Good news...


New Member
Congrats!!!! I am glad to hear you sold your house. I sucks that you haven't found another one yet though. Do you even have one you like? Good luck, and call me sometime!!!!



Indy Bound
Congrats. All you need to do now is find a house to move into!!!

I wanted to tell you, what we did when we moved, to save time and space, we wrapped all our valuables in our towels and sheets and even some clothes. That way we didn't have to double pack or get paper and have to throw all that away once we moved in. It was great, b/c nothing got dirty and we had fewer boxes.

We also moved twice and had to put stuff in storage so I know what you are going through. My advice, get your storage unit now, and take a little over every few days. It really helps.


Be about it
Originally posted by huntr1
Hey PF,
Do you want the map paper?

Hey! I'm sorry, I must have missed your first post. Actually, husband brought home some bubble wrap the other day and I think we should be good to go with it. Plus, we had a lot of newspaper leftover from when we used to put it down for the dog. Thanks! :cheers:


Be about it
Originally posted by huntr1
Meant to tell you, there are houses for sale up by us that are in the Lettie Dent school district.

How far up is there? I'm looking in some parts of Mechanicsville, but don't want to be way up there near Golden Beach.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by PFgal
How far up is there? I'm looking in some parts of Mechanicsville, but don't want to be way up there near Golden Beach.
Golden Beach is in the Dent school district, but the place/places I think he means are on route 6, near the 84 Lumber. The Dent school district is kind of all over the place, actually. There are several schools right here together, so all their districts are kind of weird.


Be about it
Originally posted by Dymphna
Golden Beach is in the Dent school district, but the place/places I think he means are on route 6, near the 84 Lumber. The Dent school district is kind of all over the place, actually. There are several schools right here together, so all their districts are kind of weird.

Well rats! Probably too far up for me. If I go all the way up there, I'd might as well stay where I am in PF since it won't save me much time.


My 401K is now a 201K
Originally posted by PFgal
Thanks! D picked up quite a few today from Giant and Food Lion, but I know we'll need more. If the supply gets low I'll write!

Oh - and if your settlements are on the same day, how come you end up moving twice? It does eat it, eh!? :frown:

Hey PF Gal, I have lots of boxes and paper if you need. We just moved in April, so we're trying to get rid of some.


My 401K is now a 201K
There are 2 houses for sale in Town Creek (at least they were last evening) The signs are right by BAE. I haven't looked at them, but one is by O'Brien and the other Long&Foster.


Be about it
Originally posted by SEABREEZE 1957
Hey PF Gal, I have lots of boxes and paper if you need. We just moved in April, so we're trying to get rid of some.

I DEFINITELY need boxes! Are they broken down or in tact?? Let me know when and I'll come get them! :cheers:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by PFgal
Well rats! Probably too far up for me. If I go all the way up there, I'd might as well stay where I am in PF since it won't save me much time.
Personally, I like the school a lot. The link to the test results someone posted in your other thread show them lower than Town Creek in reading, but nudgeing them out in math. But as many people have pointed out, parental participation is the key. If you want to stay below the rt5/235 split, Dent district does go down as far as where Rt 6 runs into 235.



Be about it
Thanks, Dymph. I think the school would be fine, but the thing is the location. I'm about 35-40 minutes from work/family now and my mission is to be w/in 10 minutes, 15 minutes MAX of them. It I'm all the way up near 84 lumber it'll put me out of the range I want to be in, and in that case there's not much sense in moving only to be 10 minutes closer than I am now. :ohwell:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by PFgal
Thanks, Dymph. I think the school would be fine, but the thing is the location. I'm about 35-40 minutes from work/family now and my mission is to be w/in 10 minutes, 15 minutes MAX of them. It I'm all the way up near 84 lumber it'll put me out of the range I want to be in, and in that case there's not much sense in moving only to be 10 minutes closer than I am now. :ohwell:
:bawl: Ya didn't even click my link did ya. *sniff* *sniff* The school district goes almost all the way to Oakville.

That's ok, I know you just don't want your chillins associating wif mine. *sniff*

j/k :biggrin:

I think :ohwell:


So how did it go with the house yesterday? Did you all like it? We put an offer on the house we want. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully we will find out today.