Go Palin Go Away

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You make a good point, but no politician is going anywhere without the Green of Cash.

Please show me one persistent , broke , Congress Critter.

There are none. The point is persistence is omnipotent. Not talent. Not charisma. Not likeability. Not brains. Persistence.

Every one of those folks I mentioned are persistent. They are the types who would sell out their momma, turn on a friend, lie, steal, cheat, steal candy from babies, to advance their careers. They are persistent. Regardless. That is why MOST people in politics are exactly the sorts of people who should NEVER be in those positions of power.

That is why that maxim is a bad one. It says 'persistence' is best. Not morals. Not fairness. Not being nice. Not being likeable. Not being charismatic.


Like a termite.


That's one of those 'say it often enough and people will think it is true' things.

John McCain, Chuck Schumer, Charlie Rangle, DiFi, Steny, Pelosi, McConnell, you look at a great many national figures, of both parties, and there isn't a shred of charisma or likability. They all posses the ONE thing that IS omnipotent; Persistence. Several of those people exude 'mean'. Sheila Jackson Lee wins, I think, because she comes off as so mean.

Does it help? Sure. But, it does NOT trump everything. How could anyone be more charismatic and likeable than Romney was? And how could anyone exude more disdain than Obama did this last time around?

And, more to the point, IF, a big if, IF we, the people, actually believe in smaller government, then, appealing to 'leaners' isn't going to yield any effective results if we DO win. By any objective measure of growth of government, spending, interference with our lives, George W. Bush should be a progressive icon but, his defenders, repeatedly, try and paint him as this person we're supposed to miss amidst the disaster of MORE government that Obama is. Bush doubled the debt. Obama hasn't, at least not yet. Bush added enormous, deeply intrusive departments. Obama is working on it.

Point is, the GREAT advantage the GOP has is one it does not want, nor deserves; a reputation for being the 'small gummint' party AND, that has NOT even been tried. 2016 is most likely going to be an opportunity for the GOP to run the show again, House, Senate and WH. If we do what we did last time, there is NO point in winning. Just let the people who at least admit more government is the answer to all questions have at it.

We need mean, nasty, aggressive, relentless haters of socialism who can speak the language of the innate failures of socialism AND the innate success of individual freedom AND responsibility. That is, if we mean to ever turn this thing around. The deeper truth is we, the people simply don't want that no matter how likeable or charismatic the spokesperson for it.


Then we are doomed. The "people" don't want smaller. If they did they would have it. Election after election they vote for "more government". Obamacare, Medicare Part D, more EPA, more SEC, TARP, Stimulus, more regulations and the list goes on. Nearly every speech left and right has the phrase; "When you send me to Washington I will impliment"....and it never includes the phrase "I will rollback"

The only hope is to lie and say "I will" then win and backtrack and don't and roll back and eliminate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The only hope is to lie and say "I will" then win and backtrack and don't and roll back and eliminate.

We've been doomed. We have the good luck to live in interesting times and the bad luck that those times are the decline of one of the greatest nations in history.

I just had breakfast with one of my cousins. One of her daughters teaches near DC and she just was here to visit her. Get this; her school, her class, 1st graders, they put ALL the Hispanic kids together in one class, hers. She speaks Spanish so, it's not a problem there but, in terms of assimilation, in terms of becoming an American, think about that.

When cuz and I were conversing, she said something along the lines of how her daughter is having to learn certain things and I stopped her and said, making the point, "Used to be that the kids were the ones there to learn" and we both were taken aback because, at first, even our mindset was one of accommodation, of 'well, of course the system would have to evolve (devolve) to the kids' and not the other way around.

I mean, is there a better way to short circuit a kids development in his new world than to insulate him in his old one? Is there a dumber idea? But, that's the thing'; the people who make these decisions know damn well what they are doing and why.

Just stunning.


We've been doomed. We have the good luck to live in interesting times and the bad luck that those times are the decline of one of the greatest nations in history.

I just had breakfast with one of my cousins. One of her daughters teaches near DC and she just was here to visit her. Get this; her school, her class, 1st graders, they put ALL the Hispanic kids together in one class, hers. She speaks Spanish so, it's not a problem there but, in terms of assimilation, in terms of becoming an American, think about that.

When cuz and I were conversing, she said something along the lines of how her daughter is having to learn certain things and I stopped her and said, making the point, "Used to be that the kids were the ones there to learn" and we both were taken aback because, at first, even our mindset was one of accommodation, of 'well, of course the system would have to evolve (devolve) to the kids' and not the other way around.

I mean, is there a better way to short circuit a kids development in his new world than to insulate him in his old one? Is there a dumber idea? But, that's the thing'; the people who make these decisions know damn well what they are doing and why.

Just stunning.

"Accomodation" is the buzzword of the 10's replacing the 90's "Diversity" Sad but true.

So since we are in agreement that we are doomed I am going to execute "Pete's anarchy plan one" Watch fo rme on TV. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
"Accomodation" is the buzzword of the 10's replacing the 90's "Diversity" Sad but true.

So since we are in agreement that we are doomed I am going to execute "Pete's anarchy plan one" Watch fo rme on TV. :lol:

Anarchy on TV? Sounds like a sort of semi anarchy. :lol:


Well-Known Member
People who make fun at Sarah Palin and call her stupid are perfectly happy with having an American Traitor as Secretary of State.

A man who lied about being in Cambodia, about tossing his medals over a fence, about American soldiers who were in combat, who divorced a rich wife so he could marry a richer one. A man with a "magic hat', who killed a wounded Vietnamese soldier, which is a war crime. A man who got a Purple Heart for a rice wound, and 2 others for Band-Aid wounds that allowed him to leave a war zone. A coward and war criminal they make Secretary of State and they call Sarah Palin stupid.
94 Senators voted to make this man SOS and we call Sarah stupid. I know of 94 Senators who are stupid.

WE have Nancy Pelosi who forced through the worst law and most Unconstitutional law in the history of our nation, who cannot get her lips loose from Obama's butt and we call Sarah Palin stupid.

End of rant./

Well Said


People who make fun at Sarah Palin and call her stupid are perfectly happy with having an American Traitor as Secretary of State.

A man who lied about being in Cambodia, about tossing his medals over a fence, about American soldiers who were in combat, who divorced a rich wife so he could marry a richer one. A man with a "magic hat', who killed a wounded Vietnamese soldier, which is a war crime. A man who got a Purple Heart for a rice wound, and 2 others for Band-Aid wounds that allowed him to leave a war zone. A coward and war criminal they make Secretary of State and they call Sarah Palin stupid.
94 Senators voted to make this man SOS and we call Sarah stupid. I know of 94 Senators who are stupid.

WE have Nancy Pelosi who forced through the worst law and most Unconstitutional law in the history of our nation, who cannot get her lips loose from Obama's butt and we call Sarah Palin stupid.

End of rant./

This makes no sense. First of all I never said Palin was "stupid", her acumen is debatable but even if I or anyone else said she was not smart does not in any way possible mean we automatically like John Kerry. Unless it is a universal rule or something.