My daughter's little 13lb Jack Russel Jilly-Bean was bitten in the face a week ago today by a copperhead. She lives in a condo in P/F, and had walked out to the dumpster, tossed a bag in. Jilly was on the flexi lead. Daughter walked away from the dumpster, looked back and Jilly was taking a dump, so she waited. The dog stood, took 2 steps and WHAP WHAP WHAP 3 times like lightening. The stupid snake was in the parking lot between my daughter and the dog.
She scooped her up and raced to the vet. Within minutes poor Jilly's head swelled up above the collar to the size of a cantelope! She went limp, and started drooling. The vet popped her with the antivenin, benadryl and pred, which slowed the swelling, then stopped it, so by morning it wasn't any bigger, but still massively swollen. It took about 48 hours for it to begin to subside, but she's on the upswing now. She will likely loose the flesh on at least 2 spots about the size of a dime on the side of her snoot. The bill wasn't too bad, somewhere around 850.00. the antivenin was 650.00. It's amazing the vets react to the bites faster than docs for humans.
The vet said this year has been especially bad with dogs being bitten and i believe it. We've lost count of how many we've killed this year on our driveway. If i can see 'em, they're dead. No questions asked. That's the only native snake we WILL kill on sight. Got a couple of nice tanned hides now.
Rattlers dispense nerotoxins (affects the nervous system). Copeprheads dispense homotoxins (affect the cappilaries and tissues). Rattler bites are worse than copperhead bites.