Go Palin Go Away


mama to two
Sarah represents patriotism and family values. She is so wholesome that she sends the Left into tizzies because they can't deal with who and what she stands for, and it short circuits their lobotomies. When the Left went off about her $150,000 campaign wardrobe back when she was running for VP should have been the writing on the wall for any future criticism! Go, Sarah! :patriot:


Well-Known Member
However it might have been "broken", it was vastly superior to the continually unfolding disaster that is Obamacare.

Amen Brother Amen.

The old system could have used some tune ups but this new mess needs a tune up every day and it just keeps getting worse.


I bowl overhand
I agree. Don't disagree with anything she really said but her delivery was bad. Almost a caricature. The more she draws the light away from serious candidates the worse off the right will suffer in 2016.

She turns off too many people with her snark. If I am marketing a product I don't want my spokes person to be someone who irritates the target audience.

I don';t have an issue with it.. She did what she did, and now it's in the press.. I think she knows her political career, as far as running for office is concerned, is over.. now she's just trying to tell the story to as many people as she can.

How many democrats would have just "flipped the page" to an article about Palin, but how many are reading THIS article to find more ways to make fun of her? In the process they are reading (probably not comprehending, but reading) the messages she wants to communicate to them.

The target audience (steadfast Republicans) obviously can't win elections, so they need to find ways to get the message to people normally not receptive to the messages.


Well-Known Member
Ya know this may not be so pertinent to this thread, but I have seen this ugly bald headed Democrat tool called the Snakehead, AKA James Carville.
Now there isn't an uglier man either in appearance or personality on the face of this earth and his assemblage of ugly statements is unchallenged bar none.

Now along comes Sarah Palin, and at one speech the Dr. Seuss like verbage can be considered a bit juvenile.
She is a fine looking intelligent woman who is nowhere as nasty as Snakehead, but because her politics do not conform to the Democrats they attack her like she was Medusa, and all the time they praise the Snakehead.

They are both political commentators. At this time neither is running for office and they are free Americans using Free Speech.
Why is it that Democrats are so frightened of her if they feel her opinions are bad?


I bowl overhand
Palin proved during the campaign and has continued to prove since what an intellectual nightmare she is. But as long as she says "I Hate Obama" or "I hate Obamacare" you and those like you put her up on a pedestal.

These are the things that make you a moron.
So please provide proof of her intellectual Nightmare..


I don';t have an issue with it.. She did what she did, and now it's in the press.. I think she knows her political career, as far as running for office is concerned, is over.. now she's just trying to tell the story to as many people as she can.

How many democrats would have just "flipped the page" to an article about Palin, but how many are reading THIS article to find more ways to make fun of her? In the process they are reading (probably not comprehending, but reading) the messages she wants to communicate to them.

The target audience (steadfast Republicans) obviously can't win elections, so they need to find ways to get the message to people normally not receptive to the messages.

That is my point. Hardcore right will vote right, hardcore left will vote left. It is the leaners and independents they need to sway. If the "spokesperson for the GOP" turns people off at the first syllable how many new people are going to vote GOP? Like it or not charisma and likability trumps everything in the US political spectrum.


Well-Known Member
That is my point. Hardcore right will vote right, hardcore left will vote left. It is the leaners and independents they need to sway. If the "spokesperson for the GOP" turns people off at the first syllable how many new people are going to vote GOP? Like it or not charisma and likability trumps everything in the US political spectrum.

Money is the trump. Steny Hoyer has the likeability and charisma of a tree stump, but money keeps getting him elected.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is my point. Hardcore right will vote right, hardcore left will vote left. It is the leaners and independents they need to sway. If the "spokesperson for the GOP" turns people off at the first syllable how many new people are going to vote GOP? Like it or not charisma and likability trumps everything in the US political spectrum.

That's one of those 'say it often enough and people will think it is true' things.

John McCain, Chuck Schumer, Charlie Rangle, DiFi, Steny, Pelosi, McConnell, you look at a great many national figures, of both parties, and there isn't a shred of charisma or likability. They all posses the ONE thing that IS omnipotent; Persistence. Several of those people exude 'mean'. Sheila Jackson Lee wins, I think, because she comes off as so mean.

Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

Does it help? Sure. But, it does NOT trump everything. How could anyone be more charismatic and likeable than Romney was? And how could anyone exude more disdain than Obama did this last time around?

And, more to the point, IF, a big if, IF we, the people, actually believe in smaller government, then, appealing to 'leaners' isn't going to yield any effective results if we DO win. By any objective measure of growth of government, spending, interference with our lives, George W. Bush should be a progressive icon but, his defenders, repeatedly, try and paint him as this person we're supposed to miss amidst the disaster of MORE government that Obama is. Bush doubled the debt. Obama hasn't, at least not yet. Bush added enormous, deeply intrusive departments. Obama is working on it.

Point is, the GREAT advantage the GOP has is one it does not want, nor deserves; a reputation for being the 'small gummint' party AND, that has NOT even been tried. 2016 is most likely going to be an opportunity for the GOP to run the show again, House, Senate and WH. If we do what we did last time, there is NO point in winning. Just let the people who at least admit more government is the answer to all questions have at it.

We need mean, nasty, aggressive, relentless haters of socialism who can speak the language of the innate failures of socialism AND the innate success of individual freedom AND responsibility. That is, if we mean to ever turn this thing around. The deeper truth is we, the people simply don't want that no matter how likeable or charismatic the spokesperson for it.



PREMO Member
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.


my Ex-FIL had that on a poster in the Kitchen ... all the time I knew him, until he passed on some yrs ago

Larry Gude

Strung Out
my Ex-FIL had that on a poster in the Kitchen ... all the time I knew him, until he passed on some yrs ago

My best friend, who IS really smart and IS really talented and IS really persistent, uses that one all the time. So, me, being me, I pointed out how the real effect of that is that a whole bunch of people with no talent and not very bright rule this world because they will not stop. I think I ruined it for him...


Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is my point. Hardcore right will vote right, hardcore left will vote left. It is the leaners and independents they need to sway. If the "spokesperson for the GOP" turns people off at the first syllable how many new people are going to vote GOP? Like it or not charisma and likability trumps everything in the US political spectrum.

Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Harry Reid...