Grillin, take II...

Order of preference, pick your top three...

  • Burgers

    Votes: 56 65.9%
  • Dogs

    Votes: 29 34.1%
  • Chicken

    Votes: 46 54.1%
  • Steak

    Votes: 74 87.1%
  • Fish

    Votes: 13 15.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 17 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love hotdogs on the grill - nice and charred. It's annoying when wimpy people try to cook the dog so it's all plump and juicy with :shudder: grill marks. They're supposed to be black.


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
MMDad, I simmered my brats in apple juice for 3 hours, then popped them on the grill for a few minutes. They were gone in 60 seconds.
That sounds good. I always liked using a good Porter, but I want an alternative that is not beer.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

MMDad said:
You forgot Bratwurst. If you say that they are covered under hot dogs, turn in your man card now. You no longer are one. If you say it belongs under "other" with the veggies, report for castration today. Why have them if you aren't using them?

...sausage, braunsweiger etc and et al fall under hot dogs.

If you'd like to start a poll and list all the various cuts of steak, go ahead. If you'd like to list every single type and description of penis shaped grill meat, go ahead. If you'd like to list chicken parts, go ahead. If you want to add pheasant, duck, goose or pigeon, be my guest. If you want to list tuna, shrimp, swordfish or minnow, all as individual categories, have at it.

I should have added a category for vegetables however.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I used to think that...

itsbob said:
That's sacrilege..

I've never had a veggie touch the surface of my grill.. :barf:

Grills are for carnivores.. meat eaters.. Put the veggies in your girly salad spinner and spritz the with some sald dressing..

How can you age and season a grill with VEGGIES!??

...until Vrail and Grill God got me to plop some unshucked ears on the grill.

Man. Just awesome.

Vrails Chipotle butter...mmmm...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...sausage, braunsweiger etc and et al fall under hot dogs.

If you'd like to start a poll and list all the various cuts of steak, go ahead. If you'd like to list every single type and description of penis shaped grill meat, go ahead. If you'd like to list chicken parts, go ahead. If you want to add pheasant, duck, goose or pigeon, be my guest. If you want to list tuna, shrimp, swordfish or minnow, all as individual categories, have at it.

I should have added a category for vegetables however.

You forgot Snakehead.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
By the way...

...the only sane way to grill is gas. Charcoal is a pain in the ass and is NOT worth it taste wise. Allow your grill to get filthy and stay that way; it becomes a defacto charco grill. :lmao:

PS; Vrail SMOKES with an electric smoker, so don't start with the 'must be this or that fuel.' I think I can get an ahmen from all who have eaten her smoked wares.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: 'Whack a mole'.


You'll have to find someone else to play with, I have to run. Picnic at 1230 and then Bug to birthday party at 1, we'll be late.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hey Vrail/David...

...take a look at voter % totals. If eveyone is voting thrice, that's where the 300% total comes from, but it's not accurate in terms of total votes cast. Can that be easily fixed?


vraiblonde said:
If I'm cooking - gas. If someone else is dealing with it - charcoal. :lol:

MMDad, I simmered my brats in apple juice for 3 hours, then popped them on the grill for a few minutes. They were gone in 60 seconds.
Got to try that with my Brats next time. Just pure apple juice or mix it with water?

All this talk about grillin and I'm gonna throw the roast chicken back in the freezer and get some sausage out. :yum: Cook up some peppers and onions, some parsley oven potaotes, etc.
Last edited:


PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I love hotdogs on the grill - nice and charred. It's annoying when wimpy people try to cook the dog so it's all plump and juicy with :shudder: grill marks. They're supposed to be black.
Then just call me "wimpy".

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Vince said:
Got to try that with my Brats next time. Just pure apple juice or mix it with water?

All this talk about grillin and I'm gonna throw the roast chicken back in the freezer and get some sausage out. :yum: Cook up some peppers and onions, some parsley oven potaotes, etc.



Don't have any of my good pepper and onion sausage from Nick's, but Johnsonville brats and hot dogs will do in a pinch. Through a pepper and onion mix together and voila..... :yum: Got to try out my new burner anyway. I think I have enough apple juice to try Vrai's recipe.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...take a look at voter % totals. If eveyone is voting thrice, that's where the 300% total comes from, but it's not accurate in terms of total votes cast. Can that be easily fixed?
Not sure I understand what you mean. :confused: