Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’


I bowl overhand
I know the story behind Chernobyl, but many folks think of that and Three Mile Island and get panicky.

The top issues concerning nuke plants are 1-security, 2-disposal of nuclear waste, 3-proper training and safety precautions, 4-local government preparedness and citizen education of what to do in the event of an emergency.

How many people died from the melt down at Chernobyl??


mmmm donuts!

Mmmm... Forbidden Donut

Mmmm... Apple
Mmmm... Barbecue
Mmmm... Beer
Mmmm... Beer Nuts
Mmmm... Bowling Fresh
Mmmm... Burger
Mmmm... Business Deal
Mmmm... Candy
Mmmm... Caramel
Mmmm... Chicken
Mmmm... Chocolate
Mmmm... Convenient
Mmmm... Crumbled-up Cookie Things
Mmmm... Cupcakes
Mmmm... Danish
Mmmm... Donuts
Mmmm... Elephant Fresh
Mmmm... Fattening
Mmmm... Fifty Dollar Pretzel
Mmmm... Fish
Mmmm... Foot-long Chili Dog
Mmmm... Free Goo
Mmmm... Grapefruit
Mmmm... Gummi Beer
Mmmm... Ham
Mmmm... Hamburgers
Mmmm... Hippo
Mmmm... Hog Fat
Mmmm... Hors Do-Vers (Hors D'oeuvres)
Mmmm... Hug
Mmmm... Incapacitating
Mmmm... Invisible Cola
Mmmm... The Land Of Chocolate
Mmmm... Loganberry
Mmmm... Marge
Mmmm... Marshmallows
Mmmm... McNuggetts
Mmmm... Me
Mmmm... Mediciney
Mmmm... Memo
Mmmm... Open Faced Club Sandwich
Mmmm... Organized Crime
Mmmm... Ovulicious
Mmmm... Pancakes
Mmmm... Pi
Mmmm... Pie Pants
Mmmm... Pistol Whip
Mmmm... Pointy
Mmmm... Potato Chips
Mmmm... Purple
Mmmm... Recirculated Air
Mmmm... Sacrelicious
Mmmm... Salty
Mmmm... Shrimp
Mmmm... Sixty-four Slices of American Cheese
Mmmm... Slanty
Mmmm... Snouts
Mmmm... Something
Mmmm... Soylent Green
Mmmm... Spaghetti
Mmmm... Split Pea...*gasp*...with ham!
Mmmm... Sprinkles
Mmmm... Strained Peas
Mmmm... Sugar Walls
Mmmm... Turbulent
Mmmm... Unexplained Bacon
Mmmm... Unprocessed Fish Sticks
Mmmm... Urinal Fresh
Mmmm... Various Eggs

But I digress....


I bowl overhand
...and millions! Or was it 50 or so?


The media was spouting numbers in TENS of thousands.. and the total number to include the flght crews that flew THROUGH the radiation cloud to seal the reactor..


If you were one of the 34 it would still suck, but not very disastrous as far as disaster goes..

now they are saying that some of the towns and villages they thought would be uninhabitable for a thousand years can now be re populated.

There was a photo journal from a Biker on one of the BMW sites.. Her father was the area controller, and she got permission to ride through.. SPOOKY pictures, but evidence of people already living in the vacant buildings and houses.
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Lem Putt

That is... until the giant mutated man-eating rabbits and Ukranian Bull Worms began attacking.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

2. How many people died as an immediate result of the accident?

The initial explosion resulted in the death of two workers. Twenty-eight of the firemen and emergency clean-up workers died in the first three months after the explosion from Acute Radiation Sickness and one of cardiac arrest.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I saw that...

There was a photo journal from a Biker on one of the BMW sites.. Her father was the area controller, and she got permission to ride through.. SPOOKY pictures, but evidence of people already living in the vacant buildings and houses.

...somewhere. That was very, very cool!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

From the initial incident.

Here is a publication concerning the long-term environmental impact of the Chernobyl disaster.

...take that accident, caused by human error and design flaws yet totally preventable and it's worst case long term affects compared to the affects of fossil fuel use both on humans and the environment, whatever they may be, that are, by definition, going to happen no matter of design or error or accident or act of a god.

Where would we be now if rational thought went into the nuke debate 30 years ago?

What of the Middle East?
Environmental impact?
Human health?

I'm just saying.


New Member
The moon sounds like a good place to send the spent rods..

But look at the size weight of the spent rods acompared to the TONS of pollutants a single coal plant puts into the air..

Do you know a coal plant (being much less regulated) spews about 10 times more radiation into the atmoshere then does a nuke plant??

Remember "Space 1999", the nuclear waste caused a magnetic explosion on the Moon, sending it and Moonbase Alpha adrift in space.

Also, do you remember the comotion over using nuclear powered satelite, I think it was Cassini?

As long as the uneducated control the science and engineering in this country, we are doomed. The greens like any new source of power until it is implemented. They cried for wind power, now claim the windmills are killing birds.