Gun Control Laws And Opposition


PREMO Member
Taking a Page From the Texas Abortion Ban, California's Governor Threatens To Attack Gun Rights With Private Lawsuits

It is not clear whether Newsom, a Democrat, is serious about pursuing legislation that would take a page from S.B. 8, the Texas abortion law, by authorizing private lawsuits against people who sell "assault weapons" or DIY gun kits. "I think he's just using it as an opportunity to grandstand," state Sen. Brian Dahle (R–Bieber) told Politico. Dahle "said the proposal was most likely a stunt for Newsom to win favor with his progressive base of voters ahead of a possible run for president." But even if Newsom's proposal does not bear legislative fruit, his impulse illustrates the threat posed by the S.B. 8 strategy of enlisting private bounty hunters to enforce a law that otherwise would be promptly blocked by federal courts.

"I am outraged by yesterday's U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Texas's ban on most abortion services to remain in place, and largely endorsing Texas's scheme to insulate its law from the fundamental protections of Roe v. Wade," Newsom said in a statement released on Saturday. "But if states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect people's lives, where Texas used it to put women in harm's way."

That "Swiss Army knives" reference alludes to a June 2021 decision in which U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez concluded that California's "assault weapon" ban is unconstitutional. "Like the Swiss Army Knife," Benitez wrote in the opening line of his 94-page opinion, "the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment." His general point was that California had violated the Second Amendment by prohibiting firearms that are in common use for lawful purposes.


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Hughes told The Texas Tribune on Monday, “I would tell Gov. Newsom good luck with that.”

He added, “If California takes that route, they’ll find that California gun owners will violate the law knowing that they’ll be sued and knowing that the Supreme Court has their back because the right to keep and bear arms is clearly in the Constitution, and the courts have clearly and consistently upheld it.”

Mark Lee Dickson, director of Right to Life of East Texas, said of Newsom’s scheme regarding guns, “You know, I think that’s fine….If there are people here who really don’t like the abortion ban enough to move out of Texas, then maybe California is best for them. This is something all across our nation, if you don’t like something, you can leave.”



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Hughes told The Texas Tribune on Monday, “I would tell Gov. Newsom good luck with that.”

He added, “If California takes that route, they’ll find that California gun owners will violate the law knowing that they’ll be sued and knowing that the Supreme Court has their back because the right to keep and bear arms is clearly in the Constitution, and the courts have clearly and consistently upheld it.”

Mark Lee Dickson, director of Right to Life of East Texas, said of Newsom’s scheme regarding guns, “You know, I think that’s fine….If there are people here who really don’t like the abortion ban enough to move out of Texas, then maybe California is best for them. This is something all across our nation, if you don’t like something, you can leave.”

Does it not cost anything for having to defend stupidity? Does the state just have carte blanche in court? The bailiff should be allowed to smack the lawyer in the back of the head every time he opens his mouth. Stupid should hurt and he gets around it by having an AG do his dirty work.


PREMO Member
‘Fcking A*holes’: The New York Times Fires Editor For Cursing Out A Gun Rights Group

“Hi I’m a journalist with The New York Times,” Marquis began the message, which was published by the group earlier this month, before asking the organization’s members how they “sleep at night.”

“Aren’t you just, like, a little bit worried that there might be a hell. And when you meet God, he will send you there?” Marquis asked.

Marquis also wrote on Twitter that she was “literally shaking with rage” after receiving the press release, the Post reported. The NYT suspended Marquis following the publication of the voicemail, pending an internal review of her conduct.

“Again, I am from The New York Times, and I’m letting everyone in The New York Times know what kind of ****ing *******s you are. Congrats on being a laughing stock,” Marquis said, calling the group “f*cking ghouls” and saying she hoped “there is a God in heaven, so he who judges you when you die.”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
She wasn't fired for cursing them out, she was fired for leaving it on a recording.

She'll be working for CNN, MSNBC or back at the times by New Years.


PREMO Member
‘Narrow-Minded And Feeble’: Gun Rights Groups Shoot Back At USA Today Tying Second Amendment Activism To Nazism

The paper, one of the most widely circulated in the nation, closed out 2021 with a story by Will Carless, titled “Down the barrel of a gun: How Second Amendment activism can be a gateway to extremist ideologies.” Carless claims that supporting the unalienable right to keep and bear arms creates a slippery slope to violent or fascistic beliefs.

His proof is underwhelming or deceptive. For instance, Carless recounts attending a gun show at the Atlanta Expo Center in September where “a man proudly displayed Nazi memorabilia.” An accompanying photo shows a single display case with a sign that says, “Wanted to buy: U.S./Jap/German military items.” The fact that the man seemingly collects all forms of World War II memorabilia was omitted from the story to paint him as a Nazi sympathizer.

Carless further tries to prove his point by quoting Daryle Lamont Jenkins of the far-left One People’s Project, who said he went to a gun show in 1995, and “there was a guy that had a table of all kinds of weird stuff.” The article quotes multiple left-wing “experts” while asking not a single gun rights organization for balance.


“If Will Carless wants to investigate the factors which could serve as a gateway drug to violence, perhaps he should examine the hateful rhetoric of MSNBC,” Pratt said. “James Hodgkinson, who was a huge fan of the network’s Rachel Maddow and a Bernie Sanders volunteer, tried to murder several Republican congressmen on a baseball field in 2017. Likewise, the convicted domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins II, who was heavily influenced by the radical Southern Poverty Law Center,” attempted to murder “several people at the Family Research Council in 2012. Corkins carried bags of Chick-fil-A sandwiches which he wanted to smear in the faces of his dead victims.” Thankfully, security guard Leo Johnson stopped the onslaught, while being wounded in the fracas.

