Ha. You think I'm kidding, eh? Well, that is the TRUE beauty of electronic banking and fiat currency; wheel barrows full of cash for a loaf of bread is not a reality. If they make the cards (easy enough) and simply manage the software end of it and adjust balances as they see fit, this could be the DUMBEST thing Germany has done since declaring war on us. Which was the dumbest thing they'd done since trying to get to Moscow. Which is the dumbest thing they'd done since trying to bomb the Brits into compliance.
The ONLY thing that matters is that they control the system. From there, they can call the balances whatever they like. There will be no inflation because, with NO currency, no ability for anyone to demand more and more hard currency, it will all work out just peachy. Even if someone starts demanding 10 times what the old price was, all of that can be back tracked in the system because it's ALL digital. The ONLY thing that matters is that the transactions go through and they CONTROL that!
Gyro economy!!!!!