Grossly Overweight Spouses


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick
I thought she had the gut-balloon thing
Nope, she had her stomach stapled. The reason I know so much about this is that my mother thought she might want to have this done (even though she was only like 50 lbs overweight :duh:). My Mom was going through this weird phase and she got her boobs done and a tummy tuck. If anyone wants to know the horror stories with tummy tucks, just ask!


I was thinking about having a tummy tuck when I am all done with losing my weight, but I really don't think I will need one. I am going to wait a year and see if the stomach shrinks on it's own. I also have lost it a lot slower then the people who got gastric bypass done. Heck it has taken me over a year to lose the last 50 lbs or so.


I want to loose the last 30 pounds or so and get to my goal before deciding on any tummy tucks too.

Carnie talked about her procedure on a biography special. It had me in tears to listen to her talk. I could relate at some level the pain her weight has caused her. I think in her situation, she made the best choice. She had way more than 150 pounds to loose. I think she was close to 380 pounds. She is now in the 130-140 range and looks fantastic.

Jared, the Subway guy, rocks. :cheers:


Yes she was, you can see a free pic if you go to their website.

Oz, what happened to the tube top???


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Heretic
Oz, what happened to the tube top???

She got a back ache... :biggrin: So I thought I'd let Mongo out for a while...


New Member

I know exactly where you are coming from. It does absolutely no good for me or anyone else to tell you what to feed your husband. If he is like mine, no vegetables, no fruits, doesn't eat salads, etc. If we could get them to eat healthy there wouldn't be a problem - right? But we can't force healthy food on them, any more than handcuffing them to a tredmill.
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Thanks for understanding...most people don't. I did want to say that not only is my husband about 200 pounds overweight, and this has definitely affected his health. He has had numerous skin conditions and now he was diagnosed with Lymphodema. Also, mu husband SMELLS!! and doesn't take showers like he should. His toenails are so long he has to cut them with a saw. So this is romantic??!!!
We have a 2-story house and he never goes up and down the stairs...due to his health plus the fact that he is just darn lazy.
It's been a rocky road for me..especially since I marred a man years ago who had much more respect for himself.
So I'm sure I'll get some more negative comments....I'm ready for them :)


Rabbitlady, you do not deserve to be judged. :huggy: I wish you the best of luck. You have every reason to be upset and concerned. I just wish that he could find the slightest motivation to make his life better for you and the kids. When somebody you love doesn't change their behavior to better their life, it makes you feel not loved by them.

TWLs wife

New Member
Your husband should love you just the way you are...............................

Or he might not like the way he feels about himself ,so he puts you down. Don't let him, be strong.
You are what you make yourself into :diva: :diva:


Set Trippin
Re: Your husband should love you just the way you are...............................

Originally posted by TIGGER6035
Or he might not like the way he feels about himself ,so he puts you down. Don't let him, be strong.
You are what you make yourself into :diva: :diva:

sorry but :killingme :lmao: :roflmao: :killingme :lmao: :roflmao:


New Member
Rabbitlady, you have been reduced to being given advice from a moron. Shall I provide you with the local bus schedules so that you may jump in front of one of them?


Originally posted by RabbitLady
due to his health plus the fact that he is just darn lazy.

Audience: How Lazy Is He???

Seriously - if he's really lazy, that means you can easily exhibit some control over his diet. If he's too lazy to cook dinner, and such.

Salad and fish and chicken - goodbye pasta and steak and fried cheese. After this diet knocks off about a pound or thirty, you and he will both be amazed at how un-lazy he will suddenly become.


Not only will it be easier to lug himself around with 30 fewer pounds (That's a LOT), his heart and circulation will be better, breathing and sleeping is easier and more effective - and when he sees himself looking a little better, and clothing fitting better, that will provide an incredible amount of optimism and motivation to continue this trend.

I speak from experience.

Originally posted by RabbitLady
So I'm sure I'll get some more negative comments....I'm ready for them :)

Nah - There's nothing wrong with worrying about the health of a loved one who's trapped in a self-destructive mindset.

The term is called: "Letting oneself go." And it is very difficult to get someone who has let themselves go to get back into a healthy lifestyle. But it is most definitely possible. I wish you luck.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A different take...


It's all about image and perception and a host of other ridiculous ideas.

Anyone who has lost weight wanna go back?

Anyone not feel alive again?

Anyone feel just fine 100 pounds ago?

I think it is about health, about quality of life. Are there really people 100 plus over weight who feel just fine physically???

I'm 30 over and sometimes I feel like Ken King looks, contrary to popular opinion. :biggrin:

I gotta get in shape...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: A different take...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

Anyone who has lost weight wanna go back?

Anyone not feel alive again?

Anyone feel just fine 100 pounds ago?

I think it is about health, about quality of life. Are there really people 100 plus over weight who feel just fine physically???

I'm 30 over and sometimes I feel like Ken King looks, contrary to popular opinion. :biggrin:

I gotta get in shape...
Well Larry, I think it's fine that you feel good about yourself. If we could get that beret off your head you might actually look better too. I am looking for a heavy bag to work out on (NOTE: heavy bag is a training item for boxing, not a female, at least in this instance).