Gun Control Laws And Opposition


Well-Known Member
I remember the old days when auto dealers never allowed a dealer to own more than one dealership.

Today if you buy a Ford from any dealership in Southern Maryland you buy it from the same guy.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I remember the old days when auto dealers never allowed a dealer to own more than one dealership.

Today if you buy a Ford from any dealership in Southern Maryland you buy it from the same guy.
The "old days" I remember had a multitude of Sheehy, Ourisman and Koons dealerships.


PREMO Member

It’s Not Hard to Tell Good Guy From Bad Guy, as 12 More Defensive Gun Uses Show

In a recent opinion piece in The Kansas City Star, sociology professor and military veteran Doug McGraw argues that the Second Amendment is “a relic of the 18th century” that needs to be repealed.


Throughout the piece, McGraw dismisses any notion that the right to keep and bear arms has a role in securing the rights of peaceable Americans today. He not only thumbs his nose at the premise that “good guys with guns” are a solution to “bad guys with guns,” but flippantly suggests that there is little difference between the two.

“I assume that the good guys will be the ones in the white hats?” McGraw asks. “Otherwise, who can tell which is the good guy?”

This is silly, of course. It’s abundantly clear that the right to armed self-defense is just as important today as it was in 1791, when the Second Amendment was ratified.

Almost every major study has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has acknowledged. In 2021, the most comprehensive study ever conducted on the issue concluded that roughly 1.6 million defensive gun uses occur in the United States every year.

For this reason, The Daily Signal publishes a monthly article highlighting some of the previous month’s many news stories on defensive gun use that you may have missed—or that might not have made it to the national spotlight in the first place. (Read other accounts here from past months and years. You also may follow @DailyDGU on Twitter for daily highlights of defensive gun uses.)


PREMO Member

Joe Biden is slammed for 'backdoor violation of the Second Amendment' after 122 gun dealers were stripped of their licenses by the ATF

  • The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has revoked the licenses of 122 gun dealers in the fiscal year that began in October
  • The figure is up from 90 for all last fiscal year, and 27 in 2021: critics of the move say the Biden administration is attacking the Second Amendment
  • In the last decade - such records only began in 2013 - the government never revoked more than 81 licenses

Gun dealers have lost their licenses this year at an unprecedented rate, with critics accusing Joe Biden of undermining the Second Amendment by stealth.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has revoked the licenses of 122 gun dealers in the fiscal year that began in October.

The previous fiscal year the figure was 90, and in 2021 it was only 27.

Since records of revocations began in 2013, the ATF never revoked more than 81 dealers' licenses, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

Critics of the ATF's newly-found muscle argue that it attacks largely lawful gun dealers who often provide valuable assistance to law enforcement when trying to track firearms used in crimes.



PREMO Member

Gun Control Protesters Show Up In Tennessee As ‘Public Safety’ Special Session Begins

The August 21 special session comes months after a transgender-identifying shooter killed six people at The Covenant School in Nashville, and Lee has advocated for a variation of a red flag law. In his proclamation earlier this month, Lee said that the session would deal with issues of mental health, gun storage guidelines, human trafficking, and “temporary mental health orders of protection.”

The first meeting of the Senate ended after about 20 minutes while the House session went on for almost two hours. Republican Senator Janice Bowling moved to the end the session saying that it there was no emergency that required the extra meeting. Last week Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson said that red flag laws and any kind of order of protection laws had a zero percent chance of making it through during the special session.

Debate in the House focused on the rules, including debate on whether to adopt new disciplinary rules for members who cause disruptions.

During the debate, Democrat lawmakers claimed the rules were undemocratic and Rep. Justin Jones claimed Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton was racist. Jones was previously expelled from the House for helping to lead a protest from the House floor that disrupted proceedings.


Just sneakin' around....
I have a pop gun. I hit you with it. I have assaulted you. Is my pop gun now an assault weapon?


Power with Control


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Repeal the 1934 and 1968 GCA's.

Ban ALL, non-military, Government Institutions from having guns or ammunition.

Require Politicians to give up their 2nd A rights and ALL personal security.

Manufacturers End sales of firearms, support or ammunition sales to government agencies. Forever.


PREMO Member

New Mexico Governor Grisham suspends open and concealed carry in Albuquerque for 30 days

From KOB4:

Gov. Lujan Grisham declared gun violence a public health emergency Thursday, following the murder of an 11-year-old boy on his way home from an Isotopes game Wednesday night. That case, combined with several other violent cases involving children, sparked the decision.
The new public health order is effective Friday, Sept. 8. After 30 days, they will evaluate whether they should renew the order or make adjustments.
The public health order is a statewide mandate, but it only suspends open and concealed carry privileges in communities with extremely high violent crime rates and fire-arm related emergency room visits. Right now, that only includes the metro.

Interesting how so many mandates are implemented under the guise of 'public health'. We're old enough to remember when forced masking and isolation was a thing, and look how effective that turned out to be.

And as far as evaluating the order after thirty days, well, we all know how that usually goes.



PREMO Member
🔥 Queen Hotchibobo has spoken! The Santa Fe New Mexican ran a story yesterday headlined, “Governor bans carrying guns in Albuquerque after 11-year-old killed.”

image 9.png

Who cares if it’s unconstitutional? If it saves just one life.

On Thursday, New Mexico’s Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham declared gun violence to be a public health emergency. The next day, yesterday, on the strength of Thursday’s emergency order she signed another emergency public health order that, effective immediately, prohibits citizens from carrying firearms, either open or concealed, in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County for the next 30 days, regardless of whether they have a permit.

Open and concealed carry are (normally) legal in New Mexico. They have a lot of snakes, including the human kind.

Governor Grisham said she “will either amend or remove or adjust” the order after the 30-day ban period, depending on “circumstances.” Circumstances like how her emotions are feeling that day. “I realize, it is a pinch, and then some, on responsible gun owners,” Governor Grisham explained. “It’s a sacrifice that allows everyone else to get their arms around the growing, significant problem.”

Got that? A “sacrifice.” By responsible gun owners. For the greater good.

During the press conference, Governor Grisham explained she doesn’t think that constitutional rights are absolute, especially in emergencies. And she can make an emergency whenever she wants! All social problems are potentially emergencies! It’s great!

Grisham explained it doesn’t matter at all, that there are already laws on the books against illegal guns, don’t be silly, what nonsense, because there are too many criminals and everybody knows criminals don’t follow the laws"."

“I can’t arrest everyone . There are literally too many people to arrest! … We won’t be able to arrest all of them. If I’ve declared an emergency, I can invoke additional powers. No constitutional right, including my oath, is intended to be absolute… If I’m unsafe, who’s standing up for that right?

New Mexico Republicans were not amused. Many called her a “dictator” and other words that I can’t reproduce in this family blog. Senate Minority Leader Greg Baca (R-Belen) slammed Lujan Grisham’s order as “unconstitutional” in a statement from Senate Republicans, saying her “soft-on-crime approach has failed and put the safety of all New Mexicans in great jeopardy.”

Representative Baca has a point. The Governor just disarmed all the people who follow the law, and as she said, criminals don’t follow laws anyway. Maybe the hoodlums will go along with it since it’s a public health order.

This is just more rotten pandemic fruit. Governors who want to do unconstitutional things now think all they need to do is declare a public health emergency. It worked for covid, after all.

As I’ve said many times before, emergency executive authority is the worst, most anti-democratic idea ever, and we need to drown it in weed-killer everywhere it has sprouted up. The good news is, there are a lot of attorneys who now have plenty of practice challenging insane government overreach like this.

Stand by.
