Green Energy / Climate Issues - Failures - Lies and Falsehoods


PREMO Member

US Safety Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears

A federal agency says a ban on gas stoves is on the table amid rising concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission plans to take action to address the pollution, which can cause health and respiratory problems.

“This is a hidden hazard,” Richard Trumka Jr., an agency commissioner, said in an interview. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Natural gas stoves, which are used in about 40% of homes in the U.S., emit air pollutants...


PREMO Member

Democrats’ Climate Bill Sparks Potential Green Trade War With Europe

Ahead of a special economic summit from Feb. 9 – 10, E.U. politicians and diplomats have discussed developing massive subsidies to compete with the $369 billion of subsidies in the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), such as electric vehicle tax credits, designed to promote domestic green energy and manufacturing, the AP reported. European and Asian allies, particularly in the automotive industry, have been vocal in their opposition to the law, which they believe unfairly promotes U.S. companies at the expense of foreign firms.

“We need to send a strong message that we will act to safeguard our industrial base. It is crucial that the EU remains an attractive place to invest, innovate and produce,” said E.U. Council President Charles Michel in Stockholm, Monday, the AP reported. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire similarly said that the trading bloc needed to “shock” the system and simplify subsidies to give companies easier access to investments.

“We want state aid that can be much more massive for certain sectors that we clearly identify — hydrogen, electric batteries, solar panels, semiconductors,” Le Maire said, according to the AP. “There is not a moment to lose.”

France and Germany, the two largest economies in the E.U., are leading the charge in calling for subsidies large enough to compete with the IRA and promote green manufacturing in Europe, according to the AP. The E.U. loosened subsidy regulations in 2020 to compensate for the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with more than 75% of the €672 billion (roughly $725 billion) going to France and Germany

What is with the Protectionist Democrats


PREMO Member

Climate change consumer deception lawsuits threaten free speech. Will the Supreme Court take note?

Courts are increasingly taking a close look at the validity of climate change lawsuits against oil producers. And for good reason: These cases severely test the boundaries of court jurisdiction, the breadth of tort law, the protections of due process and even the sanctity of free speech.

As one example of this scrutiny, last Oct. 3, the U.S. Supreme Court signaled a serious interest in the proper forum and scope for climate change litigation.

In Suncor Energy (U.S.A.) Inc. v. Board of County Commissioners of Boulder County, the Supreme Court invited the solicitor general of the United States to weigh in, even though the United States is not a party to the litigation. The federal government is invited to file a brief with an official legal opinion of the federal government about the questions presented regarding the role of federal and state courts and the scope of federal and state common law for evaluating lawsuits alleging climate change injuries from fossil fuel production and consumption. These invitations are rare.

All of the cases similar to Suncor percolating across the country are focused on suing companies for the effects of climate change. Yet, each of these lawsuits also tack on “consumer deception” and related “greenwashing” claims. Both categories get a lot of attention, but the latter deserves special inspection.

These so-called deception claims sometimes allege that the companies downplayed the impacts of climate change despite that there is no affirmative duty to share everything you know, especially when consumers in the market have access to the same information.

Other times the greenwashing claims allege that the companies should not have been allowed to advertise about efforts they are making toward developing cleaner energy because these efforts were not as robust as the plaintiffs would have liked. Indeed, in several cases, the plaintiffs have essentially stated that these companies should not have been allowed to speak about their environmental successes because the only clean fossil fuel is no fossil fuel.

These consumer deception lawsuits are direct attacks on rights to speak and the corollary rights to not be compelled to speak. But there should be no climate change exception to free speech.

In 2019, Justice Samuel Alito penned an important dissenting opinion from a decision by the Supreme Court not to hear an appeal in National Review, Inc. v. Mann. He saw the denial as a lost opportunity to underscore that traditional and ordinary principles protecting free speech to promote discourse should apply within climate change discussions specifically.

Justice Alito noted that “To ensure that our democracy is preserved and is permitted to flourish, this Court must closely scrutinize any restrictions on the statements that can be made on important public policy issues. Otherwise, such restrictions can easily be used to silence the expression of unpopular views.”



PREMO Member

All Green Energy Has ‘Brown Costs’: Former NASA Engineer

Paul Vallejo, who worked as an aerospace engineer at NASA for eight years, said, “even wind and solar aren’t really renewable because you’re taking silica sand out of the ground” to construct solar panels and mining “rare earth” minerals for the magnets for wind turbines, which are not truly renewable.

“Recycling of solar panels is currently not really terribly practical. Both solar panels and wind turbine blades go into the dump,” he told The Epoch Times.

