Going forward


endangered species

Originally posted by Larry Gude
What bothers me is all the failures outside his immediate friends and family.

To whit...

...ALL abuses of power and policy disagreements. NONE about his personal life.

So, now you are saying it's NOT the sex or the lying, it's politics. OK I can accept that. Except that apparently you CHOOSE to believe the conspiracies regarding Clinton's involvement in these issues, but NOT the many conspiracies involving Bush or Reagan, or Bush.

Don't act like anybody that disagrees with you is stupid or blind. You are partisan and there is nothing wrong with that. I am too.


endangered species
Re: Deja Vu all over again

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: Gee whiz, Maynard; first time I read through this reply, I thought you wrote "fuzzy little degenerate animals"!
It's a good thing I went back over it again.

:cheers: penn

If I had said that, it just would have generated a whole bunch of posts about you know who (initials B.C.) :eek:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Maynard, considering that Clinton had more "conspiracies" than Reagan, Bush and Bush combined, wouldn't you say that at some point, it stops being "just politics" and starts becoming a problem?

Get it through your head: Nobody cares about Clinton's weenie. You talk about his sex life so much I'm beginning to wonder about you. :razz: What we care about is the after-effect of his miserable Presidency. We care that our Embassies and military installations were attacked under his watch AND NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT. We care that we looked like such a bunch of pansies to some pissant ragheads that they had the GALL to attack us on our own soil. We care that Clinton sold OUR MILITARY TECHNOLOGY to the Chinese in exchange for campaign contributions.

THE SHIRT IS RED, MAYNARD!!!!!!! Snap out of it!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Deja Vu.

Originally posted by demsformd
Damn, King, you are one ignorant old man. I think that you are one of the reasons that this county goes nowhere but backwards most of the time. I just cannot understand the backward thinking that you display. At least the other conservatives are placid and understanding of liberal ideas but no you are scornful of them at all times.

Frankly, sir, maybe if you were not so confrontational when you posted, you would not receive comments like you suck. Practice what you preach, take resposibility for your own actions.
I got your "ignorant" swinging buddy. Anyone else see the world moving backwards (that is except when talking to Demsformd, talk about being backwards).

PM me, email me, or just look up K King in the phone book and give me a call. I am sure we can meet somewhere and work this all out.

And to be frank, I feel you and your bretheren that hide behind aliases are some of the biggest wusses in the world. Why don't you stand behind your opinions by using your name? Or is it that you lack true conviction in what it is you spew?


b*tch rocket
Cheers to Ken!

I agree. I don't understand why people enter into debates in forums while using an alias to hide who they really are. It goes a long way toward showing how much faith they place in the opinions and convictions they post when they hide in anonimity. Bravo cousin! :clap:


Enjoying life!

That was supposed to be me! Christy and I are going to have to get another computer on-line here! :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I like the pseudonyms - I think it enables people to speak more freely. I'm a big mouth and typically don't care who knows what I think about something BUT I can understand how other people would have a concern. I can tell you first hand that there are very thin-skinned people out there who have issues with other peoples' opinions and would make them pay in real life for something they posted on a forum.

Anyway, I hope we are all adult enough *ahem* to disagree without calling names or making personal insults - KEN KING!!! :razz:


endangered species
I've been tempted to use my real name/website several times here. But I'm glad I haven't, now that I've seen some of the reactions from a few of you. Larry first got me a little nervous about it, then Kyle had me a little scared there a while back. Now it's Ken. Was that a threat Ken? Are you thinking by kicking somebody's *ss it will make you right, or better? I'm beginning to understand why you like Bush so much.

Christy- that is total Bullsh*t. You don't think my convictions are strong? And what, nobody is ever allowed to change their minds? That would show weak convictions also. I think you have insulted me. What's your address?

(Is there an "ignore" function on this board? I want to use it.)


Dancing Up A Storm
The Heat is on . . . .

Originally posted by Steve

That was supposed to be me! Christy and I are going to have to get another computer on-line here! :rolleyes:

Wow! It's only 38 degrees outside, but the temperature in my computer room reads 82! Wonder what that's all about?
Hope there's not gonna be some kind of meltdown around here; maybe PETA will show up soon!:yikes:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's your address?
:roflmao: I always think it's amusing when someone gets so worked up over the opinions of someone they don't even know. Ol' TT used to get me all fired up, then in a lucid moment I thought, "Why am I getting all jazzed about this?" It was a revelation, really.


I don't believe Saddam is a religious Zelot either, I believe he thinks that he is God and that he uses religion to get and project his power and influence. I have seen somewhere where he said that Allah has told him that he will be the one to unite the arab world. I doubt he believes this, but its just another tactic to gain followers, sympathy, and allies.

