Good news...


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by PFgal
From NE to where?? I forget!
Charleston, SC! *45 minutes from Myrtle Beach* :banana:

I can't wait to be on the East Coast again. It's been a longgggg time since I've had good seafood! :yum:


Southern Beyotch
BTW - here's a new av to celebrate!


I am so very blessed
Originally posted by PFgal
If your settlements are on the same day, how come you end up moving twice?:frown:
I'm moving my belongings twice because my settlements are on a Monday, and I'm not permitted to move my stuff into the new house until that day. Also, by having my current house cleared out early, it gives me a chance to clean it really thoroughly for the new owner. Also, I can't reasonably expect my family and friends to move me all in one day - when they have to go to work. In the meantime, I'm storing my stuff in one sister's garage until the weekend after I go to settlement. It also gives me time to get into the new house to have the flooring dudes put in my new hardwood floors, for me to paint a few rooms, and have the driveway guys pave it for me. I'll be "homeless" for a week, but I'll just crash at another sister's house until I get everything done at my new place. Moving sucks.:boo: New house :yay:


Well, there is always an upside to moving that way, badgirl & pfgal. If your furniture is in storage and you find a new house, you could always go in and paint it before the furniture comes and even clean the carpets. It is so much easier to paint an empty room and clean the carpets that way. I am getting ready to do the same thing Pete is doing now, it is called push the furniture to one side, paint, put it back and paint the other side. :ohwell:

Now, I just have to pick out colors. :dork: Something other than my standard white or somewhat white base colors.

Anyway, WTG on selling the house pfgal. :clap:

Good luck on finding a new one, at least shacking up with the parents for the time being will allow you to get a really good look at the market and pick something you can raise the kids in.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by PFgal
Won't it cost me a fortune to buy enough?
I don't recall it being that expensive when I wrapped my stuff up. It was definately worth it to me. I didn't loose a thing in either of the move's. I think it actually went a long way. I still had the original boxes for alot of the stuff I had too which helped alot.


Be about it
Originally posted by CMC122
I don't recall it being that expensive when I wrapped my stuff up. It was definately worth it to me. I didn't loose a thing in either of the move's. I think it actually went a long way. I still had the original boxes for alot of the stuff I had too which helped alot.

Cool! Does Wal-Mart carry it?


Go Braves!
Originally posted by PFgal
Cool! Does Wal-Mart carry it?
Hmmm I would imagine they do but I bought mine at the storage place I got my boxes at. (I know terrible sentence structure.:frown: )

I would think walmart of even Michaels would have it.


The Smart Hooker
When we moved from Maryland to Florida we wrapped all our glass stuff in plastic shopping bags (like from Walmart, Target, grocery store.) I am proud to say that nothing came up broken!

Just a suggestion!!!



Be about it
Originally posted by meme
When we moved from Maryland to Florida we wrapped all our glass stuff in plastic shopping bags (like from Walmart, Target, grocery store.) I am proud to say that nothing came up broken!

Just a suggestion!!!


Another good suggestion. Thanks!


Originally posted by PFgal
Hey - what do ya'll recommend for packing valuables? Newspaper, tissue paper, or what??

You can use towels and wash rags, bubble wrap is good too.

Hot N Bothered

New Member
Instead of newspaper, get blank newsprint, that way your stuff doesn't get ink all over it. When they print the paper, there's always a little bit left on the rolls. Go to wherever they print the local paper and ask.
Originally posted by PFgal
Hey - what do ya'll recommend for packing valuables? Newspaper, tissue paper, or what??
I can get you rolls and rolls of 4'x6' sheets of high quality paper. The same stuff I brought to your house when we played pictionary. Lemme know soon, I have a request pending for some from my old High School librarian who is moving to Florida at the end of the month. Bringing her some on Thursday. I have some in the basment right now.