How you like me now?
JPC said:Stop trying so hard. The Bible is not meant to be understood as one reads it. Read the Bible and just wait to see what it shows you. Understanding comes later.
How so?
JPC said:Stop trying so hard. The Bible is not meant to be understood as one reads it. Read the Bible and just wait to see what it shows you. Understanding comes later.
Because the Bible is very complicated and it takes studying. No one gets the Bible on the first read. Even a movie one has to watch the whole movie from start to finish and then get the plot. Some movies I watch over and over, and some books I read over and over. The Bible I have read many times and in many different translations and it gets better each time.Nicole_in_somd said:How so?
JPC said:Because the Bible is very complicated and it takes studying. No one gets the Bible on the first read. Even a movie one has to watch the whole movie from start to finish and then get the plot. Some movies I watch over and over, and some books I read over and over. The Bible I have read many times and in many different translations and it gets better each time.
For instance, the beginning of the Bible appears to be in Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning," but really it starts in the New Testiment at John 1:1 "In the beginning was the word..."
Nicole_in_somd said:No not past tense, it just is hard coming in here as a newbie and not saying the wrong thing or getting stupid red karama messages. I came in here to meet people because it bites being a single mom in an area you really do not know anyone in. I was trying to say thanks for talking with me, I really enjoyed that and even if I said some stupid things you were kind of enough not to cal me a tard or stupid.
In its entirety or the earliest books?Midnightrider said:This may be true, but it is also commonly believed that Homer was just the first person to write these poems down, and that the stories are centuries older.
BTW, what is the approximate pub date of the old testament? the oldest i could find in a quick search was something like 168 BC.
God is the Creator. He is our Creator. He is our Father. Just as your fleshly father loves you (or should) no matter what, God does that. God also set standards by which His creations are to live and the consequences of not living that way just as your fleshly father set rules (if he was a real parent) and expected you to obey them and had punishments for breaking his rules.Nicole_in_somd said:
It just takes away from the reward of being good, that is all I am saying, if everyone is loved on the same level then why try to be a better person.
I am not saying one way or the other if there is a God or not. In my heart yes, in my mind not sure but I certainly don't think that this is the way of there was one.
No human is perfect. Only one ever was, Jesus, and He is only perfect because He is God. God became human to be the only sacrifice needed for our sins. Up to that point, the Jews had, still have, a whole bunch of sacrifices that have to be made to cover their sins. God did away with all that at the cross. The curtain between the holy of hollies was torn apart when Jesus died on the cross.Nicole_in_somd said:But I just cannot be perfect. With so many sins how can anyone? If I do for some whacky reason make it "there" then what?
That was the end of the separation between man and God by the priests. Up to that time, only the chief priest could enter into the holy of hollies in the Temple. From that point on, humans are to go to God directly through Jesus.Matthew 27:50-52
50And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit.
51And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split.
52The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;
Please don't use JPC, Sr. as an authority on the Bible.Nicole_in_somd said:Well, I am going to give it a try. Thanks for writing back.
2ndAmendment said:God is the Creator. He is our Creator. He is our Father. Just as your fleshly father loves you (or should) no matter what, God does that. God also set standards by which His creations are to live and the consequences of not living that way just as your fleshly father set rules (if he was a real parent) and expected you to obey them and had punishments for breaking his rules.
God also knows that we cannot always obey because Satan is always trying to rob us of our heritage of being God's children. Satan wants us to fail, because humans were created to be above the angels. Because our Father, God, knows we can be good, He provided the way out, the only way out, Salvation through Jesus. Most people don't or won't accept it because it is too simple. Of course once you accept Jesus as Savior you must make Him your Lord. We make Jesus our Lord by following Him. We love Him by trying to be perfect and relying on His grace and forgiveness when we fail.