Go Palin Go Away


my war
Since you provided no link, I can't check up on it but, do you figure the author and whatever forum they presented their thoughts in, have a financial interest in Palins success? Or, they just help her stay relevant out of some sort of general political altruism?

Post #2


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Palin's a snark queen. CPAC loves her because, man she's good at delivering a snarky punchline. IMO, making her the keynote speaker at CPAC every single year really takes the stage away from younger conservatives who actually deal in policy. Palin got all the attention at CPAC again :yay: at what cost to the "conservative" brand.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Pete's posts nailed it.

Obama sucks. We know this. We've heard it for years. Okay. So, what are conservatives going to do that's different? All the keynote speech told us was that Obama sucks.
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Well-Known Member
You idiots seem quite upset with a woman who isnt running for any political office, who I see as a citizen allowed to speak her mind.....do you jerkoffs get angry when Sistah Soljah rambles on??? Dennis Rodman speaks out??? Chris Matthew quivvering orgasmic leg???


b*tch rocket
You idiots seem quite upset with a woman who isnt running for any political office


I adore Sara Palin. I wouldn't really want to see her run for any political office, but I like her, to include her snark. That is what you get to do when you aren't running for political office. JMHO. :shrug:



you'd think it the progresses hated Palin so much, they would quit using so much ink to print her name

On the contrary, if I were on the left I would keep her out front at all costs. She turns independents off and enrages their base. As long as they have her doing their job for them they don't need to do anything.

The right should do the same thing with Ried and Pelosi and the host of other incredibly stupid and snarky leftists. I would link Clinton or whomever wins their nomination with Obama's failed policies, Harry and Nancy every chance I got. Remember "Bush's failed policies" was Obama's #1 talking point and Bush wasn't even running. Associate their nominee with the stupidity of their leadership constantly. Pretty soon Clinton would have to turn on Ried, Pelosi and Obama. Once the infighting starts they self destruct. Sound familiar?


You idiots seem quite upset with a woman who isnt running for any political office, who I see as a citizen allowed to speak her mind.....do you jerkoffs get angry when Sistah Soljah rambles on??? Dennis Rodman speaks out??? Chris Matthew quivvering orgasmic leg???

When the democrats invite Sistah Soljah, Dennins Rodman or Chris Mathews to deliver the keynote speech at their premier event your poinnt will be relevant.


my war
You idiots seem quite upset with a woman who isnt running for any political office, who I see as a citizen allowed to speak her mind.....do you jerkoffs get angry when Sistah Soljah rambles on??? Dennis Rodman speaks out??? Chris Matthew quivvering orgasmic leg???

You make zero sense at all.


New Member
People who make fun at Sarah Palin and call her stupid are perfectly happy with having an American Traitor as Secretary of State.

A man who lied about being in Cambodia, about tossing his medals over a fence, about American soldiers who were in combat, who divorced a rich wife so he could marry a richer one. A man with a "magic hat', who killed a wounded Vietnamese soldier, which is a war crime. A man who got a Purple Heart for a rice wound, and 2 others for Band-Aid wounds that allowed him to leave a war zone. A coward and war criminal they make Secretary of State and they call Sarah Palin stupid.
94 Senators voted to make this man SOS and we call Sarah stupid. I know of 94 Senators who are stupid.

WE have Nancy Pelosi who forced through the worst law and most Unconstitutional law in the history of our nation, who cannot get her lips loose from Obama's butt and we call Sarah Palin stupid.

End of rant./

This is why you are such a moron. (well besides your inability to do basic math, understand words with more than 2 syllables and so on and so forth))

You said not one thing to show why Palin has the least bit of intelligence. All you can do is slam the other side.

Palin proved during the campaign and has continued to prove since what an intellectual nightmare she is. But as long as she says "I Hate Obama" or "I hate Obamacare" you and those like you put her up on a pedestal.

The inability for Ms. Palin to form complete sentences, read newspapers, or understand the functions of our financial system has not one damn thing to do with who is Secretary of State. Nor does someone who dislikes Ms. Palin automatically fawn over Mr. Kerry.

These are the things that make you a moron.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
This is why you are such a moron. (well besides your inability to do basic math, understand words with more than 2 syllables and so on and so forth))

You said not one thing to show why Palin has the least bit of intelligence. All you can do is slam the other side.

Palin proved during the campaign and has continued to prove since what an intellectual nightmare she is. But as long as she says "I Hate Obama" or "I hate Obamacare" you and those like you put her up on a pedestal.

The inability for Ms. Palin to form complete sentences, read newspapers, or understand the functions of our financial system has not one damn thing to do with who is Secretary of State. Nor does someone who dislikes Ms. Palin automatically fawn over Mr. Kerry.

These are the things that make you a moron.

So your saying that Sarah Palin is just a small step above Joe Biden in intellect?


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
You idiots seem quite upset with a woman who isnt running for any political office, who I see as a citizen allowed to speak her mind.....do you jerkoffs get angry when Sistah Soljah rambles on??? Dennis Rodman speaks out??? Chris Matthew quivvering orgasmic leg???

