

" Also Avail. In Sober!"
protectmd said:
Theres ways to deal with the loud music. First off, as expressed before in this thread, you cannot expect the police to do anything about it, unless of course you do something about it....

Get yourself a video camera and film it. Take notes as to when this person leaves everyday and comes back playing the music. Get your neighborhood watch involved. If you don't have one, start one, this maybe a reason why the crime rate is rising in your community.

Start taking information down. Tag numbers, colors of the vehicles, who is driving, what they look like, the usual stuff when the crime is happening, who is involved. Go to that persons house and express your concern as far as the music is concerned.... Feel free to do so at about 3 am in the morning to ensure they get woken up by their own doorbell so they get the full effect of their actions.

10 to 1, if you can get them for the music, theres other things wrong with the vehicle as well Is their window tint too dark? Do they have loud exhaust? Driving around with lights that glow or flash? Perhaps they are driving around blasting music that is filled with curse words and other crap. If the music can be heard 50 feet from the origin of the vehicle, its up too loud.
Feel free to record this, video, pictures, witnesses.

If this is the case, feel free to report those violations in your findings as well. Cops aren't going to do anything unless you take it upon yourself to do a small amount of police work yourself. Show initiative that you are trying to do what you can to rectifiy the problem, and perhaps they might make an effort. At least go talk to the knucklehead and speak with him about it. Make sure you get it all on video. Kids making obscene gestures, you name it.

Get your Neighborhood association involved. Express concern that its driving you nuts, that you would appreciate it if these people would stop this music. Its going to eventually lead to other things, drug activity, crime, etc... all of which brings down the value of your house.... Thats not good for you or the community. If you don't think so, there was some incidents a few years back in waldorf where people were going around and following those who played loud music home, and then breaking in and stealing the stereo systems out of the cars to pawn them for money.

Once again, after you've gathered your information, call the police. If an officer comes out, talk with him. Show him your work. If he says theres nothing he can do, demand to speak with his supervisor, and get his badge/car number. They will eventually go investigate your claim at some point its not like we live in a high murder area where felonies are all they care about and have time to deal with. IF they don't investigate, then call your county officials, or talk with a supervisor of the road sgt. at the police department or whoever. Encourage other citizens to make complaints as well. When the whole neighborhood calls 911 and the non emergency number because people are disturbing the peace, the department WILL do something about it. And if they don't, feel free to contact your local elected officials.

If you don't crack down on the small things, such as music being loud, loud exhuasts, speeding etc.... this will be noticed, and then they will start getting away with more.... vandalism, burglary, grand theft auto, etc... its only going to get worse.

I love pulling up next to someone like you in my vehicle with my music loud, and just turn it up louder. what makes you think loud music is the devil? maybe its some ones hobby, maybe we do it just to rattle the dentures out of your mouths, whatever the reason, was that whole paragraph necessary? would you really go thru all that trouble and stress because someone has "played loud music". like you were never young and did things others viewed "wrong". i would also really advise not going to someones home at 3 am to express your "concern" with them. one might express their concern to put a boot in your arse.


" Also Avail. In Sober!"
people really need to lighten up, ill go on in traffic and listen to my loud music and you shouldn't sweat it, you let every little thing upset you and your miserable. who knows, at the next light an oil tanker might explode and kill me and everyone around, i went happy. how did you?

so "respect" yourself and live like theres no tomorrow. you never know.


New Member
socal1985 said:
people really need to lighten up, ill go on in traffic and listen to my loud music and you shouldn't sweat it, you let every little thing upset you and your miserable. who knows, at the next light an oil tanker might explode and kill me and everyone around, i went happy. how did you?

so "respect" yourself and live like theres no tomorrow. you never know.

Not everybody is so carefree and irresponsible. When you blast your music in traffic or at a stoplight, I can't hear my music. Who are you to dictate what I can and can't listen to?! You're entitled to like whatever you want, but I'd rather listen to my own selection. When you go to a theater to watch a movie, do I project old episodes of "The Facts of Life" over it? Why don't you try to have some consideration for those around you?


