Grillin, take II...

Order of preference, pick your top three...

  • Burgers

    Votes: 56 65.9%
  • Dogs

    Votes: 29 34.1%
  • Chicken

    Votes: 46 54.1%
  • Steak

    Votes: 74 87.1%
  • Fish

    Votes: 13 15.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 17 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Not sure I understand what you mean. :confused:

..right now, 2:18 pm, there is a total of 94% of the vote, so, something else is off. Earlier, steak had the most votes at something like 80 some odd% but all the others had enough of a total % that it equaled 300%.

Cross an elephant and a rhino.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Larry Gude said:
..right now, 2:18 pm, there is a total of 94% of the vote, so, something else is off. Earlier, steak had the most votes at something like 80 some odd% but all the others had enough of a total % that it equaled 300%.

Cross an elephant and a rhino.


...right now! The total %'s are all way to high!!! :jameo:


Don't know about the statistics, but I've got those brats simmering in apple juice right now. :yum: And while they're simmerin, I'm going to jump on the bicycle and get a little exercise.
I am soaking my boneless chicken breasts in an italian marinade. Later I will grill them and then serve them Chicken Parmasean style...:yum:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
....reads 87% out of 94 total votes cast, 29 out of 94 is not 87%
No, but isn't steak with 36 votes 87.8% of 41 people who voted? I assume the percentage is of the people that voted, not the total votes because people were allowed multiple votes. As in 87.8% of voters chose steak.

Right? Or am I confused?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
No, but isn't steak with 36 votes 87.8% of 41 people who voted? I assume the percentage is of the people that voted, not the total votes because people were allowed multiple votes. As in 87.8% of voters chose steak.

Right? Or am I confused?

...that's right. I was looking at it to give a total ranking based on total votes cast, not total voters. So, it's right, 87% of 41 people cast a vote for steak. It's just not gonna give a ranking of where steak stands against the other choices which I think I'd have to limit one person/one vote to get it to read that way.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Vince said:
Oh BTW Vrai, those Brats came out great and took like 5 minutes on the grill. :yum:
Aren't they good? I got that method from a Middletown Heritage Days demonstration and that's how I've done brats ever since. :yum:


vraiblonde said:
I love hotdogs on the grill - nice and charred. It's annoying when wimpy people try to cook the dog so it's all plump and juicy with :shudder: grill marks. They're supposed to be black.

What cookbook is that from?


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...the only sane way to grill is gas. Charcoal is a pain in the ass and is NOT worth it taste wise. Allow your grill to get filthy and stay that way; it becomes a defacto charco grill. :lmao:


And Tracey had me take our grill out and CLEAN it prior to the Memorial Day picnic.. now I'm back to square one.. THREE years of work in there, washed away..


Baby blues
itsbob said:

And Tracey had me take our grill out and CLEAN it prior to the Memorial Day picnic.. now I'm back to square one.. THREE years of work in there, washed away..
I TOLD my mom it added flavor! :lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry said:
It's just not gonna give a ranking of where steak stands against the other choices which I think I'd have to limit one person/one vote to get it to read that way.
Larry, think about that a moment. The percentage showing for each item does rank them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Ken King said:
Larry, think about that a moment. The percentage showing for each item does rank them. does but what I was looking for was, of the six choices, where does each one rank in relation to the other and, of course, the total of 6 choices would equal 100%. What it is giving is that X% of the total number of voters, not votes cast, made a given choice.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: does but what I was looking for was, of the six choices, where does each one rank in relation to the other and, of course, the total of 6 choices would equal 100%. What it is giving is that X% of the total number of voters, not votes cast, made a given choice.
And it shows how many selected steak, giving a ranking of the selections with multiple choices would require a numerical ranking versus just selecting the items and the polls aren't configured to do that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Ken King said:
And it shows how many selected steak, giving a ranking of the selections with multiple choices would require a numerical ranking versus just selecting the items and the polls aren't configured to do that.

...I finally figured that out a few posts back. So, it works as built; it ranks % of total voters not of total votes cast. So, I guess if there could be a new piece of code that takes over when 'allow multiple votes' is selected.

Or maybe it'd be nice if it gave both % in relation to total voters AND total votes as both pieces of info are relevant in so far as X% of people made a given choice as in this case 80 some odd % choose steak as one of their three choices (assuming no one voted more than three times) and that is Y% of total votes cast which would provide both a ranking vs the other choices, and a proof against total votes cast which should be 3 times total voters but not necessarily so as just because I asked for only three picks each person, they could still ballot stuff, as it were. That right there is a practical reason to have it work both ways, so, it's not that I'm being obtuse about it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...I finally figured that out a few posts back. So, it works as built; it ranks % of total voters not of total votes cast. So, I guess if there could be a new piece of code that takes over when 'allow multiple votes' is selected.

Or maybe it'd be nice if it gave both % in relation to total voters AND total votes as both pieces of info are relevant in so far as X% of people made a given choice as in this case 80 some odd % choose steak as one of their three choices (assuming no one voted more than three times) and that is Y% of total votes cast which would provide both a ranking vs the other choices, and a proof against total votes cast which should be 3 times total voters but not necessarily so as just because I asked for only three picks each person, they could still ballot stuff, as it were. That right there is a practical reason to have it work both ways, so, it's not that I'm being obtuse about it.
Okay, at this time the votes are 41 burgers, 20 dogs, 36 chicken, 57 steak, 9 fish and 10 others for a total of 173 votes. So burgers would be 23.70%, dogs would be 11.56%, chicken would be 20.81%, steak would be 32.95%, fish would be 5.20%, and other would be 5.78%. Notice that the total of those percentages is 100%. Even with that I don’t know how they were selected as to ranking.