Golf Corner by Denny Cement

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
They played all right. :lmao: I won't steal anyone's thunder, but there's a new king of the hill. :wink:


Nothing to see here
jazz lady said:
They played all right. :lmao: I won't steal anyone's thunder, but there's a new king of the hill. :wink:

You have it all wrong, Jazz. It was just a qualifier, winning didn't mean a thing since the SOMD Invitational was last week, this was just a warm-up for next years big tourney. Scores did not matter, all shots were in preparation for next year...At least, thats what I was told by Pete.. :whistle:

Larry, Pete thought it was a beach day, if he hadn't spent so much time playing in the sand, he probably would have won..Air played alot better than last week, but still struggled a bit. I beat Pete by 3

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
otter said:
You have it all wrong, Jazz. It was just a qualifier, winning didn't mean a thing since the SOMD Invitational was last week, this was just a warm-up for next years big tourney. Scores did not matter, all shots were in preparation for next year...At least, thats what I was told by Pete.. :whistle:
Yeah, yeah, yeah...I heard that story, too. :lmao: He LET you win, too, nice guy that he is. :wink:

Larry, Pete thought it was a beach day, if he hadn't spent so much time playing in the sand, he probably would have won..Air played alot better than last week, but still struggled a bit. I beat Pete by 3
Oh, you are so going to get a beat down from Pete. :lol:


:lmao: Otter won because I was testing out new techniques for sand play.

Otter is the new king of the hill for this week. Denny Cement was busy all weekend so he has not written his column yet. The particulars are:

Otter shot a 90 (has still yet to break into the sub 90 club)

I shot a 93 (I didn't see a sandtrap I didn't go into, came out of most of them well except for 2)

Airgasm hit the ball much better. Had a couple towering drives and nice iron shots. Unfortunately there were a bunch of those "other" kinds of shots in between the good ones.

Greens were very soft, we left some hideous ball marks. I don't think we had any birdies but we had alot of pars.

Otter is the king of this qualifier for next years match. :lmao: He doesn't get it, If Tiger loses at Augusta by 8 but wins the next week at the Hartford by a mere 3, it does not make him the Masters champ. :diva:

Oh yea, if you sink a long put for par and Otter double bogeys the hole, don't stand close to him or he will hit your hand and try to "Nancy Kerrigan" you. :lmao:


Larry Gude said:
Nancy Kerrigan you?

What, act all smug and hoity?

Maybe you mean Tonya Harding you? Or Gillooly you?
You going to come back down for a rematch? Or are we going to have to come to you?


11:30AM Saturday the wayward golfers, minus Larry “The Hitman” Gude, took to the links at Cedar Point for another rousing match. Pete surged to the lead bettering Otter and Airgasms bogeys and double bogeys with a par, bogey par, taking a 3 stroke lead. Airgasm came through with a great tee shot and a clutch put to par the par 3 third. The forth hole marked a turning point as Pete consistently hit sand traps. Otters game got back on track and he bettered Pete’s back to back double bogeys with pars on the fourth and fifth holes. Just when you thought back to back bogeys were bad enough Pate carded a crippling 8 on the par 5 seventh while Otter plugged along finishing off the front nine with a string of bogeys. Unfortunately for Airgasm, who did strike the ball with more authority, the par on the par 3 third was his only shining moment on the front nine as he double bogeyed the rest of the 8 holes.

After a short break play resumed on the back nine. Leading by a scant 2 strokes, Otter slipped into “conservative mode” and played to guard his lead. This strategy almost backfired as Otter stumbled on the par 4 tenth hole to a double bogey and Pete made up one stroke. Within striking distance the wheels came off the bus as Pete once again found the sand trap. Otter cruised to a par while Pete had to settle for a double bogey. Otters lead was back to 3. The par 5 twelfth was somewhat unremarkable as Otter and Pete pushed with bogeys. Airgasm created a stir when his tee shot careened to the right and crossed the road OB. A mulligan was declared and the subsequent tee shot came within 10 feet of meeting a Jeep Grand Cherokee. He salvaged the hole with a double bogey on the strength of a killer fairway wood. On the par 4 thirteenth Otter tried the old “replace Pete’s ball with a fake ball” but it didn’t work.

