You guys are stupid.
Look it, here's what they do; They simply make a bunch of Greek Credit Cards and extend everyone a credit limit for the month. Whatever the average wage is, adjust for the unemployed (if they make $12 a year, half don't work then the card is good for $6 a year/$.50 a month) and this gets everyone credit AND motivation to go earn more.
With credit cards, you don't need cash and you don't need anyone buying the debt or back it up. You just declare it and it will sink or swim on everyone's faith in it. If TARP taught us nothing it is that you can just make it up.
If foreign entities won't accept the card, that's their problem. It will create demand IN Greece BY Greeks to supply.
They dive into existing debt and issues and rules and simply adjust and change Greek banking laws, on the fly, to keep everyone whole.
The pain can be at the direction of the Germans OR it can be pain dedicated to a whole new Greek CONTROLLED economic model so that anyone who needs to go to work, pay a bill, will be doing so at the behest of his fellow countrymen; not the EU and, for damn sure, not Germany.
Greeks can pull together and make the 'pain' mean something OR they can knuckle under and still be in the same shape; beholden to the EU.
The real risk here is Germany's. They're the ones that fear a EU break up the most as they have the most wealth accumulated. They don't wanna take my advice and write off a few bucks, which they have, then charge more interest and let that motivate Greeks to restrict borrowing while trade, that very much works to Germany's favor, simply goes on? Fine.
The Greeks CAN change the world. For the better. Or keep on the path they are on and just watch Greece fade away and become the little EU state with the nice Islands.
Attica! Attica! Attica!