

Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Richard Cranium said:
Maybe.....just maybe....I have better things to do than constantly hit the refresh button watching for a response. :loser:

Yes, yes... We know. You have cans to empty, toilets to clean... get back to your duties.

Richard Cranium

New Member
Qurious said:
I wonder if it was The Fallout Boys blasting in a Ford F150 :larry: would this be a problem?

I think NOT. :lmao:

Yeah, it would be. I enjoy my peace and quiet past a certain time of the night. I don't care if it's dueling frickin banjos playing at 200db.

Once again, you're wrong. And racist.

BTW thanks for the karma Qurious. You can call me racist all you want, kettle.


Im On 1.
Richard Cranium said:
Yeah, it would be. I enjoy my peace and quiet past a certain time of the night. I don't care if it's dueling frickin banjos playing at 200db.

Once again, you're wrong. And racist.

BTW thanks for the karma Qurious. You can call me racist all you want, kettle.

I sign my karma :killingme so its not me continuing to call your racist...but I see im not the only one with my mind made up about you.


New Member
juggy4805 said:
Exactly. You feel awesome when you wear nice clothes and have a nice car. It feels good working to get the things you want.
Not only that, but they live with their momma. I think its pretty dang funny when people drive these expensive cars with bells and blow horns, but live in a trailer or with their momma. This is why I'm hot...cuz I'm a mooch :huggy: ...I live with my momma...but drive a phat ride... :killingme
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professional daydreamer
mdgirlie said:
Not only that, but they live with their momma. I think its pretty dang funny when people drive these expensive cars with bells and blow horns, but live in a trailer or with their momma. This is why I'm hot...cuz I'm a mooch...I live with my momma...but drive a phat ride... :killingme



Come Play at BigWoodys
Damn DH you turned your Karma off and I was gonna send ya green for once. I have the big boomin system in the car and love it but when pulling into the neighborhood or pulling up to a light with the windows down my system goes down. One to respect others around me and two so no little punks can follow me home and steal my goodies.


New Member
elaine said:
I saw a riced up bimmer. Sad. Very sad.

Not as sad as the riced out red Maxima I always see cutting in and out of traffic. What makes it so sad is the loser driving has to be over 40. :killingme Isn't that a little old for chrome coffee can exhaust tips and such. Maybe he was just late for the SOMD Racers meeting in the Walmart parking lot. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
MDChick said:
Not as sad as the riced out red Maxima I always see cutting in and out of traffic. What makes it so sad is the loser driving has to be over 40. :killingme Isn't that a little old for chrome coffee can exhaust tips and such. Maybe he was just late for the SOMD Racers meeting in the Walmart parking lot. :shrug:



It's like farting in an elevator, except the culprits are standing tall letting you know who did it.
I find the loud music very offensive and inconsiderate of others. Very disrespectful.

The problem lays w/ retaliation.
How can one offend the offenders & remain un-prosecutable by the law??

-I drift in their lane when they are passing. Sometimes they notice, sometimes they don't. When they notice & flip out, I give the gesture of apology and sorrow. In reality I am extremely pleased by their "upset-ness". Not trying to wreck anyone, just trying to make them aware that they are not alone on the road.

-When sitting at a light & they are behind me, I will back-up tight to them & sit still after the light turns green. This forces them to try to go around but they have to reverse themselves because there is no room for them to maneuver. At the same time, people behind them are scrambling to get moving as well. This causes much disruption for "my" target & really upsets them, but it also offends others who are affected by my actions. This is a love/hate move because I have successfully disrupted the original offenders but have also disrupted other people who I had no intention of affecting, but did. I will put on the 4-way flashers mid-way thru the mayhem to indicate a mechanical failure of some sort & also to give the perception of innocence.

I want them to breath air that is foul, like riding behind a trash truck on a hot summer day. They make others "air" unpleasant.

How can we return the favor??


New Member
Theres ways to deal with the loud music. First off, as expressed before in this thread, you cannot expect the police to do anything about it, unless of course you do something about it....

Get yourself a video camera and film it. Take notes as to when this person leaves everyday and comes back playing the music. Get your neighborhood watch involved. If you don't have one, start one, this maybe a reason why the crime rate is rising in your community.

Start taking information down. Tag numbers, colors of the vehicles, who is driving, what they look like, the usual stuff when the crime is happening, who is involved. Go to that persons house and express your concern as far as the music is concerned.... Feel free to do so at about 3 am in the morning to ensure they get woken up by their own doorbell so they get the full effect of their actions.

10 to 1, if you can get them for the music, theres other things wrong with the vehicle as well Is their window tint too dark? Do they have loud exhaust? Driving around with lights that glow or flash? Perhaps they are driving around blasting music that is filled with curse words and other crap. If the music can be heard 50 feet from the origin of the vehicle, its up too loud.
Feel free to record this, video, pictures, witnesses.

If this is the case, feel free to report those violations in your findings as well. Cops aren't going to do anything unless you take it upon yourself to do a small amount of police work yourself. Show initiative that you are trying to do what you can to rectifiy the problem, and perhaps they might make an effort. At least go talk to the knucklehead and speak with him about it. Make sure you get it all on video. Kids making obscene gestures, you name it.