4 holes remaining Otter held a 4 stroke lead. Pete closed the lead with a par on the par 4 sixteenth while Otter scored a bogey. Things began to get interesting as Pete scorched a drive right down the fairway on 17 and Otter took the tee box and drove the ball into the water. Otter took his final mulligan and made the fairway safely. Airgasms tee shot cleared the water but struck a tree and landed well short of the fairway. Again saved by a spectacular fairway wood Air closed in on the green. Pete continued to pressure Otter with a spectacular 7 iron onto the green unfortunately he was unable to gain by 3 putting while Otter who cruised consistently along matching Pete’s bogey. With a 3 stroke lead Otter was firmly in the drives seat going into 18. Otter pulled out his trusty AARP 1 iron and safely made the fairway. Pete sealed his fate by finding the water hazard on the right. Taking his penalty stroke Pete finally mangaged to make the green in 6 with a 17 foot put left. Otter had a little tree trouble, then overdrove the green and chipped back on laying 5. Pete saved losing another stroke by sinking, with authority the 17 foot putt to finish off with a disappointing 93. Otter’s consistent play and clutch putting bested his opponents by carding a season best 90. Airgasm struggled most of the day but he did have some outstanding shots. His score will not be published to respect 1 his 1 privacy 0.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Airgasm struggled most of the day but he did have some outstanding shots. His score will not be published to respect 1 his 1 privacy 0.
:lmao: You are such a brat! :killingme

Nice writeup there. I almost felt like I was there. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I must say Otters' ball striking, and consistencey was most impressive, especially the par 3's. :notworthy

Petes' grit, and determination was not to be denied, and he too, has steped up the program!

:cheers: to both of you! It's been a great summer of golf!

Who knows, what the the rest of the summer and the fall have to give. :peace:


Well-Known Member
110 sounds good to me.


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
If we get...

Pete said:
You going to come back down for a rematch? Or are we going to have to come to you?

...another chance at coming back down, I'd love to play Cedar again.

But we're moving back to the MAN tee's this time.

You guys hit it far enough to get off the granpa T's.

(plus, If I make 6 from the middle of the fairway with an 8 iron in my hand, it sounds better than a 6 playing 2 from the collar)


Larry Gude said:
...another chance at coming back down, I'd love to play Cedar again.

But we're moving back to the MAN tee's this time.

You guys hit it far enough to get off the granpa T's.

(plus, If I make 6 from the middle of the fairway with an 8 iron in my hand, it sounds better than a 6 playing 2 from the collar)
I have to object. You will not shame me into moving back from the "MENS" tee's to the "Pro" tee's. Before I have to play from the "pro tee's" and make an already hard game harder a few things have to happen.

1. I have to be disappointed shooting a 74 because I left at least 6 strokes on the course.

2. A dude in a coat and tie has to hold up a sign with my name on it at the tee box.

3. Someone other than Otter has to ask for my autograph in the parking lot.

4. When I am 150 yards form the green I have to think really hard is I should hit 3/4 pitching wedge or 5/8ths pitching wedge to leave myself with a sure thing, makable 6 foot putt.

5. A dude wearing a vest with "Pete" on the back carry's my clubs.

6. I can hit my ball from an uneven, uphill, wet sandy lie, under a root, next to a tree trunk, right handed and make the green 120 yards away.

7. A small crowd has to do the golf clap when I come out of the clubhouse after getting my hotdog at the turn.

8. Buick wants me to shoot some comercials with Tiger.

9. Phil Mickelson asks me for advise with his driving.

10. John Daly buys me a drink and we have a deep philisophical talk about anger management.


Larry Gude said:
...another chance at coming back down, I'd love to play Cedar again.

But we're moving back to the MAN tee's this time.

You guys hit it far enough to get off the granpa T's.

(plus, If I make 6 from the middle of the fairway with an 8 iron in my hand, it sounds better than a 6 playing 2 from the collar)
Besides, you think the extra distance will close the 11 stroke gap? You really tore up the course from the "wimpy" tee's :duh::roflmao:

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Larry Gude

Strung Out
If memory serves...

...there were four sets of t's and we played from the second shortest, aka the "Grampers".

The next set back is the MENS t's, then the championship t's.

And no, it won't make shits worth of difference on my scorecard. I'm just as likely to shoot the same score from any set on any given day.

What it will do is make life more difficult for you 'finesse' players.