Gov Sarah Palin?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Enjoy your eight years of inferior beer. :buddies:

...are entitled to be the group scold and party pooper. If she turns out to be, say, an ex back up singer for Rage Against the Machine or Kennedy baby sitter, you can say you told us so.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just fielded phone calls from my Mom and Dad, neither of whom were planning on voting for McCain - they were going to sit this one out.

Now, however, they are onboard big time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

If McCain wins, I'll may be grumpy about it until January 20th.

...the spirit!

I think everyone should give Kerad a round of applause for putting up such a brave front on this dark day for his guys and in fine style with no nastiness as well.


Three cheers for Kerad!!!

hip, hip :razz:

hip, hip :razz:

hip, hip :razz:



* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
It is Heineken.

...are entitled to be the group scold and party pooper. If she turns out to be, say, an ex back up singer for Rage Against the Machine or Kennedy baby sitter, you can say you told us so.


You and 2A are just too giddy with excitement to follow along.

Now both of you pay attention...

It's not Heineken, it's inferior beer.

I like Sue - I hate McCain.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You and 2A are just too giddy with excitement to follow along.

Now both of you pay attention...

It's not Heineken, it's inferior beer.

I like Sue - I hate McCain., dog voter, the ONLY dispenser I am aware of is for that green stuff you drink.

Does it accommodate other brands? :buddies:


aka Mrs. Giant
You and 2A are just too giddy with excitement to follow along.

Now both of you pay attention...

It's not Heineken, it's inferior beer.

I like Sue - I hate McCain.

I followed you. That's why I am sitting back and watching. However, I am leaning towards this ticket now.


Well-Known Member
I still don't get the experience argument. She's the ONLY ONE of them to have executive experience AT ALL. Couple that with the top of the ticket's experience in government and military.

Now, compare that with Biden - heck of long and fairly distinguished career (even though I disagree with most of his opinions, at least he's had time to have a record). But, the TOP of that ticket has already acknowledged (he, himself acknowledged) that he doesn't have the knowledge or experience to do the job. So, basically you've got Biden running against someone with basically as long a track record as himself, and a sitting governor. Obama's there for speeches and looks, and to "make history".

Where's the experience argument against a sitting governor? She's been in her executive role longer than Obama has been in his Senatorial role, and she's gone to work most of the time, unlike Obama who hasn't even made half of his votes.

:confused: I just don't see it.


New Member
Just fielded phone calls from my Mom and Dad, neither of whom were planning on voting for McCain - they were going to sit this one out.

Now, however, they are onboard big time.

I was in the same boat as your parents (and so was hubby). Now, I know who I'm voting for and will be singing "Right Now" all the way to the polls!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The other good news is that McCain doesn't have his running mate on tape saying that he is unqualified and not experienced enough to be President, and lauding his opponent.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
You and 2A are just too giddy with excitement to follow along.

Now both of you pay attention...

It's not Heineken, it's inferior beer.

I like Sue - I hate McCain.

I'm following well. And I still say it is Heineken. It may not be as cold as you like it, but it is still Heineken.

I don't like McCain on illegal immigrants or the borders. He is soft on the Second Amendment. Palin is not. Don't know where she is on illegal immigrants or the borders. I'll see. In the meantime, I listened to her speech and I liked her and what she said.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I was in the same boat as your parents (and so was hubby). Now, I know who I'm voting for and will be singing "Right Now" all the way to the polls!

..that, huh? Before they came on, supposedly they were playing some KISS and Creed whereas before Sarah (heretofore known as BS) McCain always had ABBA being played which was reason enough to not vote for him.


YouTube - Kiss Rock And Roll All Night 1978 Really RARE


New Member
...the spirit!

I think everyone should give Kerad a round of applause for putting up such a brave front on this dark day for his guys and in fine style with no nastiness as well.


Three cheers for Kerad!!!

hip, hip :razz:

hip, hip :razz:

hip, hip :razz:




Larry Gude

Strung Out
The closest...

The other good news is that McCain doesn't have his running mate on tape saying that he is unqualified and not experienced enough to be President, and lauding his opponent.

:killingme gets is her saying a few months ago that he, Mac, is wrong about ANWR and how she wants a chance to straighten him out on that one!! :yahoo: