Gun Control Laws And Opposition


PREMO Member
Despite What Biden Says, Guns Factor in Only a Small Percentage of Violent Crimes

Even if gun crime were to rise dramatically, experts point out that it would still be a small fraction of overall violent crime.

The National Crime Victimization Survey, in the latest year available (2019), shows that there were 5,440,680 rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults and 16,425 murders. Firearms were used in 440,830 incidents for rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults (Table 25) and 10,258 murders. Adding those numbers up, 8.27% of violent crime incidents involved firearms. The percentage has stayed virtually the same for decades. For example, in 2000, it was 8.5%. In 2010, it was 9% (Table 4). Nor do most gun crimes end in murder: just 2% do.

The gulf between Democrats and Republicans on this is large. While Democrats are continuing to push for restrictions on police authority, Republican states are responding by giving police more power to do their job.

Nevertheless, Biden and other Democrats argue that lax gun control, which allows gun trafficking, is responsible for the increase in violent crime. The Biden administration’s focus on gun crimes is seen in the titles the White House put on Biden’s talks in April, June and last week: Remarks by President Biden on Gun Violence Prevention,” “Remarks by President Biden and Attorney General Garland on Gun Crime Prevention Strategy,” andRemarks by President Biden Discussing His Administration’s Comprehensive Strategy to Reduce Gun Crimes.”


Moody told RealClearInvestigations that the president’s emphasis on violent crime is “understandable if only because of how heavily concentrated murders are in the country.” Over 50% of the murders take place in just 2% of the counties (60 of the 3,140 counties, the 60 making up 27.5% of the population), and even within those counties most murders occur within 10-block areas. These are overwhelmingly gang-related murders. They are surely important, but don’t touch the lives of most Americans. Fifty-four percent of counties have no murders and another 15% have one.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Despite What Biden Says, Guns Factor in Only a Small Percentage of Violent Crimes

Even if gun crime were to rise dramatically, experts point out that it would still be a small fraction of overall violent crime.

The National Crime Victimization Survey, in the latest year available (2019), shows that there were 5,440,680 rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults and 16,425 murders. Firearms were used in 440,830 incidents for rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults (Table 25) and 10,258 murders. Adding those numbers up, 8.27% of violent crime incidents involved firearms. The percentage has stayed virtually the same for decades. For example, in 2000, it was 8.5%. In 2010, it was 9% (Table 4). Nor do most gun crimes end in murder: just 2% do.

The gulf between Democrats and Republicans on this is large. While Democrats are continuing to push for restrictions on police authority, Republican states are responding by giving police more power to do their job.

Nevertheless, Biden and other Democrats argue that lax gun control, which allows gun trafficking, is responsible for the increase in violent crime. The Biden administration’s focus on gun crimes is seen in the titles the White House put on Biden’s talks in April, June and last week: Remarks by President Biden on Gun Violence Prevention,” “Remarks by President Biden and Attorney General Garland on Gun Crime Prevention Strategy,” andRemarks by President Biden Discussing His Administration’s Comprehensive Strategy to Reduce Gun Crimes.”


Moody told RealClearInvestigations that the president’s emphasis on violent crime is “understandable if only because of how heavily concentrated murders are in the country.” Over 50% of the murders take place in just 2% of the counties (60 of the 3,140 counties, the 60 making up 27.5% of the population), and even within those counties most murders occur within 10-block areas. These are overwhelmingly gang-related murders. They are surely important, but don’t touch the lives of most Americans. Fifty-four percent of counties have no murders and another 15% have one.
But there's almost always a car involved. maybe that's the part that should be controlled.


Well-Known Member
Despite What Biden Says, Guns Factor in Only a Small Percentage of Violent Crimes

Even if gun crime were to rise dramatically, experts point out that it would still be a small fraction of overall violent crime.

The National Crime Victimization Survey, in the latest year available (2019), shows that there were 5,440,680 rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults and 16,425 murders. Firearms were used in 440,830 incidents for rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults (Table 25) and 10,258 murders. Adding those numbers up, 8.27% of violent crime incidents involved firearms. The percentage has stayed virtually the same for decades. For example, in 2000, it was 8.5%. In 2010, it was 9% (Table 4). Nor do most gun crimes end in murder: just 2% do.

The gulf between Democrats and Republicans on this is large. While Democrats are continuing to push for restrictions on police authority, Republican states are responding by giving police more power to do their job.

Nevertheless, Biden and other Democrats argue that lax gun control, which allows gun trafficking, is responsible for the increase in violent crime. The Biden administration’s focus on gun crimes is seen in the titles the White House put on Biden’s talks in April, June and last week: Remarks by President Biden on Gun Violence Prevention,” “Remarks by President Biden and Attorney General Garland on Gun Crime Prevention Strategy,” andRemarks by President Biden Discussing His Administration’s Comprehensive Strategy to Reduce Gun Crimes.”


Moody told RealClearInvestigations that the president’s emphasis on violent crime is “understandable if only because of how heavily concentrated murders are in the country.” Over 50% of the murders take place in just 2% of the counties (60 of the 3,140 counties, the 60 making up 27.5% of the population), and even within those counties most murders occur within 10-block areas. These are overwhelmingly gang-related murders. They are surely important, but don’t touch the lives of most Americans. Fifty-four percent of counties have no murders and another 15% have one.

That is just a smoke screen, but its clear they want guns out of the hands of citizens for political reasons not because of gun crime.


PREMO Member
PolitiFact Claims Joe Biden ‘Doesn’t Want to Ban Handguns,’ But Here Are His Actual Words

In response to the tweet from House Republicans declaring that Biden “says he wants to ban handguns,” PolitiFact claims “the clip doesn’t back up the GOP tweet, and the full transcript goes further to sink this claim.”

PolitiFact claims that the numbers cited by Biden “apply to assault-style firearms and high-capacity magazines. As recently as June, when Biden rolled out his strategy to bring down murders, he said he wants to ban both.”

“Experts disagree over what is or isn’t an assault weapon. States set different thresholds for what qualifies as a high-capacity magazine,” PolitiFact continued, before adding, “But regardless of the definition, neither term includes all handguns.”

Did anyone say Biden wants to ban all handguns? Nope. Yet, PolitiFact unwittingly admitted in its analysis that some handguns would be affected by Biden’s gun control proposal. So, does Biden want to ban handguns? He’s publicly indicated that he wants to ban some. There’s no doubt about that.

Yet, PolitiFact rated the claim that Biden wants to ban handguns as “False.” In fairness, they could have gotten away with rating the claim “Half True” because one could argue that the House GOP’s wording wasn’t clear, but they didn’t take Biden’s words out of context. They even showed the video of Biden’s response to the question. Biden may not have said he wanted to ban all handguns, but he clearly said he wants to ban some. Yet, PolitiFact disingenuously rated the claim false, which seems to imply that Biden never said he wanted to ban any handguns at all.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Top 10 Reasons You Should Just Turn Your Guns Over To The Government TODAY

1) The government is very trustworthy and would never hurt anyone: Also, they have nukes. Resistance is futile. Just hand 'em over!

2) With your gun safe empty, you now have a neat place to hide when robbers break into your home: Let your gun safe keep YOU safe! As an added bonus, you can now use your gun safe to store all your surgical masks and vaccination cards!




American Beauty
PREMO Member
Top 10 Reasons You Should Just Turn Your Guns Over To The Government TODAY

1) The government is very trustworthy and would never hurt anyone: Also, they have nukes. Resistance is futile. Just hand 'em over!

2) With your gun safe empty, you now have a neat place to hide when robbers break into your home: Let your gun safe keep YOU safe! As an added bonus, you can now use your gun safe to store all your surgical masks and vaccination cards!


Sign me up! :rolleyes:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Top 10 Reasons You Should Just Turn Your Guns Over To The Government TODAY

1) The government is very trustworthy and would never hurt anyone: Also, they have nukes. Resistance is futile. Just hand 'em over!

2) With your gun safe empty, you now have a neat place to hide when robbers break into your home: Let your gun safe keep YOU safe! As an added bonus, you can now use your gun safe to store all your surgical masks and vaccination cards!