Get your Neighborhood association involved. Express concern that its driving you nuts, that you would appreciate it if these people would stop this music. Its going to eventually lead to other things, drug activity, crime, etc... all of which brings down the value of your house.... Thats not good for you or the community. If you don't think so, there was some incidents a few years back in waldorf where people were going around and following those who played loud music home, and then breaking in and stealing the stereo systems out of the cars to pawn them for money.

Once again, after you've gathered your information, call the police. If an officer comes out, talk with him. Show him your work. If he says theres nothing he can do, demand to speak with his supervisor, and get his badge/car number. They will eventually go investigate your claim at some point its not like we live in a high murder area where felonies are all they care about and have time to deal with. IF they don't investigate, then call your county officials, or talk with a supervisor of the road sgt. at the police department or whoever. Encourage other citizens to make complaints as well. When the whole neighborhood calls 911 and the non emergency number because people are disturbing the peace, the department WILL do something about it. And if they don't, feel free to contact your local elected officials.

If you don't crack down on the small things, such as music being loud, loud exhuasts, speeding etc.... this will be noticed, and then they will start getting away with more.... vandalism, burglary, grand theft auto, etc... its only going to get worse.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
FastCarsSpeed said:
Damn DH you turned your Karma off and I was gonna send ya green for once. I have the big boomin system in the car and love it but when pulling into the neighborhood or pulling up to a light with the windows down my system goes down. One to respect others around me and two so no little punks can follow me home and steal my goodies.
I believe he's been banned. Buh-bye to him. :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
protectmd said:
Theres ways to deal with the loud music. First off, as expressed before in this thread, you cannot expect the police to do anything about it, unless of course you do something about it....

Get yourself a video camera and film it. Take notes as to when this person leaves everyday and comes back playing the music. Get your neighborhood watch involved. If you don't have one, start one, this maybe a reason why the crime rate is rising in your community.

Start taking information down. Tag numbers, colors of the vehicles, who is driving, what they look like, the usual stuff when the crime is happening, who is involved. Go to that persons house and express your concern as far as the music is concerned.... Feel free to do so at about 3 am in the morning to ensure they get woken up by their own doorbell so they get the full effect of their actions.

10 to 1, if you can get them for the music, theres other things wrong with the vehicle as well Is their window tint too dark? Do they have loud exhaust? Driving around with lights that glow or flash? Perhaps they are driving around blasting music that is filled with curse words and other crap. If the music can be heard 50 feet from the origin of the vehicle, its up too loud.
Feel free to record this, video, pictures, witnesses.

If this is the case, feel free to report those violations in your findings as well. Cops aren't going to do anything unless you take it upon yourself to do a small amount of police work yourself. Show initiative that you are trying to do what you can to rectifiy the problem, and perhaps they might make an effort. At least go talk to the knucklehead and speak with him about it. Make sure you get it all on video. Kids making obscene gestures, you name it.

Get your Neighborhood association involved. Express concern that its driving you nuts, that you would appreciate it if these people would stop this music. Its going to eventually lead to other things, drug activity, crime, etc... all of which brings down the value of your house.... Thats not good for you or the community. If you don't think so, there was some incidents a few years back in waldorf where people were going around and following those who played loud music home, and then breaking in and stealing the stereo systems out of the cars to pawn them for money.

Once again, after you've gathered your information, call the police. If an officer comes out, talk with him. Show him your work. If he says theres nothing he can do, demand to speak with his supervisor, and get his badge/car number. They will eventually go investigate your claim at some point its not like we live in a high murder area where felonies are all they care about and have time to deal with. IF they don't investigate, then call your county officials, or talk with a supervisor of the road sgt. at the police department or whoever. Encourage other citizens to make complaints as well. When the whole neighborhood calls 911 and the non emergency number because people are disturbing the peace, the department WILL do something about it. And if they don't, feel free to contact your local elected officials.

If you don't crack down on the small things, such as music being loud, loud exhuasts, speeding etc.... this will be noticed, and then they will start getting away with more.... vandalism, burglary, grand theft auto, etc... its only going to get worse.

Can I call the cops when the ice cream truck wakes me up from my nap in my pool in the summer? Or can they make him play different tunes? Man, I hate that truck.


off the shelf
BS Gal said:
Can I call the cops when the ice cream truck wakes me up from my nap in my pool in the summer? Or can they make him play different tunes? Man, I hate that truck.

You will not have time to sleep in your pool this summer :howdy:


Big Poppa
So according to protectmd anyone who plays the radio with the windows down is in violation. I know there are laws here that can have hefty fines if they pull you over. I have a loud stereo, but its going to be for comp use. I turn it down at lights, residential areas, etc. If im at a light and the guy next to me is blasting his at full blast i will put on some iron maiden, or some nevermore or something that you can understand. If it sound like crap i will put something in with some bass. If you are going to be a dick and ride around with a system thats wide open at least make sure it sounds good. And there are far worst things than a stereo, big rigs and dump trucks, little rice rockets, harleys at 2 in the morning. I will be as considerate to other drivers as possible, and people sleeping. You cant stop all #######s though.