Gun Control Laws And Opposition


..if momma ain't happy...

I'm Not Desensitized to School Shootings. I'm Desensitized to the Predictable Reactions.

That’s the process to which I’ve become completely desensitized. I’m desensitized to the folks who have deconstructed every aspect of our society they can get their hands on and then wonder why some children have no hope and fall through the ever-widening cracks. I turned 50 last year. Sadly, I’ve been through a lot of these mass shootings now. Every time something like this happens we recoil in righteous horror, followed by special interest and political groups screaming about gun control. We have done everything we can as a society to destroy things like the church and the Boy Scouts via endless lawsuits, while allowing similar abuse to continue unchecked in other institutions that are not as eminently able to be sued. I’m looking at you, public schools. We’ve spent the past several decades watching declining membership in America’s churches, civic organizations, extracurricular character-building activities for kids, and basic civic involvement.

Meanwhile, we spend way more time worrying about the .001 percent of children who might be questioning their gender, targeting kids on the autism and Asperger’s spectrum for conversion without parental notification (don’t come at me, I know several parents of kids on the spectrum who had this happen). We don’t allow for tomboy girls, and boys who have trouble fitting in their skin, to spend their childhood in the unfettered discovery of their true identity, as we did in previous generations. We throw out all of the successful classical curricula that have been shown effective throughout the decades, to create an environment in which everything that ever existed is racist or oppressive. We are no longer allowed to say the U.S. Constitution is an expression of our aspirational goals as an experimental nation. We’re not allowed to say the United States of America is the boldest, most daring experiment in the history of mankind.

Framing every societal condition, positive or negative, in the simplistic Marxian framework of power dynamics, has led to disunity and confusion among the people. We are no longer aspirational as a society. We tell our kids the world will end in twelve years, despite overwhelming evidence that we’ve made so many things better in the world. Thus, too many of our citizens are not individually aspirational anymore. We only consider things in the framework of power dynamics of groups.
I've been trying to figure out why I wasn't more horrified yesterday when I heard about this. It's tragic, and I can't imagine what these parents are going thru.

The title of this article is exactly how I feel.


Well-Known Member
It appears this kid had mental health problems for a long while.
Investigations will find out where the guns came from, but this kid knew he was going to die when he started this mess. So if he couldn't find a gun he may have become a suicide bomber.
It's almost impossible to stop someone who wants to kill others from doing so. There are too many ways to get it done.


Well-Known Member
It appears this kid had mental health problems for a long while.
Investigations will find out where the guns came from, but this kid knew he was going to die when he started this mess. So if he couldn't find a gun he may have become a suicide bomber.
It's almost impossible to stop someone who wants to kill others from doing so. There are too many ways to get it done.

If this kid was having transgender issues and once its more widely known then mental health will be brought out as the excuse.


Well-Known Member
My crystal ball shows an outright ban of ownership of modern sporting rifles coming in Maryland. No grandfather clause. Outright ban on any of them being in the state. You can bet the legislation already drafted up and sitting in someone’s desk drawer waiting for this type of tragedy to happen.


PREMO Member

Commonly Touted Policies Are Ill-Suited to Stopping Mass Shooters

The Buffalo shooter legally bought the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle he used in the attack from a gun dealer in Endicott, New York. According to the online manifesto that police attributed to the attacker, the rifle did not qualify as an "assault weapon" in New York at that point, because it had been fitted with a fixed magazine.

The shooter easily reversed that modification so the gun could accept detachable magazines, and he reportedly used magazines that exceeded New York's 10-round limit. Although that change had practical implications, other workarounds allow New Yorkers to legally buy and own AR-15-style rifles like the Bushmaster XM-15 that are functionally identical to prohibited models.

As long as a rifle has none of the military-style features that New York prohibits (such as a pistol grip, a threaded barrel, or a bayonet mount), it is not an "assault weapon," even if it accepts detachable magazines. Such "featureless" rifles are perfectly legal in New York, even though they fire the same ammunition at the same rate with the same muzzle velocity as the banned models.

