Guilt by Association


My Sweetest Boy
migtig said:
I don't judge people by the opinions of others. I form my own opinion. I have been wrong about people several times over, however, I have been right a time or two, and that makes it worthwhile to not judge a book by its' cover.

That's nice, but that has nothing to do with judging by association.


aka Mrs. Giant
cattitude said:
That's nice, but that has nothing to do with judging by association.
Sure it does.
A asks me to hang out.
I tell my friend B I am hanging out with A.
B says to me - oh I don't like A. I heard she does sex tricks. C hangs out with and was arrested last week. Made the paper.
I tell B - well, I am not hanging out with C I am hanging out with A and no sex will be involved.



Lovin' being Texican
migtig said:
Sure it does.
A asks me to hang out.
I tell my friend B I am hanging out with A.
B says to me - oh I don't like A. I heard she does sex tricks. C hangs out with and was arrested last week. Made the paper.
I tell B - well, I am not hanging out with C I am hanging out with A and no sex will be involved.


Can you introduce me to A? (assuming A is female)


curiouser and curiouser
migtig said:
Sure it does.
A asks me to hang out.
I tell my friend B I am hanging out with A.
B says to me - oh I don't like A. I heard she does sex tricks. C hangs out with and was arrested last week. Made the paper.
I tell B - well, I am not hanging out with C I am hanging out with A and no sex will be involved.

What? :confused:


Infinite Impetus
Kain99 said:
Perscribe to this theory? I sure do. Been told this is unfair. :lmao:

As long as YOU know who you are it shouldnt matter..
However, society does not see it that way at all. We are all about trying to gather information on someone ASAP.
If I see a teenage boy hanging out with a group of 5 other teenage boys smoking cigs and hanging out behind a movie theatre, you're correct in that I am going to judge him right along with his friends. . Even though he may be a 4.0 student and a star in his school musical..
Just watch what friends you bring out with you if you are worried about association. It will happen no matter what.
Most people tend to hang out with others of their same caliber anyway.


loving life
You are judged by the company you keep, if you lay down with dogs you get fleas, every mother has told their children this. :whistle: I'm not itching anymore. :lmao:



I wanna be a SMIB
I try not to hang out with stupid people because I dont want anyone thinking thats ok with me. Same goes for the criminal types.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Chasey_Lane said:
I know of one friend that still tokes up here and there. Sometimes we hang out. I don't smoke.

When I was about 21/22 I always hung out with a certain gal. She never had a cell phone and would always use mine to call dudes and :gossip:. I was in a steady relationship and wasn't into that. I would drop her off, then go along my way.

I hang out with a few people that like to party almost every weekend. I go out on ocassion and rarely do I have more than 2 drinks, usually it is just water, but I've gotten "alcoholic" karma before. :confused:

Make sense? :lol:
Those are all minor examples and nobody thinks ALL friends are EXACTLY the same. I'm talking about character issues:

Your first friend not only smokes pot, but steals to get it (and you know about it but still choose to keep them as a friend).

The second friend is cheating on her husband and uses your cellphone to arrange her hookups.

The third friend routinely drives drunk, endangering others, and gets in drunken bar fights. (I get "alcoholic" karma all the time - I think it's because of my association with Pete :jet:)

Those are the types of associations we're talking about - not that Pixie has a terrible fashion sense, so you must too because you hang out with her.


Kain99 said:
Perscribe to this theory? I sure do. Been told this is unfair. :lmao:
I don't "perscribe" to any theory, and in fact you cannot "prescribe" to any theory, you can only "prescribe" the theory. Now SUBscribe, yes... I subscribe to the theory.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
kris31280 said:
I don't "perscribe" to any theory, and in fact you cannot "prescribe" to any theory, you can only "prescribe" the theory. Now SUBscribe, yes... I subscribe to the theory.