Greatest bass lines in modern music

Seriously though, before Freddie even starts to tell his story, the bass hook already has you ready to make another one bite dust.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Seriously though, before Freddie even starts to tell his story, the bass hook already has you ready to make another one bite dust.

Here's where the problem lies; what does the line make one feel?

Is it a 'hoppy' line that makes one feel like they wanna grab some pom poms and toss away any shred of dignity one ever had? That is 'ABTD'.

Or, does it exude kewl, inspiring sun glasses indoors, a cigarette, have another cocktail and just sit back and groove, as in Barney Miller?

Or, is it aggressive, emoting images of ROCK, sexy edginess as in "Radar Love"?

Or is it some Stanley Clark 'thang' that only jazz fans are willing to get into and hang with to some Utopian uber kewl beyond the accessibility of the masses?

Or, is it just some gritty, down and dirty, leather and brass knuckles rock and roll thing such as 'Ace of Spades'?

Ah, music!