New Member
Wow, people in the county really do complain about EVERYTHING. You all have gone on for 9 pages so far complaining about how loud certain people listen to their music. PATHETIC

i say listen to your music the way that makes you happy, if others dont like it O WELL


just one of those days...
Lugnut said:
Shoot, blast what ever you want as long as your rolling down the road and not in a residential area!

I feel Craniums pain!

Every friday and saturday night cars come rolling by my house at a crawl BLASTING music with the windows open. I have the urge to hide in the bushes with a baseball bat very weekend! :lmao:

Ooh, I'm gonna go buy a clown suit for the occassion! Can you imagine the reaction when a giant clown jumps out of the bushes screaming bloody murder and bashing the windows out of the car? :killingme

I wanna see this too. Imagine them trying to explain it to the cops.... No officer I haven't been drinking or doing drugs. I swear it was a giant clown that came out of nowhere.... Oh my that would be funny! :killingme


just one of those days...
socal1985 said:
I love pulling up next to someone like you in my vehicle with my music loud, and just turn it up louder. what makes you think loud music is the devil? maybe its some ones hobby, maybe we do it just to rattle the dentures out of your mouths, whatever the reason, was that whole paragraph necessary? would you really go thru all that trouble and stress because someone has "played loud music". like you were never young and did things others viewed "wrong". i would also really advise not going to someones home at 3 am to express your "concern" with them. one might express their concern to put a boot in your arse.

Well just remember that the fire engine or ambulance that is going down the road that you can't hear because of YOUR stupid car stereo, may be going to YOUR house or to someone's house in your family.... That is another problem with the music! You would be amazed at how many people don't hear the fire engine or the ambulance because of the music volume and then when they notice it is behind them they hit the brakes and it can cause an accident. As an emergency vehicle driver I can tell you that it is ridiculous when you can't hear sirens and air horns over your own noise.


New Member
AEDGT said:
i say listen to your music the way that makes you happy, if others dont like it O WELL

That's because your momma raised a fool. She should've taught you some manners and consideration.


" Also Avail. In Sober!"
MDChick said:
Not everybody is so carefree and irresponsible. When you blast your music in traffic or at a stoplight, I can't hear my music. Who are you to dictate what I can and can't listen to?! You're entitled to like whatever you want, but I'd rather listen to my own selection. When you go to a theater to watch a movie, do I project old episodes of "The Facts of Life" over it? Why don't you try to have some consideration for those around you?

irresponsible? loud music makes someone irresponsible? i have an idea MDchick, why dont you write to all the major vehicle corps. and tell them to stop making thier stereos so loud in all the new cars, i have seen stock stereos that are louder and badder than your older stereos...... go ahead and tell them its "irresponsible" because it causes people to express their feelings and enjoy the moment by turning the radio up, and waaah "I" cant hear my kenny loggins. Christ get real.


" Also Avail. In Sober!"
princess73 said:
Well just remember that the fire engine or ambulance that is going down the road that you can't hear because of YOUR stupid car stereo, may be going to YOUR house or to someone's house in your family.... That is another problem with the music! You would be amazed at how many people don't hear the fire engine or the ambulance because of the music volume and then when they notice it is behind them they hit the brakes and it can cause an accident. As an emergency vehicle driver I can tell you that it is ridiculous when you can't hear sirens and air horns over your own noise.

well when you listen to your "stupid" stereos and your darn devil music you learn to check your mirrors, and look around you.


Well-Known Member
I like to creep up behind old ladies and then crank up my 4 15's until the dentures come flying out of their mouths.
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" Also Avail. In Sober!"
and just keep in mind to every ticked off person in this thread. you can complain all you want about loud bass, and music that over powers your own, but nothing will ever get done about it, their are noise ordnance laws that state so, before 9 pm everyone is really powerless in stopping it. so theres no use in getting your bats and clow suits out, and your video recorders, and your flux capacitors and db. readers. go ahead and focus on some real problems. ie the 2008 elections.

oh and to MDchick. go ahead and talk to the officials on base to about the "irresponable" jet noise... because that rattles the windows too right?...


