Going forward

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by SmallTown
Though rather smart, his writing skills are questionable (not that I would be able to judge, my English major wife has mentioned it) So I would just chalk up those comments as a misunderstanding..
Well if I was claiming to be a wizard of the written word I would care, but that ain't me. I'm just on here doing exactly what you guys are doing and as far as getting a complete thought across I think I hold my own out here with you guys.

Maybe your wife would like to come try what I do professionally and then we can see her abilities in an arena different from her professional world. After all she would only have to talk and use a computer display. BTW, my technical reports usually are commended for clarity, content, and readability. Here I am very informal, as most of us are.


Re: Re: Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
That's right! you guys eat crabs! You gotta SUCK the meat outta those legs, right? So you DO suck!

We eat crawfish down here. I think it's like this:
crawfish is to shrimp as catfish is to sole.

Well.... we don't exactly suck the meat out of the legs Krebs...:rolleyes:

Don't worry I'm sure that Ken will be happy to teach you the fine art of crab eating when ya get here......

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
That's right! you guys eat crabs! You gotta SUCK the meat outta those legs, right? So you DO suck!

We eat crawfish down here. I think it's like this:
crawfish is to shrimp as catfish is to sole.

Bring your Philly boys on, I got some friends over in 7th District that would be more than happy to join me. Probably a couple in Mechanicsville, Hollywood, Great Mills, and Ridge that would love to meet you too. You got a pretty smile don't you?

We don't suck the meat out of crab legs. That might be how you do it in the city but down here we rip those suckers apart exposing the meaty body and other then the claws we don't mess with the legs at all.

Do you know what a blue crab looks like?


Football season!
Krebs, if you haven't had the experience of eating maryland crabs, don't.. very little meat in those little suckers.. With the recent news about the kids in america being overweight, I say put them on a diet of maryland crabs.. Those lbs will come right off!
Of course, the locals will say you aren't a real man if you don't like it, but don't let it get to ya.. I fyou want crab, order the king crab legs.. Might not be local, but oohhh so good...


Re: Re: Re: Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by Ken King
Bring your Philly boys on, I got some friends over in 7th District that would be more than happy to join me.

Have ya ever noticed that every time someone really want's to drive a point home....... They always mention their friends in the 7th District first...:biggrin:

Biscuit says he'll be happy to represent the 7th at your lil' get together....


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by MGKrebs
... Larry first got me a little nervous about it, then Kyle had me a little scared there a while back. Now it's Ken...
Geez Krebs, I don't think I've replied to you more than three times since you've been here and can't imagine what I could have said to get you that paranoid!


Have a beer or two and chill out! It's just words on a page, it isn't like we're gonna gang up on you at a party or something... In fact the next time we have one of these you might want to drop by and...

Last edited:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by Kain99
Have ya ever noticed that every time someone really want's to drive a point home....... They always mention their friends in the 7th District first...:biggrin:

Biscuit says he'll be happy to represent the 7th at your lil' get together....
No drinking before hand for him, we don't need an anchor for the tug of war, ya know.


endangered species
Originally posted by Kyle
Geez Krebs, I don't think I've replied to you more than three times since you've been here and can't imagine what I could have said to get you that paranoid!

I don't remember what it was, but it was before the election, before I took my little hiatus. (uhh. I said "hiatus".) But it's OK anyway, I haven't had a good as* kicking in a while. :smile: (wasn't that a line in "My Cousin Vinnie"?)

PS- kain's the one I'm really worried about. she hates me. :biggrin:


endangered species
Re: Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by Ken King
Exactly what it means. By meeting somewhere I meant the avenues I offered just to take this away from the general public as it seems to be a personality conflict and I would like to work on it.

OK Kenny. As I did with Trent Lott, I will take you at your word, and assume you are not a redneck. Your friends and collegues are in a much better position to judge than I am.

I have no personality conflict with you. You've done a better job than anyone else here explaining your views. I respect that (As if you care. :smile:). You're just wrong, but so are (500,000 people less than) a majority of the voting public, so you're not alone. Name calling is childish, but uhhh, I guess you could claim senility! :biggrin:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
Originally posted by Ken King
Exactly what it means. By meeting somewhere I meant the avenues I offered just to take this away from the general public as it seems to be a personality conflict and I would like to work on it.

OK Kenny. As I did with Trent Lott, I will take you at your word, and assume you are not a redneck. Your friends and collegues are in a much better position to judge than I am.

I have no personality conflict with you. You've done a better job than anyone else here explaining your views. I respect that (As if you care. :smile:). You're just wrong, but so are (500,000 people less than) a majority of the voting public, so you're not alone. Name calling is childish, but uhhh, I guess you could claim senility! :biggrin:
I could care less how you take it. The meaning I gave is the meaning of the statement. Now go get Willie Jeff and discuss what "is" is. And on this topic (War) as it has never been before a vote at all how can you make such an outlandish claim like you do. I take it you just like to pull things out of thin air (my original choice was not “thin air”) and that is how I take your offerings, no facts whatsoever.


Dancing Up A Storm
What ARE we talking about here?

Originally posted by Ken King
I could care less how you take it. The meaning I gave is the meaning of the statement. Now go get Willie Jeff and discuss what "is" is. And on this topic (War) as it has never been before a vote at all how can you make such an outlandish claim like you do. I take it you just like to pull things out of thin air (my original choice was not “thin air”) and that is how I take your offerings, no facts whatsoever.

:confused: At first I thought Maynard was talking about the difference in the popular vote in the 2000 Election, you know, the one Al Gore did his d@mned to steal, but it's kind of vague.
I also didn't see any mention of war in his post, Ken, so I'm at a loss as to where he's going with this. Hey buddy, I too could interpret your secondary choice for descriptions!

Maynard! Qualify your position!

:razz2: penn


endangered species
I was just trying to be a wiseguy. It was a stupid post. i was just referring to Ken's opinions, which in my experience, for the most part align with those who voted for Bush. My post was a waste of screen space. (I broke out the tawny port last night, and it was good!)


Dancing Up A Storm
Oh, I get it. . . . . .

Originally posted by MGKrebs
I was just trying to be a wiseguy. It was a stupid post. i was just referring to Ken's opinions, which in my experience, for the most part align with those who voted for Bush. My post was a waste of screen space. (I broke out the tawny port last night, and it was good!)

:razz2: Well ya know Maynard, that whimsical post is not
going to endear you more to Ken's already biased view of your
definitive replies, and heady tidbits you occasionally drop on us, like a big 'ol seabird! (Splut!)
But, it's not too late my friend; whip one of your choicest
retorts on us, and oh, BTW, put away the Tawny Port, huh? BTW#2: Is "Tawny Port" the beverage of choice down there where you are, something a "true Southern Gentleman" imbibes?
I spent 4 years in Fla., and that is not what we chose to
relax with, some good Bourbon or Single Malt Scotch whiskey was more to our liking. Just curious.

:cheers: penn


endangered species
Bourbon definitelty the beverage of choice. But on a cold winter evening, after dinner, a little smooth nightcap of port hits the spot. The problem was, I wasn't getting sleepy, so I had another. And then another little one. And I think one more. :yum: