Gov. Kristi Noem: Bikers come to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (and South Dakota) for freedom


Active Member
I wpuld bet like our Forefathers, if some wanted to overthrow our Government they would have showed ip armed in DC....
Funny you all sh!t your pants and clutched your pearls over a hundred unarmed Citizens, and are still crying about it....

There have been over 535 arrests so far and multiple gun and weapon charges and a police officer had his eye gouged out while another was attacked with chemical weapons. How do you arrest 500 people if only 100 were there?

If the domestic terrorists had been black you would still be crying about it



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Have you been sniffing the glue from pasting pages in that imaginary passport of yours?
The one that I posted pictures of?....and by the way, moron boy, the additional pages are sewn in using a pretty elaborate stitch design.

Here's a quiz for ya, ball scratcher: When exactly did the State Dept discontinue the previously common practice of adding pages to full passports?


Active Member
The one that I posted pictures of?....and by the way, moron boy, the additional pages are sewn in using a pretty elaborate stitch design.

Here's a quiz for ya, ball scratcher: When exactly did the State Dept discontinue the previously common practice of adding pages to full passports?

2016 which is plenty of time to know that if you had ever actually left your trailer.

But go back to uploading pictures of other peoples passports to prove something to strangers online.

It really shows how little you have going on in life


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
2016 which is plenty of time to know that if you had ever actually left your trailer.
Wait..liar now you've switched gears from "they didn't put extra pages in passports". You sure are a weasel.

Hmm..lessee now..the passport in the pic was issued 11 September 1987. One of the many I've held since 1974.

Keep digging, moron boy..keep digging. Work that shovel.


Active Member
Wait..liar now you've switched gears from "they didn't put extra pages in passports". You sure are a weasel.

Hmm..lessee now..the passport in the pic was issued 11 September 1987. One of the many I've held since 1974.

Keep digging, moron boy..keep digging. Work that shovel.

I never said that. I said they no longer do that and anyone who travels frequently would know that.

you must be a 12 year old.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Liar. Weasel. Scum.

You said:

Seems you are the one digging holes by lying about trivial things like your imaginary passport with pages inserted despite that not being possible. You've probably never left the state


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Please find my original statement from weeks ago and you will see you've made this whole conversation up in your tiny mind.

This one? LMAO...your name must be next to the word "obtuse" in the dictionary.

Seems you are the one digging holes by lying about trivial things like your imaginary passport with pages inserted despite that not being possible. You've probably never left the state


PREMO Member
Oh right because you are too scared to wear a tiny piece of cloth ....

UK: We Are Changing Our School Masking Guidance, and Recommending...Even Fewer Masks

Regular readers are already aware that multiple foreign governments are not requiring masking in classrooms, based on their data and experience. We recently quoted a New York Magazine deep dive into the evidence on this issue, which has become controversial and political in the United States. Not so much elsewhere: "Many of America’s peer nations around the world — including the U.K., Ireland, all of Scandinavia, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy — have exempted kids, with varying age cutoffs, from wearing masks in classrooms," the piece reported, alongside this key piece of information: "Conspicuously, there’s no evidence of more outbreaks in schools in those countries relative to schools in the U.S., where the solid majority of kids wore masks for an entire academic year." As we've also pointed out, the European Union's CDC recommends no masking in schools for kids under the age of 12. Having weathered a difficult Delta variant surge, the UK government recently shifted its guidance on this subject – further away from in-school masking:

The 'Science' Behind School Masking Suffers Another Blow

The masking data he was falsely applying to children in schools is actually unsupported by any robust studies. We'll revisit that in a moment, but our exchange elicited a number of super-sciencey 'rebuttals' like this:

The Science of Masking Kids at School Remains Uncertain

After the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics issued their student-mask guidance last month, I contacted both organizations asking for the evidence or underlying data upon which they had based their recommendations. The AAP did not respond to multiple requests. The CDC press office replied that since children under 12 cannot be vaccinated, the agency “recommends schools do universal masking” and included links to unrelated materials on vaccines and a recent outbreak among adults. Over the course of several weeks, I also corresponded with many experts — epidemiologists, infectious-disease specialists, an immunologist, pediatricians, and a physician publicly active in matters relating to COVID — asking for the best evidence they were aware of that mask requirements on students were effective. Nobody was able to find a data set as robust as the Georgia results — that is, a large cohort study directly looking at the effects of a mask requirement. (The closest is a study published in Science, based on a Facebook survey, that was suggestive but not conclusive of a marginal benefit of student masking.One doctor, who is on TV regularly and has around 100,000 Twitter followers, sent me two studies where masks were required of all students so there was no way to determine the effect; the authors of one of the studies explicitly noted, “we were not able to examine the impact of universal masking owing to nearly 100 percent adoption of this intervention,” and authors of the other study wrote, “it was not possible to determine the specific roles that mask-wearing played in the low rate of disease spread.” )

“A year ago, I said, ‘Masks are not the end of the world; why not just wear a mask?’” Elissa Schechter-Perkins, the director of Emergency Medicine Infectious Disease Management at Boston Medical Center, told me. “But the world has changed, there are real downsides to masking children for this long, with no known end date, and without any clear upside.” She continued, “I’m not aware of any studies that show conclusively that kids wearing masks in schools has any effect on their own morbidity or mortality or on the hospitalization or death rate in the community around them.”

Schechter-Perkins is just one of a number of top experts calling for this type of discussion — and raising questions about the CDC’s recent recommendations and what has become accepted conventional knowledge. “We lack credible evidence for benefits of masking kids aged 2 to 5, despite what the American Academy of Pediatrics says,” Jeffrey Flier, former dean of Harvard Medical School, wrote recently. While there are models, and simulations on mannequins with masks, “mechanistic studies are incapable of anticipating and tallying the effects that emerge when real people are asked to do real things in the real world,” Vinay Prasad of UCSF wrote in a critique of the CDC’s child masking recommendation. “The CDC cannot ‘follow the science’ because there is no relevant science.”