Dang yr fast! I was just coming here to post that BB piece...:killingme


PREMO Member
Gun Control Activists Downplay Gun Control As Solution To Crime

Few people would disagree with holding violent offenders accountable, but Usdan and Marmet would prefer readers not think too deeply about the non-violent, possessory gun control laws in place in Washington, D.C. that can lead to prison sentences for simply possessing a firearm or a round of ammunition without a license. The over-incarceration of minorities that the pair complain about is the result, at least in part, of the very same “common-sense gun laws” that groups like Moms Demand Action are demanding nationwide.

In fact, as a group of public defenders and legal aid attorneys recently argued in an an amicus briefs filed in support of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association’s challenge of New York’s carry permitting law, the kind of “common-sense” gun laws that Moms Demand Action supports end up putting a disproportionate number of minorities behind bars.

In 2020, while Black people made up 18% of New York’s population, they accounted for 78% of the state’s felony gun possession cases. Non-Latino white people, who made up 70% of New York’s population, accounted for only 7% of such prosecutions. Black people were also more likely to have monetary bail set, as opposed to release on their own recognizance or under supervision, even when comparing individuals with no criminal record.
When looking at only N.Y. Penal Law § 265.03(3)—which alleges only possession of a loaded firearm—80% of people in New York who are arraigned are Black while 5% are non-Hispanic white. Furthermore, according to NYPD arrest data, in 2020, 96% of arrests made for gun possession under N.Y. Penal Law § 265.03(3) in New York City were of Black or Latino people. This percentage has been above 90% for 13 consecutive years.

When these gun control activists complain that “over policing and over-incarcerating Black and Brown people” doesn’t stop the violence, they’re ignoring the fact that the gun control movement is a root cause of over policing and over-incarceration. More importantly, they want everyone else to ignore that fact too.

The gun control movement has historically found its home on the Left, but as more and Democrats embrace criminal justice and policing reforms, the idea of putting people in prison (a disproportionate number of them minorities in Democrat-controlled cities) for non-violent possessory offenses is looking less and less like a progressive ideal. And as the progressive case against gun control laws take shape, the gun control movement itself is becoming more desperate to ingratiate themselves with their traditional allies, even if that means downplaying their commitment to banning their way to safety.


PREMO Member
The “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021”
H.R.8 — more commonly known as the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021” — was passed by the House of Representatives on March 11, 2021. The final tally was 227 votes to 203, with all but one Democrat members voting yes, alongside eight Republicans.
The bill requires a federal background check for nearly every change of possession a firearm goes through, even those which are temporary or private. According to an analysis of the bill conducted by the NRA, simply handing a firearm to another person would, in many cases, become a criminal offense.
The original sponsor of the bill is Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA). When explaining the legislation, Thompson claimed it was to “help prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe.”
Conversely, critics argue that Thompson and others are being misleading. They claim that the bill is not about safety, but rather exists as an outright attack against law abiding gun owners.
The bill now awaits a vote in the U.S. Senate.

The “Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021”
The Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021, or H.R.1446 is a bill that passed in the house on March 11th, 2021 with a final vote of 219-210.
The bill was sponsored by Representative James E. Clyburn (D-SC) and aims to eliminate the “Charleston loophole” — named after the Charleston shooting in 2015 that left nine individuals dead inside of the Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina.
The Charleston loophole is a term used to describe an event where an individual obtains a firearm after their mandatory background check takes longer than three business days to complete. The so-called “loophole” is possible because of an amendment to the 1993 Brady Bill made three days the maximum amount of time an uncompleted background check can prevent an individual from obtaining a firearm.
The proposed bill would raise the firearm hold limit to a maximum of ten business days, meaning Americans could expect wait periods of over three times the length they experience now.



Well-Known Member
There has never been and there never will be a law passed that can stop a person from getting a gun or knife or just a can of gasoline and killing people, if they have a mind to do so.


PREMO Member
Blacks, Gun Control, and the Second Amendment

For many decades after the Civil War, black Americans understood perfectly well that their lives, liberties, and property were safe only if they had the means to defend them. A fascinating book I read back in 2009 is Black Maverick: T.R.M. Howard’s Fight for Civil Rights and Economic Power. Howard was a medical doctor and entrepreneur who was extremely successful in his medical practice and business affairs. He used to hold rallies for blacks in Mississippi but was always prepared for Klan violence with an armory of weapons. There is a memorable photo of Dr. Howard at one of his rallies, cooking some chicken. Propped up beside him is a shotgun.

