Gov Sarah Palin?


New Member
Thats what the Dems are doing----you hit the nail right on the head.

They are selling Elephant Piss and selling it to Dems with a Sheeple palate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I knew you'd come around.
Ed:howdy: any and all, Pete, AK, Vrail and whomever else that was singing her praises before now, :buddies:

I just couldn't see any way in hell she fit into the equation. I was sure the Dems weren't dumb enough to ride Obama all the way over the cliff and ignore the lifeline Hillary gave them.

Now, with Mr. Change and Mr. No Change on their ticket, McCain and his crew pulled off a great, great fit.


New Member
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows CE; PPC; 240x320))

Larry Gude said:
I knew you'd come around.
Ed:howdy: any and all, Pete, AK, Vrail and whomever else that was singing her praises before now, :buddies:

I just couldn't see any way in hell she fit into the equation. I was sure the Dems weren't dumb enough to ride Obama all the way over the cliff and ignore the lifeline Hillary gave them.

Now, with Mr. Change and Mr. No Change on their ticket, McCain and his crew pulled off a great, great fit.



b*tch rocket
I am just tickled pink. I mean, how much more all American can you get? She definitely pulls in the blue collar crowd. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...things are getting testy over at Moonbat U;

Have you lost your collective minds???? My many more nasty, disgusting, hateful things am I going to see leveled against women here? Stick to the ####ing issues and stop with the collective sexist and misogynist remarks. DO YOU ####ING WANT TO DRIVE EVERY WOMAN AWAY FROM THE DEMOCRATS?


Repete any and all, Pete, AK, Vrail and whomever else that was singing her praises before now, :buddies:

I just couldn't see any way in hell she fit into the equation. I was sure the Dems weren't dumb enough to ride Obama all the way over the cliff and ignore the lifeline Hillary gave them.

Now, with Mr. Change and Mr. No Change on their ticket, McCain and his crew pulled off a great, great fit.

I said Obama should have picked Sebalius from Kansas. If he had done that instead of Biden, who I really dislike, he would have hit a home run. He buckled to the party elders and went with an establishment venom spewer for his "Ticket of Change". It is hilarious McSame as they like to call him is even beating Boy Wonder at his own game. A running mate who has been causing a quagmire for 30+ years in Washington vs. a bona fide outsider.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
How can that be, someone had to shout them down? They love women! Some of their best friends are women! They're the PARTY of women! Even the men are women!


Hey, I would like to thank you and David and any other mods that try to keep us in check w/ the language on the boards. I was lurking over at DUh and these "things" want to try and have civilized conversation (without opposing view points) and in half of the posts the F bomb gets dropped every other word. You know me (somewhat) and I am no prude BUT I can and do enjoy civilized discourse without resorting that level of inanity.

They are :jameo::jameo::jameo: over on the dark side.


In My Opinion
Call it a stunt if you want, but at least he was voted into his situation.

Picking Palin shows us John McCain was far more desperate than even I imagined. And you're 100% correct on the experience issue...McCain just took his strongest argument against Obama and shoved it out the window of his "Straight Talk" (ahem) Express.
biden wasnt elected to the VP position either.
Is he just the token white guy to try and convince the majority white voters that osam,, I mean, obama is not really a racist colert guy that thinks just like his whitey hating wife does?


Super Genius
I'll have to catch up on this thread later, but I'd like to ask, can I vote for her instead of McCain? :lmao:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Woohoo I was right I was right!! LOL so were others, but this is just seals the deal!

(omg this makes the 400th post in this thread!! I 'll never catch up on them all)

But... :high5: Yes, you were right! I remembered this morning someone said it someplace on here. I was reading A BLOG that I linked to from a thread I was reading at Free Republic about 6am this morning that a flight from Anchorage to Dayton had arrived LAST NIGHT about 10:30 - 11:30. The person reporting that was a Palin fan on a "Palin for VP" website. That seemed just way too coincidental, so I kind of figured she was going to end up being picked.

I didn't expect to be so intrigued by the pick - but after seeing her speech today and reading a little bit on her - I'm impressed! I can't imagine the energy she must have with five kids (one is a 3 mo. old newborn!) but I've heard some very good things about her so far.

:yay: I think the Dems need to watch out. The fact that they came out scratching & snarling so fast speaks volumes.