That is the basic problem with "assault weapon" bans: They define the category based on functionally unimportant features, leaving mass shooters with plenty of equally lethal alternatives, including the handguns they overwhelmingly prefer. While Cuomo thinks a federal ban could be effective if it also covered "large capacity" magazines, which come standard with many guns, millions of such magazines would remain in circulation.

The Buffalo shooter passed a background check when he bought his rifle, because he did not have a disqualifying criminal or psychiatric record, which is typically true of mass shooters. According to a recent National Institute of Justice report on public mass shootings from 1966 through 2019, just 13 percent of the perpetrators obtained weapons through illegal transactions.

Even theoretically, a federal law requiring background checks for private gun transfers, as New York already does, would not pose an obstacle for the vast majority of mass shooters. And in a country where civilians own more than 400 million firearms, a would-be killer with a disqualifying record would not have much trouble finding a source willing to flout that rule, as gun owners routinely do in states that notionally require "universal background checks."

black dog

Free America
Any psychologist and all civil servants had contact with this mentality disturbed young man should be held responsible for his actions. At minimum he should have been red flagged along with notifying nics to be denied.
In no way should he have been allowed to be able to legally buy a firearm through a ffl dealer.


Well-Known Member
Any psychologist and all civil servants had contact with this mentality disturbed young man should be held responsible for his actions. At minimum he should have been red flagged along with notifying nics to be denied.
In no way should he have been allowed to be able to legally buy a firearm through a ffl dealer.

That's what I mentioned about the Buffalo shooter. The authorities dropped the ball in not red flagging the kid.

Now on the legal end the victims families know the kid doesn't have money and the state & local authorities are very difficult to sue. So they will go after the gun maker for selling a gun that's too easy to modify.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Would it be a good thing if Federal Law said,
States could not ban certain firearms.
States could not require a card to purchase firearms or ammunition.
States could not place a limit on how many firearms one can buy in a certain time period.
States or municipalities could not ban certain ammunition.
States cannot require more paperwork than Federal requirements.
That all States be Shall Issue States National Constitutional carry.

And hundreds more.
I believe the Law of the Land, which applies to the States as well, already specifies this. The last words of the pertinent language being .... Shall not be infringed.


If I may ...
If I may ...

"A Well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not infringed". In any State, contact an elected public office holder servant and ask him why the STATE does not regulate or muster the State civil Militia. They are required to muster and keep active the State civil Militia but "they" prevent, hinder, obstruct, and lie about this most important function of security. All able bodied Men are part of the civil Militia . They abuse the Militia because it is the only power in the UNION that can stop THEM. There shall be NO STANDING ARMY, only in time of War and money appropriated for operations for only TWO years at a time. National Guard is a FEDERAL controlled standing army. The Constitution only provides for the establishment of a NAVY & MARINES, nothing else.


PREMO Member

Mass Shooting Facts to Shut Down Your Liberal Sister and Her Annoying, Man-Bunned, Non-Binary 'Boy' Friend at Your Memorial Day BBQ

The lefty sitzpinkler at CNN came up with snake eyes yesterday because the shooter is Hispanic. That changes the narrative for the left. Here is their playbook:

  • When the shooter is white, the problem is “white supremacy.” White people are evil and here is the proof.
  • When the shooter is a minority, blame easy access to guns, usually by attacking the NRA, which is run by “selfish, conservative, white, gun nuts.” The race of the shooter has nothing to do with it. Bury the story and move along.
So, now the harridans from The View have their show prep for the next few days: go after the “gun lobby,” Republican politicians, and those big, scary “assault rifles,” or as they now call them, “weapons of war.”

Anyone engaging in this sort of boring drivel doesn’t really want to stop the problem of mass shootings. They want to take our guns and have Republicans voted out. Gun-grabbers have no problem standing on the bodies of dead people, even kids, to get what they want.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Is there anything in this world that a Democrat won't try to tie to hitler or nazis?