Vallejo also argued that the media coverage of energy tends to focus more on promoting a narrative than all the facts.

“You start with the story, and most modern news outlets fit facts and find experts to run the particular story that they want to run.”

He said mainstream media outlets “call green energy ‘green’” but “ignore the mining that has to be done for that.”

“And that’s true for lithium, the amount of water you have to process in order to create the lithium, the terrible mining conditions for cobalt in the Congo, and for the silica and the rare earth mines in China,” he said.

“All green energy has ‘brown costs,’” he added. “And that’s true for other forms of energy as well.”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
They need to fight fire with fire.

start a campaign describing green energy as racist.

Using images of the exploited children of Africa scraping out a meal from digging cobalt and other rare earth minerals. It wouldn’t be hard.


PREMO Member

Get ready for the lights AND heat to go out

Cuomo-Hochul policies under the Climate Leadership and Protection Act, enforced by the state Climate Action Council, mandate that 70% of New York’s power come from renewables by 2030 and 100% by 2040. As a result, New York’s rapidly losing reliable carbon-based generating capacity — which leaves insufficient backup for when solar or wind plants can’t deliver.

In other words, the state’s electric grid is growing ever more unreliable — even as the state is also pushing for far greater reliance on electric heat.

The official CLPA plan, as the Empire Center’s James Hanley notes, is for backup to be provided by “DEFRs — dispatchable emissions-free resources.” Those are clean-power backup sources — but no such thing exists yet. Yes, Hydro-Québec has agreed to supply the Big Apple with 1,250 megawatts of clean electricity. But Hanley points out the deal “does not obligate Hydro-Québec to provide power in winter.”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I don't buy it.

I say cut off THEIR electricity, water and gas and see how "environmentally concerned" they become.


Just sneakin' around....
I don't buy it.

I say cut off THEIR electricity, water and gas and see how "environmentally concerned" they become.
Yup. When they no longer have a washing machine and have to wash them in the sink or wear crusty shorts, they'll change they're mind.

Ever wash a pair of blue jeans in the sink? It's a workout.


PREMO Member

By Forcing Americans Into Electric Vehicles, Leftists Ensure Road Trips’ Demise

An Axios article titled “Electric car road trips are perfectly doable — if you plan ahead” is a prime example of leftist tone-deafness. To get more Americans to go electric, an Axios journalist went on a road trip to show readers how, erm, easy it is to embark on the great American road trip with an EV.

Yet, the globetrotter admits, the trip was “not without its challenges.” This includes dealing with “glitchy charging equipment touchscreens, billing questions and inoperable plugs” as well as “juggling route-planning apps and billing accounts with various charging companies.” Not to mention having to wait roughly an hour each time your EV has to charge, depending on the quality of the charger. For seasoned road-trippers, for whom time is of the essence, this is an immediate turnoff.

While the article aimed to persuade readers to go electric, it had the exact opposite effect. For the average American, the car symbolizes freedom, autonomy, and adventure. The open road is there to be explored, with a low barrier to entry thanks to the prevalence of gas-powered cars. Americans can go just about anywhere, as long as the keys are in the ignition and there’s gas in the tank.

But going electric kills the romanticism of the road trip by stripping its simplicity. When you own an EV, you can’t just get in your car and drive. You have to plan your route around EV charging stations, worry about the logistics of driving an EV (Muller’s husband drove 151 miles through the Michigan cold without heat to avoid stressing the car’s battery), and pray to God that your battery lasts between charges. The barrier to exploring the open road with an EV is much higher than with the typical gas-powered car, and Americans don’t want to deal with it. They shouldn’t have to, either.


PREMO Member

Why America’s outdated energy grid is a climate problem

The network of transmission lines that carry electricity across the U.S. is old and not set up to meet the anticipated demand for clean energy sources like wind and solar.

Currently, electricity generation results in 32% of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States, mostly from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas. Those fuels are transported and burned where electricity is needed.

But inexpensive emissions-free sources of energy, like solar and wind, are only abundant in places where the sun shines or wind blows, and that’s not necessarily close to homes and businesses. Moreover, demand for electricity is going to rise as fossil fuels are gradually replaced for a whole host of other uses, such as electric vehicles and heat pumps.

Keeping the lights on and the air clean will require a lot of new transmission.

‘A double whammy’: Age and location​

Most of the U.S. electric grid was built in the 1960s and 1970s. Currently, over 70% of the U.S. electricity grid is more than 25 years old, according to the White House.

That creates “vulnerability,” the U.S. Department of Energy said in an announcement of an initiative included in President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to catalyze investment in the nation’s grid.