Blacks such as Dr. Howard regarded the Second Amendment as their friend, protecting their personal right to own firearms for their own protection. He and Justice Scalia would have been in perfect agreement.


PREMO Member
Why Biden's New Eviction Moratorium Should Worry Gun Owners

Biden admitted that the Supreme Court is likely going to strike down this order, but it will take some time for the court system to catch up with the executive branch actions. In other words, he’s willing to ignore the Constitution in favor of the possibility of short-term political gain. And if Biden’s willing to do that when it comes to the issue of evictions, why wouldn’t he embrace that same strategy when it comes to our Second Amendment rights?

The administration is already stretching the limits of executive authority with a pair of proposed rules from the ATF that would impose backdoor bans on homemade firearms and AR-style pistols with braces, but Biden’s latest move on evictions is evidence that the White House could try to implement even more of the president’s anti-gun agenda by trying to go around the legislative branch.


PREMO Member
Sounds like a bunch of BS to me. An AR-15 doesn't kick that much.

remember this is leftest reporter


Back when I wrote for Downtrend I did an article about a liberal reporter who said he got PTSD from firing an AR-15. I wanted to link to that but the site has been wiped from the Internet. Luckily I found another liberal reporter who described firing an AR-15 like a meteor strike shaking the Earth.
Kevin McCallum is a reporter for a local Vermont paper and he did an in-depth piece on the opening of the first indoor range in that state. It’s unclear why he was selected to do this since he is someone that doesn’t care for guns all that much:
I’m not a gun guy. I haven’t handled a firearm since I squeezed off a few rounds from an old .22 rifle at summer camp more than 35 years ago.
Nor have I felt the impulse to own a gun for personal protection, whether due to privilege or delusion or both. I’ve also figured, rightly or wrongly, that owning a gun — statistically speaking — would tend to make my family’s home less safe, not more.

Reporter who got PTSD from firing a rifle responds to critics

"I don't mind spirited debate, but many correspondents told me that even expressing an opinion about today's high-powered weaponry is off-limits to those of us who don't own such guns," wrote the Daily News' Gersh Kuntzman.
He claimed he received emails calling him a liar and challenging his masculinity "— often in graphic terms that would sound more appropriate in a magazine about erectile dysfunction or an ad for Depends."
One reader reportedly called him a "sissy," another referred to him as "cupcake," and yet another called him a "f—-ing p—-y."


PREMO Member
Watch This Guy Completely Humiliate Reporter Who Claims PTSD After Firing AR-15

The whiny little man described the harrowing experience of casually popping off a few AR-15 rounds inside the fully air-conditioned Double Tap Shooting Range and Gun Shop in Philadelphia as similar to holding a “bazooka,” with the force bruising his shoulder. He said the sulfur smell made him sick and the sound — “loud like a bomb” or “cannon” — gave him a “form of PTSD” which made him “anxious and irritable” for the next hour. Yes, really.


Power with Control
Wow. Love the backhanded slap at Black Rifle Coffee. Also this bit....

The environmental contamination that can occur from pumping so much lead into the ground,

I went looking before shooting in my backyard. Only real research I found was a study where they excavated some old army dirt backstops. Even in ammo that had been in the mound 100 years, the lead migration was measured in mm, not cm.


Power with Control
Watch This Guy Completely Humiliate Reporter Who Claims PTSD After Firing AR-15

The whiny little man described the harrowing experience of casually popping off a few AR-15 rounds inside the fully air-conditioned Double Tap Shooting Range and Gun Shop in Philadelphia as similar to holding a “bazooka,” with the force bruising his shoulder. He said the sulfur smell made him sick and the sound — “loud like a bomb” or “cannon” — gave him a “form of PTSD” which made him “anxious and irritable” for the next hour. Yes, really.

I remember that guy. And they are right. He was and probably remains a pu%^y. Its certainly lot lot more sound and kickback than a pistol, but if it scares you......