She delivers the keynote speech at the CPAC every single year. When she makes a snarky little statement, it becomes a key talking point for American Conservatives. When she says something stupid, Conservative pundits and politicians bend over backwards and twist themselves in to pretzels to defend and vindicate her. Conservative pundits and politicians have forfeited arguments that would win over Independents and even some Liberals on "Obamacare" because vindicating Palin was more important.

Palin is the voice and face of the Republican Party.

Instead of giving ideas on what to do after "Obamacare" is repealed (which isn't as easy as the TEA Party tries to claim it is) or how to fix the economy and get Americans back to work or policies to rebuild the Middle Class that Bush and Obama have annihilated, the premier conservative convention was a right wing snarkfest capped off by Palin's keynote snark speech.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
On the contrary, if I were on the left I would keep her out front at all costs. She turns independents off and enrages their base. As long as they have her doing their job for them they don't need to do anything.

The right should do the same thing with Ried and Pelosi and the host of other incredibly stupid and snarky leftists. I would link Clinton or whomever wins their nomination with Obama's failed policies, Harry and Nancy every chance I got. Remember "Bush's failed policies" was Obama's #1 talking point and Bush wasn't even running. Associate their nominee with the stupidity of their leadership constantly. Pretty soon Clinton would have to turn on Ried, Pelosi and Obama. Once the infighting starts they self destruct. Sound familiar?

#nailedit RE:palin. Even a lot of Conservatives hate her because, as long as she's the voice and face of the party, their ideas won't get heard.

As for 2016 -- difference is, Democrats will probably run away from Obama and I'm not convinced they'll nominate Clinton. That'll be a stark contrast from Republicans in 2008. They never mentioned Bush, but they never distanced themselves from his policies either. In fact, they still embraced many of his policies. There's a reason John McCain was nicknamed "McSame".

Thing to keep in mind: A lot of Liberals are speaking out against Obama on a variety of issues and have been for quite some time. And a great many more Liberals have simply given up on Obama. At this point in Bush's presidency, Republicans were still fighting to vindicate Bush.
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Instead of giving ideas on what to do after "Obamacare" is repealed (which isn't as easy as the TEA Party tries to claim it is)

??? You don't pay attention much, apparently; that sounded like a lefty talking point..verbatim. There have been an array of proposals, first of all, and I've seen precious little connection between any of those proposals and any of the various Tea Party groups.

Typical discussion here:



Keep Calm and Don't Care!
??? You don't pay attention much, apparently; that sounded like a lefty talking point..verbatim. There have been an array of proposals, first of all, and I've seen precious little connection between any of those proposals and any of the various Tea Party groups.

Typical discussion here:


I'm well aware of what goes on so you can cut the condescending bull####.

Tom Coburn. Richard Burr. Orrin Hatch. Three Senators who wear the "RINO" label. So, no, you don't get to revise history and act like they're TEA Party champions and that you guys have come up with the plan.

As the article accurately points out, the base wants to repeal Obamacare, go back to the broken system we had before and be done with it. Once that repeal happens, a proposal like this will be met instantly with Conservative balking at it and calling elected representatives "RINOs".


Well-Known Member
She's smart enough to know how to work people like rump ranger salvador-nonothing.



Well-Known Member
This is why you are such a moron. (well besides your inability to do basic math, understand words with more than 2 syllables and so on and so forth))

You said not one thing to show why Palin has the least bit of intelligence. All you can do is slam the other side.

Palin proved during the campaign and has continued to prove since what an intellectual nightmare she is. But as long as she says "I Hate Obama" or "I hate Obamacare" you and those like you put her up on a pedestal.

The inability for Ms. Palin to form complete sentences, read newspapers, or understand the functions of our financial system has not one damn thing to do with who is Secretary of State. Nor does someone who dislikes Ms. Palin automatically fawn over Mr. Kerry.

These are the things that make you a moron.

You believe Sarah Palin who was actually a Governor--and a successful one --does not understand the functions of our financial system, ,when she left Alaska she left it with a 2 Billion dollar surplus


and yet you watch a Community Organizer with no experience whatsoever place us 16 Trillion dollars in debt, and you think he understands the functions of a financial system?
This same B-ball playing , golf playing dildo also promised us we would save money with his Health care , and that was a lie and has cost many twice what they were paying and doubled and tripled their deductible.
An intellectual nightmare? She has faced the scorn and angst of most every liberal pundit alive and they haven't got a thing on her. They have never proven anything she said was wrong. John McCain would not have gotten half the votes he got without her.

Then you call me a moron. You believe in Obama a man who has 38% approval ,and that from blacks, illegal immigrants, entitlement voters, and white guilt mental midgets, and you call me a moron. The only people who still back Obama are those who are so wrapped up and involved in his corruption that they want him to stay so they can steal more.

The only thing that makes me a moron is answering one of your posts when you are too cowardly to come back and present a cogent argument.
You only come in drop your turd in the punch bowl and run like the coward you are.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
you are too cowardly to come back and present a cogent argument.
You only come in drop your turd in the punch bowl and run like the coward you are.

That's ole sweet cheeks in a nutshell. I'm just humoring her to see if she'll post a selfie one of these days. I'm betting she has purdy lips.