Govt Work at Home May Be Over


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Told the wife years ago that Mass traffic worked because it was easy to predict what someone would do. Whatever the most ******* was.
But one thing TOTALLY AMAZED ME though. When I would have to merge onto 128 or 495 - people UNDERSTOOD alternating merge - and followed it. You'd think they'd go with the every man for himself attitude in everything else. But as much of a jerk as they were, they knew that was better than everyone fighting for space.


Well-Known Member
My commute from Rockville to National Harbor in the evenings was 80 to 120 minuets ... a good day was 70 min.

Problems getting to the American Legion Bridge, past 66, then RT 50 ... past 95 and finally across the Woodrow Wilson Bridge

Sometimes faster going down the GW Parkway then getting past 14th St Bridge and through Alex to the WW Bridge Again
Wasn't quicker going the other way round the beltway??


PREMO Member
Wasn't quicker going the other way round the beltway??

Nope ....

across Twin Brook Pwk - Viers Mill Blvd to Weaton - Glymont to pickup 193 / University Blvd to the Beltway ... then getting past 95 around the top of the Beltway is pretty much a bumper to bumper slow crawl to 35 mph bursts between exits 10 exits around to West Oxon Hill Exit or National Harbor at Indian Head Hwy trafic FINALLY would open up after Penn Ave towards Andrews and Rt 5 .... slowing down again closer to OH

Occational Waze would route me around the MD side of the Beltway when VA was a 2 hr trip at 1500

VA Beltway 36 Miles
MD Beltway - 52 Miles


Power with Control
But one thing TOTALLY AMAZED ME though. When I would have to merge onto 128 or 495 - people UNDERSTOOD alternating merge - and followed it. You'd think they'd go with the every man for himself attitude in everything else. But as much of a jerk as they were, they knew that was better than everyone fighting for space.

Just enough kindness in Mass to throw you off :)


Well-Known Member
Even though I'm off this week the group text messages from my friends at work are great. Base traffic is backed up to the golf course for people trying to go home and telework.


Well-Known Member
Realistically, how many government jobs could disappear any no one (outside of government employment) would notice?


..if momma ain't happy...
Personally I’m against it, traffic is bad enough without adding a couple hundred more cars to the mix.I really like coming in on Friday when most of the base is off.

The morning traffic here around Pax is CRA-ZY!

Welcome back to work, y'all. Make good choices.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Realistically, how many government jobs could disappear any no one (outside of government employment) would notice?
A case could easily be made the same way for MANY other businesses and professions. I'm fairly certain tons of retail outlets that the mass of people don't frequent could disappear - and it might take many of us WEEKS to notice. One of those office buildings down near PAX - a company could lose all of its employees - and most of us would never know.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

A case could easily be made the same way for MANY other businesses and professions. I'm fairly certain tons of retail outlets that the mass of people don't frequent could disappear - and it might take many of us WEEKS to notice. One of those office buildings down near PAX - a company could lose all of its employees - and most of us would never know.

Businesses, (that require good planning, and paying customers, to continue operating and generating revenue), very much unlike, and actually the opposite of how government operates, are much more flexible and much faster at adapting to a changing commerce environment to survive. I'm sure they will manage. Thank you for your concern though.

If a business does "disappear" due to government employees having to go back to the office, it would be a sure sign that indeed, thousands of government employees took great advantage of the privilege of being permitted to work from home, by not actually working their full daily work schedule at home. Thank you for solidifying the prima facie notion that indeed, many, government employees exploited and misused, work from home, did very little work, and took the work from home privilege with a vacation time mentality. Now you know why many non-government, aka taxpaying citizens, do not have any empathy, nor sympathy, towards government employees.

"a company could lose all of its employees - and most of us would never know." Oh, we would/will know if this indeed happens. There would be stories and articles written about this. Postings all over social media, etc.. Because unlike government employees losing their jobs, citizens losing their jobs because a business had to shut down, because government employees had to go back to the office to work, would be a top news story explaining what everyone already knew, for the record, that many government employees, left to their own devices, with a lack of supervision and oversight, are masters of doing anything except what they are paid to do.

Have a nice day, and commute.


Well-Known Member

A case could easily be made the same way for MANY other businesses and professions. I'm fairly certain tons of retail outlets that the mass of people don't frequent could disappear - and it might take many of us WEEKS to notice. One of those office buildings down near PAX - a company could lose all of its employees - and most of us would never know.
I'll unload this house fast while prices are still high, retire to our place in Florida.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Businesses, (that require good planning, and paying customers, to continue operating and generating revenue), very much unlike, and actually the opposite of how government operates, are much more flexible and much faster at adapting to a changing commerce environment to survive. I'm sure they will manage. Thank you for your concern though.

If a business does "disappear" due to government employees having to go back to the office, it would be a sure sign that indeed, thousands of government employees took great advantage of the privilege of being permitted to work from home, by not actually working their full daily work schedule at home. Thank you for solidifying the prima facie notion that indeed, many, government employees exploited and misused, work from home, did very little work, and took the work from home privilege with a vacation time mentality. Now you know why many non-government, aka taxpaying citizens, do not have any empathy, nor sympathy, towards government employees.

"a company could lose all of its employees - and most of us would never know." Oh, we would/will know if this indeed happens. There would be stories and articles written about this. Postings all over social media, etc.. Because unlike government employees losing their jobs, citizens losing their jobs because a business had to shut down, because government employees had to go back to the office to work, would be a top news story explaining what everyone already knew, for the record, that many government employees, left to their own devices, with a lack of supervision and oversight, are masters of doing anything except what they are paid to do.

Have a nice day, and commute.
When the base closed gate 3 during the day a few restaurants south of the gate ended up closing, the drive from gate 2 down there was just too long to support them for lunch. Most people never noticed except the people that worked near gate 3 that went there for lunch.

Can't count how many places I didn't realize were closed until months later when a new place went in.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
When the base closed gate 3 during the day a few restaurants south of the gate ended up closing, the drive from gate 2 down there was just too long to support them for lunch. Most people never noticed except the people that worked near gate 3 that went there for lunch.

Can't count how many places I didn't realize were closed until months later when a new place went in.
I know that, over the years as I've passed all those white buildings - I've thought - if they were all EMPTY - how would I know? I'd know IF I knew someone there. That's it. What they DO - has no impact on my life. It would just be NEWS. Same thing happens when I drive past a store in one of our shopping centers and notice - hey what happened to xxxx? When did they close? Oh about six months ago. Lots of stuff - we KNOW about it - it just doesn't affect our lives even AFTER we find out.