focused on the defence of “national sovereignty”, which implies, amongst other things, a “Eurosceptic” attitude…

He also said that some of the speakers “are reputed to be traditionalists” and that the conference must be banned “to avoid foreseeable attacks on public order and peace”.

Mayor Kir, a man of Turkish origin who reportedly supports the Islamist president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, then got to work using mafia-style tactics to get the conference shut down.

After his order was issued, three police officers turned up at the back of the hall demanding a shutdown with “immediate effect” on the grounds that the opinions of Farage, Braverman and other speakers could lead to public disorder. When the TV cameras swivelled round to film the police, however, they beat a retreat outside, doubtless aware that being seen to shut down prominent European politicians wouldn’t be a good look.

In the negotiation that followed, the police said they would shut the conference down only “gradually”. What that meant was that they wouldn’t storm the venue to throw everyone out, but they wouldn’t let anyone in and if anyone left they wouldn't be allowed back.

The mayor’s lackeys repeatedly threatened the Tunisian-Belgian owner of the Claridge, Lassaad Ben Yaghlane, to force him to cancel the conference. They towed away his car, threatened his family and said they would take away the venue’s licence to put him out of business. They forced the company providing security for the conference to cancel its contract. They did the same to the companies providing catering services such as crockery or food. They threatened to cut off the venue’s electricity.


PREMO Member
Meanwhile in the London Melting Pot ....

A Black and a Paki or Indian mix it up in the streets

[ low key glad NO Whites were involved ]
