Going forward


Dancing Up A Storm
Still don't get it, do you . . .

Originally posted by Ken King
Well, my wedding vows said "foresaking all others". That is how I will live my life and treat my wife.

:smile: Ken, I didn't intend to make light of your beliefs, or anyone elses' for that matter. I'm going to try to respond without insulting you or your beliefs; however you are not a symbol, a paragon or leader for an ENTIRE country. If you were to break your vows to your wife, you would have to answer(if that in fact bothered you enough, and I'm assuming it would) to a relatively small number of individuals. Not so with the President of our country. So, the discussion boils down to the degree, the stature
of who you are? No, I don't believe so.
My earlier point, was simply that occupying the Oval Office is a hell of an honor; a lot of people trusted you to get you there, and it's not a very good way to reward their faith in you.



We know what ya meant penn.... It just came out all wrong that's all....:wink:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

I wasn't taking offense at what you had posted just giving my point of view. You are right, we don't need someone who would screw his spouse over leading our country. That type of character defect could be felt in other dealings they have while they are suppossedly leading our nation.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
We know what ya meant penn.... It just came out all wrong that's all....:wink:
Speaking of coming out all wrong, how is Dumpling, oh I mean Biscuit?


Originally posted by Ken King
Speaking of coming out all wrong, how is Dumpling, oh I mean Biscuit?

Recovered Thank God! He's vowing never to drink again..... *Right!*:rolleyes:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
It's not really drinking if you just pour it down your throat without tasting it, is it? He'll be back, strong and funny as ever I am sure.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Kain99
We know what ya meant penn.... It just came out all wrong that's all....:wink:

:blushing: Thanks Kain, sometimes I can get full of myself -- like anybody else, I guess!



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here's what I think is interesting:

There are some people in this world who, when confronted with something that quacks, waddles, is covered in feathers, has a bill, lays eggs, etc, will refuse to believe that they are seeing a duck. How do you prove to someone that the creature is, in fact, a duck? You can't. It's an alternate reality.

We say, "I like your red shirt" and AR person says, "The shirt is blue, not red." You can argue forever that the shirt is red, get every other person in the world to agree that the shirt is, in fact, red. But the AR person still will insist that the shirt is blue.

When a person becomes vested in that shirt being blue, they would rather make a fool out of themselves than admit they are wrong and that the shirt is indeed red. Because right now they only look foolish to you - if they admit the shirt is red, they will be looking foolish to themselves. You follow me?

Even more interesting are the people who spend time trying to convince AR people that the color is called "red", not "blue". Color me guilty as sin on this one.

Human behavior - fascinating.

And I agree with Penn that when a person reaches a certain level of public trust, they should be held to a higher standard than the average Joe.


My dos centavos are this...

People who decry military action and emplore us to take diplomatic means are well intentioned, but hopelessly naive. They like to project their feelings and attitudes about how life should be on others, and don't like to face the harsh realities that there are people in other countries who just don't feel the same way. I remember when Jimmy Carter went to a human rights conference and was shocked to booed off the stage by many countries when he said how wrong it was to discriminate between races, sexes, and national origins. Many cultures feel that this is a completely acceptable practice and that it's the US culture that is messed up.

Hussein is a egomaniac nutcase religious zealot who like many of his kind know that without the threat of death his people will turn against him. He also has a strong belief that he is destined by Allah to unite the Arab world, which makes him a threat to the US. Hussein has demonstrated repeatedly that there is no limits to what he'll do to remain in power and gain control over the Arab world. He needs to go now before he gets any more dangerous weapons. Better to deal with anthrax and nerve toxins now than nuclear weapons down the road.

Forget about North Korea. They are a tempest in a teapot. Who cares if they get nuclear weapons, what are they going to do with them? Attack China or Russia? No way. Attack South Korea or Japan, knowing full well they would be anihilated by a US response? No way. Attack California? We should be so lucky.:biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You know, anyone who had any illusions about Clinton and what he thought of his vows, his wife, his family and friends is either incredibly naive, lying or just didn't pay ANY attention BEFORE he was elected the first time.

Now, Carville et al swear up and down that he's "a good man" and all and swear to God that Star is somehow to blame and that, besides, "it's JUST sex"!!!

What bothers me is all the failures outside his immediate friends and family.

To whit...

Whitewater, McDougals, Filegate, Rose, Hubbel, Lippo, Traing, Trie, 70 some odd other 5th ammendment foreign nationals, Osama (now it seems) First World Trade attack and all the other terrorism he fostered/tolerated, Iraq, Korea, Haiti, Bosnia, Utah, Somalia, Waco, fundraising CRIMES, Lincoln bedroom, Pardongate, Loral/China, Chinese control of the Panama canal, Billy Dale, etc, etc, etc...

ALL abuses of power and policy disagreements. NONE about his personal life.


New Member
Re: Re: Deja Vu.

