For your consideration ...
Businesses, (that require good planning, and paying customers, to continue operating and generating revenue), very much unlike, and actually the opposite of how government operates, are much more flexible and much faster at adapting to a changing commerce environment to survive. I'm sure they will manage. Thank you for your concern though.
If a business does "disappear" due to government employees having to go back to the office, it would be a sure sign that indeed, thousands of government employees took great advantage of the privilege of being permitted to work from home, by not actually working their full daily work schedule at home. Thank you for solidifying the prima facie notion that indeed, many, government employees exploited and misused, work from home, did very little work, and took the work from home privilege with a vacation time mentality. Now you know why many non-government, aka taxpaying citizens, do not have any empathy, nor sympathy, towards government employees.
"a company could lose all of its employees - and most of us would never know." Oh, we would/will know if this indeed happens. There would be stories and articles written about this. Postings all over social media, etc.. Because unlike government employees losing their jobs, citizens losing their jobs because a business had to shut down, because government employees had to go back to the office to work, would be a top news story explaining what everyone already knew, for the record, that many government employees, left to their own devices, with a lack of supervision and oversight, are masters of doing anything except what they are paid to do.
Have a nice day, and commute.