Gun Control Laws And Opposition


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The rule should be that if you’re found to have violated civil rights as a government employee, you’re out and can never hold any elected office again.

The rule should be that if you’re found to have violated civil rights as a government employee, you’re tried, convicted and hanged in a public forum to ensure you can never do it again.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Dems Accidentally Reveal Their Plan To Destroy The Constitution Ahead of Schedule

ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Democrats accidentally let their master plan to utterly destroy the United States Constitution slip out into public slightly ahead of schedule.

"Welp, this is embarrassing," said Governor Grisham of New Mexico. "Really jumped the gun on announcing how we would do away with the Bill of Rights. Get it - jumped the gun?? Ha! Anyhow, yeah, that's how we're going to blow the Constitution to pieces. Cat's out of the bag!"

According to sources within the party, the Democrats had planned on giving it another five to ten years before destroying the remains of the Constitution. "It's a little ahead of schedule, but I doubt the sheep fight back," said Governor Newsom of California.



Well-Known Member
Dems Accidentally Reveal Their Plan To Destroy The Constitution Ahead of Schedule

ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Democrats accidentally let their master plan to utterly destroy the United States Constitution slip out into public slightly ahead of schedule.

"Welp, this is embarrassing," said Governor Grisham of New Mexico. "Really jumped the gun on announcing how we would do away with the Bill of Rights. Get it - jumped the gun?? Ha! Anyhow, yeah, that's how we're going to blow the Constitution to pieces. Cat's out of the bag!"

According to sources within the party, the Democrats had planned on giving it another five to ten years before destroying the remains of the Constitution. "It's a little ahead of schedule, but I doubt the sheep fight back," said Governor Newsom of California.

That's the fallacy of their thinking. Most gun owners are not the sheep.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Seems that this question was asked and answered right after Katrina when the sheriff wanted to confiscate guns due to a state of emergency and was forced to return everything after being told he was wrong.



PREMO Member
🔥 Queen Hotchibobo has spoken! The Santa Fe New Mexican ran a story yesterday headlined, “Governor bans carrying guns in Albuquerque after 11-year-old killed.”

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Who cares if it’s unconstitutional? If it saves just one life.

Democratic New Mexico AG Refuses to Defend Governor in Gun-Order Lawsuits

New Mexico’s Democratic attorney general notified the governor, a fellow Democrat, on Tuesday that he will not defend her in litigation challenging her public health order temporarily banning firearms in certain counties and imposing other gun restrictions.

The prohibition applies to Albuquerque and Bernalillo counties.

“Though I recognize my statutory obligation as New Mexico’s chief legal officer to defend state officials when they are sued in their official capacity, my duty to uphold and defend the constitutional rights of every citizen takes precedence,” New Mexico attorney general Raúl Torrez wrote to fellow Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham in a letter. “Simply put, I do not believe that the Emergency Order will have any meaningful impact on public safety but, more importantly, I do not believe it passes constitutional muster.”



PREMO Member

What, Exactly, Was Governor Lujan Grisham’s Plan?

It is hard to imagine how Lujan Grisham could have made a worse case. In the space of a single day, she confessed that the order was predicated upon nothing other than her own desire, admitted to violating her oath, anticipated a legal challenge that she seemed sure would prevail, took square aim at the concept of legal rights per se, and, to top it all off, conceded that her idea would do nothing whatsoever to help the ersatz “emergency” she had declared. Typically, when executives attempt to usurp the prerogatives of the legislative branch, they pretend there is a statutory provision that enables their action. Lujan Grisham did no such thing. Usually, when individual rights are being abridged, the infringer points to a court decision or judicial precedent or legal treatise to back up their claims — even if the case they are making is stupid and they they know it. Lujan Grisham skipped that part completely. At the very least, the architects of such measures like to make a blunt utilitarian case in their favor: “this is just too important . . . ,” or what you will. Lujan Grisham told the press openly that her policy was completely futile.

So why do it? What was the strategy? Before this, nobody in America knew who the governor of New Mexico was. Now, they know who the governor of New Mexico is, because, in an attempt to circumvent the American constitutional order, she has been rebuffed by even her allies. I’m familiar with the idea that all publicity is good publicity, but I do not believe it applies here. Occam’s razor would suggest that she’s a fool.


