Never thought of that. Have to give it a try. I'm guessing you're using fresh spinach and sautee in butter??Love them! Especially when added to sautéed spinach and garlic. I made it a couple of days ago.
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Never thought of that. Have to give it a try. I'm guessing you're using fresh spinach and sautee in butter??Love them! Especially when added to sautéed spinach and garlic. I made it a couple of days ago.
sun-dried tomatoes
Never thought of that. Have to give it a try. I'm guessing you're using fresh spinach and sautee in butter??
However, I just thought of how much I hate fake-fruit-flavored things. Like candy, or fruit juices (all! Apple or grape juice makes me gag) I don't mind citrus flavored candies like the yellow starbursts but any other colored skittles? Swedish fish? red tootsie pops? I'm all about chocolate. I can't do energy drinks either bc they all smell like nasty fruit juices. However I make exceptions for fruit jams or preserves :shrug:
Other than that I'll eat anything
I'm with you on this. ESPECIALLY Cherry-flavored crap. Grenadine. Cherry cola Candy
Yes, the whole bag of fresh spinach and use some of the oil that the sundried tomatoes are packed in.
watching anthony bourdain - no reservations last night, either Ecuador or Peru, One of the meals he ate was FETUS Soup, they would kill a cow or it would die, so start butchering it up, HEY, guess what here's a baby COW.... Let's make Soup with it. We turned DVR OFF @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@