I believe in Islam it is frowned upon to have pictures of people up, however have you seen all of the pictures Saddam has of hisself placed everywhere? He has even had music videos written about himself that are aired on Iraqi television every night. One goes something like this "Oh Saddam is our loving father, he spreads his love evenly, Allah has blessed Saddam to be our father......


Dancing Up A Storm
Pure unadulterated cowchips . . .

Originally posted by Heretic
I believe in Islam it is frowned upon to have pictures of people up, however have you seen all of the pictures Saddam has of hisself placed everywhere? He has even had music videos written about himself that are aired on Iraqi television every night.

One goes something like this "Oh Saddam is our loving father, he spreads his love evenly, Allah has blessed Saddam to be our father......

:barf: If Saddam was their "Loving Father", he wouldn't gassing, poisoning, torturing, murdering, imprisoning, and generally commiting genocide on anyone who opposes him, and that's in his own country alone!
Instead of hoarding 2 to 3 billion dollars(or more?) in his war chest, he would spread the wealth out to help the citizens of his impoverished countryside.



endangered species

This gets my vote for the funniest and most ironic post I've ever seen. Criticizing aliases while logged in to the WRONG ACCOUNT!!!!

Originally posted by Christy
Cheers to Ken!

I agree. I don't understand why people enter into debates in forums while using an alias to hide who they really are. It goes a long way toward showing how much faith they place in the opinions and convictions they post when they hide in anonimity. Bravo cousin! :clap:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :notworthy :clap: :clap: :cheers:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Asking someone to PM, email, or make a phone call threatens you? If working something out means kicking @ss then I might not be as backwards as you and your buddy Demsformd. Its taking the BS off the board.

As to the hilarity that you see in Steve's post, at least Christy and him use their names and not a character that they would like people to see them as, in other words they are real. I used to watch Dobie Gillis and I know the character of Maynard G. Krebs (you do seem to fit the bill). But what scares you about letting people know who you are when you’re voicing your opinion? Hell unless you too are a MPD you are over 600 miles away.


Singling me out again. Yeah, I see how it goes. I guess I can only use the emoticons for name calling and insults. Heaven forbid that I just type it.


endangered species
Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

So Ken, what DID you mean when you typed this?

I am sure we can meet somewhere and work this all out.


endangered species
Originally posted by Ken King
But what scares you about letting people know who you are when you’re voicing your opinion? Hell unless you too are a MPD you are over 600 miles away.

Actually, I'm probably going to be in the area next summer, and I would like (I think) to meet you guys... but I don't want to get my *ss kicked!


Football season!
Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
So Ken, what DID you mean when you typed this?

I am sure we can meet somewhere and work this all out.

I think he was thinking one thing and wrote something else.. Every one knows comments like that or, "Lets step outside" comments are implied notions of a physical altercation.. Ken seems to be a pretty smart guy, so i can only assume he wasn't refering to something like that.. Though rather smart, his writing skills are questionable (not that I would be able to judge, my English major wife has mentioned it) So I would just chalk up those comments as a misunderstanding..

Or.. I could be totally wrong and he really does want to kick some butt.. Either way, I don't want to be the one who finds out for sure!


endangered species
Originally posted by SmallTown

Or.. I could be totally wrong and he really does want to kick some butt.

Anybody know where I can get a Bowflex cheap? :eek:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
So Ken, what DID you mean when you typed this?

I am sure we can meet somewhere and work this all out.
Exactly what it means. By meeting somewhere I meant the avenues I offered just to take this away from the general public as it seems to be a personality conflict and I would like to work on it. Typing has a way of altering inflection and emotion, my typing especially, that is why I also included the invite to phone me.

Not that by doing so means we would be in agreement but there would be no doubt as to meaning. It is not a threat as you have read it to be.

For reference, if I call someone out I will ask if they want to come and try some of me and it will be clear as to what I mean.

On to your other posts.

BTW what you gonna do with a bowflex? Sting me with those big rubber bands.

Come on up, I'ld like to meet you too. Summer time, crabbing, anyone got any bait? (Okay, I'm friking kidding, lighten up!)


endangered species
Re: Re: Ken King's Trent Lott moment.

Originally posted by Ken King
BTW what you gonna do with a bowflex? Sting me with those big rubber bands.

I'm gonna bulk up, and invite a couple of friends down from Philly. Just in case.

Come on up, I'ld like to meet you too. Summer time, crabbing, anyone got any bait? (Okay, I'm friking kidding, lighten up!)

That's right! you guys eat crabs! You gotta SUCK the meat outta those legs, right? So you DO suck!

We eat crawfish down here. I think it's like this:
crawfish is to shrimp as catfish is to sole.