Great View on Illegal Immigration


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
We have people coming here who want to work and are willing to work hard. I can give you endless stories, first and second hand accounts, of company after company who have grown so tired of Americans as employees. Especially young Americans. All they care about is what time break and lunch are, how many sick days, what are the benies, how much vacation, whens the next raise and what holidays are they off and get paid for.

We don't want hard working, industrious, reliable people?

Then don't hire them. Or pay more to get better help.

Don't we have immigrant worker status? Can't workers acquire cards that give them the right to WORK here, without being citizens?

When I lived in Boston, I came across dozens of people who worked for slave wages for cash under the table - no benefits, no health insurance - not even workman's comp. A CLEARLY illegal arrangement, and all of these people were here illegally - most of them arriving on a student visa or temporary visa, and then simply staying here.

You know, I can imagine what would happen in say, *CHINA* if I decided to stay too long, illegally - which is why I'd never TRY it. How can we even HOPE to maintain the slightest bit of security when we allow MILLIONS across our borders? When we allow hundreds of thousands every year? I mean, we might as well stand at the border and ring the dinner bell.

If I were al-Qaeda, I'd be sneaking THOUSANDS across the border. How hard could THAT be?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I still say we should invade the countries of our most prolific illegals, overthrow their governments and make them safe for democracy. Then these guys will have a nice country of their own and won't have to come over here to make a buck.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There is no such thing...

I came across dozens of people who worked for slave wages for cash under the table - no benefits, no health insurance - not even workman's comp slave wages. Slaves don't get paid. Slaves can't leave. Slaves get whatever the master says.

As I've said numerous times, both major parties are doing NOTHING about illegal immigration because both sides are playing politics with it.

Pat Buchanan says it's easier for the society to assimilate people like the majority of us (eurpean descent); the left demonizes him.

The left turns a blind eye to the flood of people willing to work cheap and labor has a fit...but still supports Democrats.

Business absorbs these people who are willing to work harder and longer, filling jobs that they just could NOT fill. These folks rent apartments. Buy cars. Business supports anyone who is willing to help their employees.

Both parties pass legislation like NAFTA. Both parties court dollars from people who want to do BIG business with China, South America etc.

Presidents of both parties are not willing to enforce the law and make illegals conform because the will is not there. What would happen to the economy, both locally and nationally?

As our birthrate is only at replacement, we suffer no over population threat. Our population growth is immigration.

The help illegals give social security and other government programs through taxes is HUGE. A Democrat wants those dollars to hide the depth of SS's problems. A Republican is happy to have the dollars which helps justify tax cuts.

It behooves all of us to welcome people who so want to be hear...

...and Amercanize them as fast and as best we can.