Originally posted by Ken King

You are such an ignorant little dweeb, you won't read any material that factually relates to the topic, you won't actually understand what it was that took place with Clinton a couple years ago unless you get beyond the sex. Trying to "bob and swallow" too much Lil' Buddy.

I guess you hang out here because you don't have any friends in Georgia, why don't you just drag your sorry DU @ss back there so that we can get back to reality. You're boring me Son.

Mr. King, I think that the reason you resorted to this personal attack was because you know that your position is not correct. MGKrebs, I love having you around here because you add a completely different viewpoint to our discussions. Why do you hang out here Mr. King? Don't you have friends in southern Maryland? I hope that Krebs continues to post so that some of the conservatives on here will at least respect the opinion of insightful liberals.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Deja Vu.

Originally posted by demsformd
Mr. King, I think that the reason you resorted to this personal attack was because you know that your position is not correct. MGKrebs, I love having you around here because you add a completely different viewpoint to our discussions. Why do you hang out here Mr. King? Don't you have friends in southern Maryland? I hope that Krebs continues to post so that some of the conservatives on here will at least respect the opinion of insightful liberals.
I resorted to the tactic when your buddy said I suck. Crawl back under your rock and shut up.


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Deja Vu.

Originally posted by Ken King
I resorted to the tactic when your buddy said I suck. Crawl back under your rock and shut up.

Damn, King, you are one ignorant old man. I think that you are one of the reasons that this county goes nowhere but backwards most of the time. I just cannot understand the backward thinking that you display. At least the other conservatives are placid and understanding of liberal ideas but no you are scornful of them at all times.

Frankly, sir, maybe if you were not so confrontational when you posted, you would not receive comments like you suck. Practice what you preach, take resposibility for your own actions.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Here's what I think is interesting:
When a person becomes vested in that shirt being blue, they would rather make a fool out of themselves than admit they are wrong and that the shirt is indeed red. Because right now they only look foolish to you - if they admit the shirt is red, they will be looking foolish to themselves. You follow me?

Even more interesting are the people who spend time trying to convince AR people that the color is called "red", not "blue". Color me guilty as sin on this one.

Human behavior - fascinating.

And I agree with Penn that when a person reaches a certain level of public trust, they should be held to a higher standard than the average Joe.
Human Behavior - it is indeed fascinating when you realize for just about every person throwing darts at Slick Willie, there's an equal number who cannot admit he was(and most likely still is)shady as hell. And they d@mn sure won't agree that he should have been convicted and been impeached for lying in front of a Grand Jury.
Lastly, one or more comments on "reaching certain levels of public trust". Willie Jeff did reach the highest office in our land, but I'm not at all sure he realized the importance of it; rather it was just another rung up the ladder he was destined to achieve. It is indeed a shame; he might have been so much more.

Last edited:


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Deja Vu.

Originally posted by Ken King
I resorted to the tactic when your buddy said I suck. Crawl back under your rock and shut up.

:biggrin: Are you sure you're not reviving the "feral cat" thread?
Democraps are protected by PETA, you know, and they take a dim view when you bait them.



endangered species
Originally posted by Bruzilla
People who decry military action and emplore us to take diplomatic means are well intentioned, but hopelessly naive. They like to project their feelings and attitudes about how life should be on others...

au contraire... It seems to me that military action is the ultimate projection of feelings and attitudes.

Hussein is a egomaniac nutcase religious zealot ...He also has a strong belief that he is destined by Allah to unite the Arab world...

Egomaniac, yes. Nutcase, yes. But I'm not familiar with saddam being a religious zealot. In fact, my understanding is he's anything but. I point this out in an effort to counter any potential unwarranted religious predjudice.

Forget about North Korea. They are a tempest in a teapot. Who cares if they get nuclear weapons, what are they going to do with them? Attack China or Russia? No way. Attack South Korea or Japan, knowing full well they would be anihilated by a US response? No way. Attack California? We should be so lucky.:biggrin:

How can you say this? If you are saying that Iraq can get to us with missiles, but NK can't, I'm not buyin'. Or even if NK attacks Japan, you're OK, but Iraq attacking Saudi or Israel is not??


endangered species
Re: Re: Deja Vu.

Originally posted by penncam
Democraps are protected by PETA, you know, and they take a dim view when you bait them.

<---- It's not just PETA. We're endangered! LOT'S of protections. We are like harmless, fuzzy little endangered animals, and Ken is like a viscious old jackel or wildebeest. :angel:


Dancing Up A Storm
Deja Vu all over again

Originally posted by MGKrebs
Originally posted by penncam
Democraps are protected by PETA, you know, and they take a dim view when you bait them.

<---- It's not just PETA. We're endangered! LOT'S of protections. We are like harmless, fuzzy little endangered animals, and Ken is like a viscious old jackal or wildebeest. :angel:

:biggrin: Gee whiz, Maynard; first time I read through this reply, I thought you wrote "fuzzy little degenerate animals"!
It's a good thing I went back over it again.

:cheers: penn