“Finally,” Pratt added, “let’s not forget that it was the anti-gun Left which downplayed the falsely labeled ‘mostly peaceful’ protests of 2020, which resulted in cities being burned and thousands of police injured. Those riots weren’t being fueled and funded by Second Amendment supporters; rather they were spearheaded, in large part, by leftist Antifa fanatics.”


PREMO Member
San Jose Makes Landmark Bid to Address Gun Violence Through Fees, Insurance

''Certainly, the Second Amendment protects every citizen's right to own a gun,'' Mayor Sam Liccardo said Monday at a news conference. ''It does not require taxpayers to subsidize that right.''

The mayor, a Democrat, estimated that San Jose residents incur about $442 million in gun-related costs each year, and compared the plan to car insurance mandates, which he credits with significantly reducing deaths resulting from automobile crashes.

If approved Tuesday and on second reading on Feb. 8, the ordinance would go into effect Aug. 8.

Gun owners would be charged a $25 annual fee, which would be directed to a nonprofit set up to distribute funds to gun crime prevention and gun violence victims. The measure would also require that gun owners obtain liability insurance to cover damage caused by their weapon.
Safe behavior would be rewarded with lower premiums for those with gun safes and trigger locks and those who complete gun safety classes, according to CNN.

Liccardo said that police officers would be tasked with enforcement and would ask for proof of insurance, as they do with car insurance during traffic stops.

While law enforcement and those with concealed-carry permits would be exempt, pushback from gun rights groups is expected, the mayor said.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Are they going to require insurance on Speech, Press, Privacy and every other right enshrined in the constitution?


PREMO Member
San Jose, Calif., to institute first-in-the-nation gun ownership requirements

The council overwhelmingly approved the measures despite opposition from gun owners, who promised to sue, saying the measures would violate their Second Amendment rights. The ordinance still needs approval at a final reading next month before it can take effect in the Silicon Valley city in August.

The funds generated from the fees will be funneled into "evidence-based initiatives to reduce gun violence and gun harm," Liccardo said. The fee is expected to be around $25, Bay City News reported.

Meanwhile, having liability insurance is meant to encourage gun owners in San Jose to take safety measures, including having gun safes, installing trigger locks and taking gun safety classes.


Well-Known Member
There is a saying. If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

It needs an addendum, If you outlaw guns you make outlaws out of honest citizens who refuse to allow their Constitutional rights to be stepped on.


PREMO Member
Yeah I'd like to see San Jose Charging MS 13 for not having Gun Insurance or paying a yearly licensing fee


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Yeah I'd like to see San Jose Charging MS 13 for not having Gun Insurance or paying a yearly licensing fee
You joke, but that'll probably be the charge they actually prosecute.

... after they drop Murder, Armed Robbery, Assault with a Deadly Weapon.


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Democrats Pushing Gun Registry As Precursor To Gun Ban

This massive data collection effort encompasses information on all guns sold by licensed gun dealers, and on all legal gun transfers in states with so-called universal background checks. So, federal officials will have the name of everyone who legally obtained a gun. Now, President Biden wants to make universal background checks nationwide so he can have an even more complete registration list.


Gun control activists push for registration as a way to solve crime. In theory, if criminals leave registered guns at a crime scene, they can then be traced back to the perpetrator. But in real life, a gun is usually left at the scene of a crime only when the gunman has been seriously injured or killed. Also, guns used in crimes are rarely registered. In the exceedingly unusual instances that they are, they aren’t registered to the person who committed the crime. However, with both the criminal and weapon present at the scene, police can solve these crimes even without registration.

In a 2001 lawsuit, the Pennsylvania state police could not identify any crimes solved by their registration system from 1901 to 2001; however they did claim that it had “assisted” in a total of four cases, for which they could provide no details.

In a 2013 deposition for District of Columbia v. Heller II, the plaintiffs recorded that the Washington, D.C. police chief could not “recall any specific instance where registration records were used to determine who committed a crime, except for possession offenses.”


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Critics Blow Up ATF Over Report Your Ex Valentine — Barack Obama, Hunter Biden Hardest Hit

The responses began pouring in almost immediately — but instead of reporting their ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends, a number reported their ex-President Barack Obama and their ex-Attorney General Eric Holder for their involvement in the disastrous gun-tracking effort known as Operation Fast and Furious.

“I do. Ex president, actually. His name was Barack Obama. Ran a bunch of illegal guns to the Mexican cartels,” radio host Jesse Kelly tweeted. “That what you’re looking for? Or you just worried about hunting down some poor guy with a sawed off?”

“Yeah……… I like to report Barack Obama for the fast and furious operation!!!” Luke Rudkowski agreed, adding for good measure, “Also #AbolishTheATF.”

Tennessee Congressional candidate Robby Starbuck added President Joe Biden to the mix, tweeting, “Hi @ATFHQ — I’d like to report Barack Obama and Joe Biden who oversaw guns being run to Mexican Cartels who then used the guns to kill people. I’m sure you’ll knock their door down, right?”

Several reported President Biden’s son Hunter over his own alleged violations of federal firearms laws.