" Also Avail. In Sober!"
smoothmarine187 said:
I like to creep up behind old ladies and then crank up my 4 15's until the dentures come flying out of their mouths.

hahaha. but that would be considered "carefree" man, god forbid your ever carefree!


New Member
socal1985 said:
irresponsible? loud music makes someone irresponsible? i have an idea MDchick, why dont you write to all the major vehicle corps. and tell them to stop making thier stereos so loud in all the new cars, i have seen stock stereos that are louder and badder than your older stereos...... go ahead and tell them its "irresponsible" because it causes people to express their feelings and enjoy the moment by turning the radio up, and waaah "I" cant hear my kenny loggins. Christ get real.

The manufacturer simply puts the stereo in the car. Just like anything else, it takes an irresponsible person to misuse it.


" Also Avail. In Sober!"
MDChick said:
The manufacturer simply puts the stereo in the car. Just like anything else, it takes an irresponsible person to misuse it.

wrong, im in the industry, manufaturers hire companys like rockford fosgate and bose to put rockin stereos in the new line ups, and they them-selfes compete to see who has the loudest stereo, ford, chevy, dodge.......


New Member
socal1985 said:
wrong, im in the industry, manufaturers hire companys like rockford fosgate and bose to put rockin stereos in the new line ups, and they them-selfes compete to see who has the loudest stereo, ford, chevy, dodge.......

They can also give you far more horsepower than you need. Do you drive everywhere at full throttle with the speedo maxed out too?

It doesn't matter who they hire or how they compete, it still takes an irresponsible or inconsiderate person to misues it.
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Big Poppa
Rockford sucks..

ALot of companies are realizing how many people want the ability to change there stereo around thats why a lot manufactureres are looking into putting preouts on factory HU's. I like my bass, but i also have enough sound deadener in my truck so its stays in. I cant stand these guys that buy these stereos just so they can be heard down the block, i want it in my truck.


New Member
blazinlow89 said:
I like my bass, but i also have enough sound deadener in my truck so its stays in. I cant stand these guys that buy these stereos just so they can be heard down the block, i want it in my truck.

Yeah, you've nailed it. I don't think anyone really gives a crap what anyone listens to or how loudly when they're driving. But the dumb sh!ts that blast music at a stoplight aren't doing it for the love of the music - they just want you to look at them.


" Also Avail. In Sober!"
MDChick said:
They can also give you far more horsepower than you need. Do you drive everywhere at full throttle with the speedo maxed out too?

It doesn't matter who they hire or how they compete, it still takes an irresponsible or inconsiderate person to misues it.

yes that is true. they do give you power to use at your discression, but this thread is about a mindless argument on how turning your radio up that you spend good money on is "irresponsible" and its not. people getting upset about loud music is assnine. do you get upset when jets fly over and you cant hear your music? do you get upset when semi truck downshifts and scares you to death?

now inconsiderate AT TIMES yes. but still in no way is playing your stereo loud cause your in a good mood "irresponsible".


blazinlow89 said:
Rockford sucks..

ALot of companies are realizing how many people want the ability to change there stereo around thats why a lot manufactureres are looking into putting preouts on factory HU's. I like my bass, but i also have enough sound deadener in my truck so its stays in. I cant stand these guys that buy these stereos just so they can be heard down the block, i want it in my truck.

Yea between me and Blazin we can debate audio for awhile. My choice right now is Kicker for cheapness and powerhandling. But I laugh at those at walmart looking for a killer system to put into their whatever kind of car.

People like Blazin and I love the bass BUT we only play it loud when its not a nusence to others. That and our vehicles are sound deadened to keep the music we like in our vehicles.