Gun Control Laws And Opposition

black dog

Free America
Folks seem to forget our first line of defense along with the true first responders are the people that are already at the altercation. Us surfs dont have the luxury of having a armed cop in our back pocket.
Learn how to shoot firearms and then, Arm yourselfs.
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PREMO Member

This Doesn’t Happen In Other Countries

“This doesn’t happen in other countries.” We have heard this over and over again since Tuesday. Mass shootings don’t happen in other countries. In fact, The Onion on Wednesday changed their homepage so that every headline on the whole site said: “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.” It is a very common claim. The United States is unique across the entire world in this respect, the Left says. Are they right? No, of course not.

In fact, just south of the border this week more than a dozen gunmen in Mexico shot up a hotel and killed 11 people. Mass casualty attacks happen all the time in Mexico and all across Central and South America. They happen, quite famously, in the Middle East and all over Africa and many parts of Asia. Indeed, to make the claim that we’re the only country where this kind of thing happens, you must disregard, from the outset, the vast majority of the globe and the vast majority of the people on it. This seems like a rather important qualifier that the person claiming “we’re the only place where this happens” should mention. They should stipulate that by “only place” they mean the only place if you don’t count almost the entire world.

Of course, the mass shootings in a place like Mexico are often different than they are here. They’re the same in that the victims are just as dead in either case. But the attacks in Mexico are almost always cartel related. In East Africa, the terrorist group Al-Shababis usually responsible. In other parts of the world it’s a different terror cell or crime network. That’s because young, violent, hopeless, nihilistic men in Mexico are likely to end up working for cartels. In East Africa, they’re likely going to find Al-Shabab as their outlet. In America, they either end up joining street gangs or they stay isolated in their mom’s basement until one day they explode. Different manifestations but a similar phenomenon.

This is the reason, by the way, why rankings of “school shootings” are irrelevant. You’ve perhaps seen that World Population Review list floating around showing that America has hundreds of school shootings while a country like Afghanistan has had only three. What they neglect to mention is that Afghanistan also has only three people in school. There’s lots of murder and mass slaughter happening in that country, it just doesn’t happen at school very often because school isn’t a big part of their culture. As I said, different manifestations, but still the same sort of thing.

I made this point on Twitter yesterday and I was immediately informed that my argument isn’t relevant because when people say that we’re the only place in the world where this happens, they really just mean among Western countries. Well, that’s a bit awkward, isn’t it? So what you’re saying is that only the predominantly white countries count? I’m not sure I agree with you, but let’s pretend that I do. Is it true that we’re the only country in the Western world where this happens? No. In fact a ranking of annual death rate per million from mass shootings in North America and Europe, according to World Population Review, puts us at number 11, behind the Czech Republic, Belgium, Finland, Switzerland, Slovakia, Albania, Macedonia, France, Serbia, and Norway. You could point out that Norway makes the list — tops it, in fact — largely because of one major attack back in 2011. That’s true. But that’s what happens when you measure this on a per capita basis, which you have to, because Norway has 5 million people and we have 330 million. Only a per capita comparison can have any meaning, and when you measure it like that, the United States does not particularly stand out.


PREMO Member

Dana Loesch Brings Receipts After Nadler Claims Guns Don’t Increase Female Safety

Second Amendment advocate Dana Loesch tore into House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) on Thursday for claiming that research does not back up the idea that “women’s gun ownership increases their safety.”

“There is no research to support the idea that women’s gun ownership increases their safety,” Nadler said on Thursday as lawmakers marked up a package that would raise the age limit for Americans to buy semi-automatic rifles to 21, as well as ban gun trafficking, require that all guns are traceable, place restrictions on high-capacity magazines, and more.



PREMO Member

‘Yes I Will’: Charlie Crist Says He’ll Ban Assault Weapons By Executive Order On First Day If Elected Florida Governor

“Article 4, which does not grant any legislative authority to the governor. An EO to stop sales of firearms that are otherwise legal under Florida and federal statutes would be meaningless and unenforceable. And Crist knows it,” Ed Morrissey reported.

The move would also likely lead to legal battles from Second Amendment supporters who would view the executive order as a violation of the constitutional rights of Floridians.

The push for the day one executive order may not be that concerning, however, based on current polling in Florida. DeSantis leads by an average of 8.8% in head-to-head competition with Crist in polling measured by RealClearPolitics.

A University of North Florida poll in February showed 55% of respondents said they would vote for DeSantis, with 34% indicating a vote for Crist, and 11% who don’t know or refused.


Well-Known Member
By now most of America has forgotten about Biden arming the taliban.


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PREMO Member

Democrats' gun control proposals won't stop crime, will crush Americans' rights: Massie

Democrats' gun control measures won't do anything to prevent school shootings, but they will likely succeed in restricting the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens, Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., said Thursday on "The Ingraham Angle."

REP. THOMAS MASSIE: Basically, all of it. I mean, the red flag laws are doing away with due process in this country.

We had a hearing today that lasted 10 hours, wherein the Democrats in the House are going to put a smorgasbord of things that don't work in front of senators in the Senate and try to get some of the weak-kneed Republicans to bite on that.


Well-Known Member
Americans are not going to give up their guns. And the Biden regime is a good reason why.
Sooner or later if they keep pushing, the real reason the founders gave us the 2nd Amendment will show itself.

black dog

Free America
By now most of America has forgotten about Biden arming the taliban.
Alot of its really not true, most was destroyed before we left.
My son has many friends from basic, SOI and other schools that served at the airport in 2nd LAR out of Lejeune.
Those boys alone, destroyed zillions of small arms, missles, munitions and so on...
They would line the street curbs with weapons, and run them over with there lav.


Power with Control
Alot of its really not true, most was destroyed before we left.
My son has many friends from basic, SOI and other schools that served at the airport in 2nd LAR out of Lejeune.
Those boys alone, destroyed zillions of small arms, missles, munitions and so on...
They would line the street curbs with weapons, and run them over with there lav.

Which airport are we talking about?