JPC sr
James P. Cusick Sr.
The big pic.
I do not deny any of that but I do interpret it more correctly.
Since God is going to ressurect all those people and He has already worked out their full and complete salvation, then it is not really an act of violence at all.
We could call it mercy killing as that would be more accurate indeed.
Throughout the Bible God has used man to go to war for Him. God has destroyed cities (i.e. Sodom and Gomorrah) in very violent ways. God destroyed the entire world with a flood. Can't get more violent than that. Revelations (which you have admitted has no credibility) is a book revolving around the violent end of this world. Jesus used violence to drive the merchants from His temple. God is the final judge and will not hesitate to cleanse His creation through whatever means He sees fit (and He has ascribed His means clearly in the Bible).
You are in denial of these facts because you want to fit God into your little convenient mold.

Since God is going to ressurect all those people and He has already worked out their full and complete salvation, then it is not really an act of violence at all.
We could call it mercy killing as that would be more accurate indeed.