PREMO Member
Out-of-touch Democrats who sit on their high horses up in the hills surrounded by loads of security feel they have every right to take American's right of self-defense away from them.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is just one example of that.

On Wednesday, the elitist praised New Mexico Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's executive order, which aimed to suspend open and concealed carry across the state for at least 30 days— citing a "public health order."

Warren echoed Grisham's claims that banning people's right to own a firearm would bring down gun violence.

"A few years back, D.C. said, 'We just wanna basically ban carrying guns,' and good for D.C.," Warren told CNN. "And then an extremist United States Supreme Court said, 'Nope, we're not gonna let you do it.'"

The Democrat referred to the 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller case, in which the Supreme Court struck down the city's handgun ban. The 5-4 decision established the individual right to possess a firearm for self-defense in their home.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Yeah, because the UK, Germany, France and other points across the pond don't have violence.



PREMO Member

A Blatantly Unconstitutional Gun Edict Highlights the Hazards of Emergency Powers

Grisham, a Democrat, laid the ground for her ban on public possession of operable firearms last Thursday, when she declared that gun violence in New Mexico "constitutes a statewide public health emergency of unknown duration" under the state's Public Health Emergency Response Act. That law defines a "public health emergency" as "an extremely dangerous condition or a highly infectious or toxic agent, including a threatening communicable disease, that poses an imminent threat of substantial harm."

Grisham also invoked New Mexico's All Hazard Emergency Management Act, saying gun violence "constitutes a man-made disaster causing or threatening widespread physical or economic harm that is beyond local control." In her gun order, which she issued the next day, Grisham asserted that violent crime is also "a condition of public health importance," which New Mexico's Public Health Act defines as "an infection, a disease, a syndrome, a symptom, an injury or other threat that is identifiable on an individual or community level and can reasonably be expected to lead to adverse health effects in the community."

Those labels were meant to trigger the "emergency powers" that Grisham is claiming. The All Hazard Emergency Management Act, for example, says the governor may issue "necessary orders" to carry out its provisions, and it specifically authorizes the governor to "prohibit" the "possession of firearms or any other deadly weapon by a person in any place other than his place of residence or business, except for peace officers."

Grisham relied heavily on these laws during the pandemic, when she issued many scientifically dubious edicts. In November 2020, for example, she banned outdoor activities and required New Mexicans to wear masks whenever they left their homes, which she said they should not do "unless it's an emergency or for an essential need like food and water."


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member
What, Exactly, Was Governor Lujan Grisham’s Plan?

It is hard to imagine how Lujan Grisham could have made a worse case. In the space of a single day, she confessed that the order was predicated upon nothing other than her own desire, admitted to violating her oath, anticipated a legal challenge that she seemed sure would prevail, took square aim at the concept of legal rights per se, and, to top it all off, conceded that her idea would do nothing whatsoever to help the ersatz “emergency” she had declared.

🔥 “When danger reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. Brave Sir Robin ran away.” — Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Yesterday, New Mexico’s Piñon Post ran a story headlined, “Amid lawsuits and impeachment calls, Lujan Grisham leaving for Taiwan trip.

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She’s literally running as far away as she can get.

Because what the freedom-loving Taiwanese need the most right now as the communist Chinese are closing in on them is some useless advice from disgraced, anti-Constitutional Governor Michelle Lujan. And on the other hand, what New Mexico really needs right now is some kind of state-level “trade agreement” with Taiwan.

Yesterday morning, five days after it started, the Governor gave up on her awesome plan to end the scourge of private gun ownership. She held a press conference announcing she was “modifying” the now-enjoined gun ban, by limiting its scope to only playgrounds and public parks. For the next 30 days.

Michelle did not explain how her new order would accomplish anything except frustrate the pending lawsuits.

In my recent battles, I have learned that a go-to strategy for local governments responding to a lawsuit is to tweak the unconstitutional ordinance a little by amending it, and then argue the lawsuit is moot, since it was based on a different, now obsolete law. But rarely, when it looks really bad, they just give up, throw in the towel, and reverse course.

It looks like that’s just what Governor Grisham did. She threw in the dictatorial towel, hanging on to a tiny scrap of her gun ban to save face.
