Guilt by Association


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
what is it when someone is judgemental, uncaring, and stereotypes others, oh yeah, you call them friends.
Yep - and I call them "myself", too.

I have no real problem being judgemental. Only people who can't get their act together and keep making the same mistakes over and over and over get pissed when others judge them accordingly.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Yep - and I call them "myself", too.

I have no real problem being judgemental. Only people who can't get their act together and keep making the same mistakes over and over and over get pissed when others judge them accordingly.
That's obvious.

It must be nice to believe that you are perfect so that you can declare another's station in life or their worthiness. I guess it makes it easier to believe that you are right when you hang out with the other perfect people that act and think just like you do.


New Member
Kain99 said:
Perscribe to this theory? I sure do. Been told this is unfair. :lmao:
I suffer from guilt by association. Does that make me a victim? Where do I go to get my entitlement check?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
That's obvious.

It must be nice to believe that you are perfect so that you can declare another's station in life or their worthiness. I guess it makes it easier to believe that you are right when you hang out with the other perfect people that act and think just like you do.
I like the people I hang out with and am happy to be associated with them. If someone said to me, "I don't like you because you hang out with Sharon, or Cattitude, or Elaine, or Jazz or whoever" I would reply, oh well. Does that mean that either they or I am perfect? No. It just means I have judged them and found them to be pretty good people.

What's wrong with that? Only hippies proclaim "I'm okay, you're okay". Real people are a little more discriminating when it comes to choosing their friends.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Real people are a little more discriminating when it comes to choosing their friends.
Yes we are and guess what, when some disappointing information comes up regarding a friend from a third party a real friend would ask the friend it concerned if what was disclosed was true or not while those that are judgemental, uncaring, and quick to stereotype would trash what was once thought to be a valued friendship.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
You're known by the company you keep, Ken. It's just the way it is.
The company I keep? Well tell me who that is? If you disregard those I have met at forum gatherings (which I think you have been at most of them that I was) I have only socialized with you, Larry, Otter, Cat and Elaine one time when you invited us up to DC. I played poker at Pete's one time with some of the guys (Pete, 2A, Kyle, FromTexas, Mainman, and Otter). I have eaten lunch with RoseRed and FromTexas once. Other than that I have occassionally ran into a member at the grocery store or a burger joint, but no more than three or four times has that happened and never has it happened with any member twice. I have talked to several members via telephone when they have sought help with a problem and they asked my advice or assistance, but I have talked to you on the phone more than anyone else and you know how rare that is. And the last times I saw anyone from the forums were those that came to my retirement party and the one and I saw Elaine and Speedo at the Molly Hatchet deal.

So since you are such a "sleuth" and seem to know my whereabouts and the such will you please tell me who it is that I am hanging with. Who knows they might be more fun than the pseudo-friends that I thought were true friends.

My question is:

Wouldn't it be judgemental to call someone else judgemental?
I guess you could say that even though it is based on many years of observation here at SOMD and how you have acted in real life those few times we were at the same function. Not to mention that you freely admit that it as part of your persona thus it would simply be an accurate description of you and your ways.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
I guess you could say that even though it is based on many years of observation here at SOMD and how you have acted in real life those few times we were at the same function. Not to mention that you freely admit that it as part of your persona thus it would simply be an accurate description of you and your ways.
Great. Then you should be thrilled not to be associating with the likes of me.



Well-Known Member
nachomama said:
Am I the "A" to which you are referring? :confused:
Why not. Doesn't say that she does tricks for money. Just says that she does sex tricks. Stand on your head and have sex while juggling. :yay:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Great. Then you should be thrilled not to be associating with the likes of me.

Didn't know I had been recently. It's been over two months since I saw or talked too you and it really is no skin off my ass.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Didn't know I had been recently. It's been over two months since I saw or talked too you and it really is no skin off my ass.
Good. Then STFU and stop starting #### with me, Drama King.