Grossly Overweight Spouses


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
If he doesn't take out the trash, mow the lawn, clean the gutters..etc...he doesn't get any.
Really? Withholding sex now, are we? :lol:

Fibber. If your once-hottie hubby gained a ton of weight and refused to tend to his hygeine, you'd be out of there like a shot. I'd lay money on it.

:lmao: @ Kain and Kwillia


Originally posted by Pete
Yea I am sure the line to get a little 350lb action out there is long.........

Laugh all you want, I've seen some seriously HIDEOUS BEAST out there with kids. :twitch:

He!!, even my ugly mug had kids.


Originally posted by justhangn
Laugh all you want, I've seen some seriously HIDEOUS BEAST out there with kids. :twitch:

He!!, even my ugly mug had kids.

Chances are they were not hideous beasts when the deed was done, it happened later. If it didn't happen after then the spouse signed on to a hideous beast to begin with and has no gripe.

If you married someone who was 350lbs would it be right to expect them to trim to 150? No, so why is it ok to go the other way?


Originally posted by Pete
Chances are they were not hideous beasts when the deed was done, it happened later. If it didn't happen after then the spouse signed on to a hideous beast to begin with and has no gripe.

If you married someone who was 350lbs would it be right to expect them to trim to 150? No, so why is it ok to go the other way?

1. It was a infant with a moose.

2. You're right, you can't expect the person to drop to meet your wants and needs.


New Member
Originally posted by Kyle
I got rid of half the extra I was carrying by just eliminating, then limiting, the trash food. (Ice Cream, Cake, candy chips, extra sugar and less fast food)

Best of luck to both of you. :yay:

I just lost 10 lbs by doing the same thing.


New Member
Originally posted by Pete
shup skinny

I should have added to that a little. I've been skinny my whole damn life. I did go crazy on a body building trip for awhile, and got up to 180 lbs. But fatigued myself severely and had to quit. That weight came off in a hurry!

But now, in my 30's as much as I hate to admit it, I'm having to watch what I eat, cuz I see that "dicky-do" disease creaping up. I jumped on it, and it's about gone now.

But then I ate lunch today...1 bomber burger, and one ribeye and provolone sammich from the roach caoch. :yum:

I'll be eating salad for dinner. :ohwell:


I'm not sure if I want to actually post this reply but we will see when I get to the end of this message if I can actually hit the post button.
Mu husband died in April. He was my best friend, I knew him since I was 17. We would have been married 28 years this year. He was overweight, smoked, had diabeties and a host of other things brought on by his weight. He was also one of the happiest people I will ever know. He had a massive heart attack and in a couple of hours everything changed.
No matter what I cooked or how many times I tried to get him to exercise it just didn't happen. There was nothing that I could have done to change the way he was. Rabbitlady needs to remember as adults we are in charge of our destiny. I do wonder if her husband is an anti depressent, because he sounds depressed. And that turns into a feel worthless and turn to food for doesn't judge you or reject you. And it is horrible watching the person you love do this to themselves and you feel so helpless.
And those of you who wrote about being intimate with an overweight person...when I looked into my husband's eyes I saw wonderful the person inside. That is what real love is about.
Now can I hit that reply button?

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by spinner
I'm not sure if I want to actually post this reply but we will see when I get to the end of this message if I can actually hit the post button.
Mu husband died in April. He was my best friend, I knew him since I was 17. We would have been married 28 years this year. He was overweight, smoked, had diabeties and a host of other things brought on by his weight. He was also one of the happiest people I will ever know. He had a massive heart attack and in a couple of hours everything changed.
No matter what I cooked or how many times I tried to get him to exercise it just didn't happen. There was nothing that I could have done to change the way he was. Rabbitlady needs to remember as adults we are in charge of our destiny. I do wonder if her husband is an anti depressent, because he sounds depressed. And that turns into a feel worthless and turn to food for doesn't judge you or reject you. And it is horrible watching the person you love do this to themselves and you feel so helpless.
And those of you who wrote about being intimate with an overweight person...when I looked into my husband's eyes I saw wonderful the person inside. That is what real love is about.
Now can I hit that reply button?

You said it right. :clap: :clap: Somebody needed to say that to all those jerks:clap: :clap:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by spinner
And those of you who wrote about being intimate with an overweight person...when I looked into my husband's eyes I saw wonderful the person inside. That is what real love is about.
Now can I hit that reply button?
awesome post.. thanks for sharing that, and my heart felt condolences to you....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SxyPrincess said:
Um, NO! I don't think of it as my duty to have sex with my husband, it a priviledge for him. If he doesn't take out the trash, mow the lawn, clean the gutters..etc...he doesn't get any. :biggrin:
