Hamas Attacks aka Religion Of Peace


PREMO Member

Top Biden Adviser Bragged Of Quiet Middle East One Week Before Hamas Attacked Israel

One week before Hamas launched a surprise attack in Israel, a top aide to President Joe Biden touted a relative calm in the Middle East.

“The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades,” said U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, according to The Atlantic. He went on to stress that “challenges remain,” citing Iran’s nuclear weapons program and “tensions” between Israel and the Palestinians, but added, “the amount of time I have to spend on crisis and conflict in the Middle East today compared to any of my predecessors going back to 9/11 is significantly reduced.”

Sullivan, a former Obama administration official, was speaking at The Atlantic Festival. He had just talked about how the larger region had reached a semblance of peace after the Biden team “walked into” a chaotic situation dating back to the prior administration.

“And what we said is we want to depressurize, deescalate, and ultimately integrate the Middle East region,” Sullivan said, as seen in a video of the remarks. “The war in Yemen is in its 19th month of truce. For now, the Iranian attacks against U.S. forces have stopped. Our presence in Iraq is stable. I emphasize for now because all of that can change.”


PREMO Member

Taliban Now Says They Want to Join in Hamas' Fight Against Israel

There was a report a few months ago that some of the weapons had made their way to Gaza. Who wants to guess whether they are now being employed against Israel? I'd say that's a pretty safe bet.

US arms left in Afghanistan have been smuggled to the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, Sama News Agency reported on Friday.
The local Palestinian news agency disclosed that Newsweek reported an unnamed senior Israeli military official confirming: “Some of the small weapons seized in Afghanistan had been spotted in the hands of Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip.”
The Israeli military official raised concerns about the “dangers” of sending advanced US and Western arms, sent to Ukraine, to: “Israel’s enemies in the region, including in Iran.”


PREMO Member

The 'Squad' Responds to the Palestinian Murder Spree in the Most Morally Bankrupt Way

Hundreds are dead, thousands are injured, and dozens have been kidnapped after Palestinian terrorists invaded Israel overnight. Horrifying scenes played out, with women and children being tortured and murdered in the streets.

The Israeli response is already well underway. Airstrikes have been slamming the Gaza Strip, and shortly before dark, electricity was cut to the area, paving the way for ground forces to operate. A full-scale invasion is imminent.

With that said, most American politicians have shown solidarity with Israel given the abject evil being perpetrated in what some are calling the nation's Pearl Harbor. Then there's the so-called "squad," which consists of House representatives Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others.

It wasn't long before those in the group who did speak settled on a narrative. Namely, they want an "immediate ceasefire."



PREMO Member
🚀 War in Israel has begun. On the 50th anniversary of the country’s 1973 war, southern Israel is in dangerous disarray this morning after the most effective Hamas sneak attack against Israel in decades. We aren’t even sure what’s happening, but the political blame-game has already begun:

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Around 4am this morning, the Times of Israel’s live feed was reporting six official dead and up to 100 wounded in a massive coordinated combination attack, where Hamas both fired over 5,000 mortars and also sent terrorist teams from Gaza across the border into south Israel by land, sea, and air — even paragliding in, if you can believe that. Israel civilians are currently on lockdown, hiding in their safe rooms and staying in their homes.

Israel has called up 200,000 reservists.

Videos show soldiers as well as Israeli civilians and their children being abducted as hostages. Credible online reports suggest the number of dead, wounded, and captured is much higher than the official reports, including dozens of Israeli soldiers who were caught unprepared. Telegram channels are reporting several Israeli settlements have been captured. The videos and pictures from the ground are horrifying and I advise caution on what you look at today.

Netanyahu says the attacks are larger than just terrorism; the country has declared a state of war.

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The attack comes in the context of $6B in assets that the Biden Administration recently released to Iran, and new that Israel and Saudi Arabia are on the brink of a major peace deal. Commenters are already speculating that the violence is intended to derail the Saudi peace deal.

Based just on what we know so far, there probably has not been as large or coordinated an attack on Israel since the 60’s and 70’s. Until now, Israel’s intelligence services have been extremely effective at detecting, predicting, and preventing any large, coordinated attack like this one. In 2002, Israel went to war with Yassar Arafat after only two of its soldiers were killed. Israel has already begun a counteroffensive and several Palestinian buildings where Hamas were believed to be located have already been destroyed.

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Hamas fighters appear to be moving at will through some Israeli settlements. CLIP: Israeli resident videos Hamas tactical truck in street (0:27).

Militants posted videos of at least one destroyed Israeli tank:

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“Terrorists infiltrated into Israeli territory in a number of different locations,” the Israeli military stated early this morning. Israel’s top police chief said in a video statement there were twenty-one active conflicts across the southern part of the country. Social media videos showed Palestinians cheering as trucks returned to Gaza carrying bodies of Israeli soldiers.

In addition to many soldiers, Hamas captured at least one top Israeli commander:

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It seems highly unlikely that commander Aloni’s capture was an accident, which in turn suggests that the action was extremely well-planned with significant intelligence. It also seems unlikely that regional terrorist groups could have accomplished all this without help from a nation-state.

So the big question right now is: how far will this spread? Will other groups be encouraged to join? Anecdotal reports suggest there is a risk of a larger area of effect:

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Israeli News 12 reported that an unnamed Israeli minister warned that this might be a distraction before a full-scale war with Lebanon and Syria to the north. Obviously, in the fog or war, there are more hot takes than actual news.

Local Israelis report being mustered up for civilian duty:

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It’s a good thing Israelis are allowed to bear arms.

People are already speculating about how the attack — which is not finished yet — will affect public opinion toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Ominously, Netanyahu is under immense political pressure to show a muscular response that will discourage the country’s enemies from further mischief and ensure countries like Iran aren’t tempted to take advantage of the chaos.

As of 7:30am Eastern Time, none of the many conflict areas are yet under control. Bellicose rhetoric is streaming from some parts of Israel’s angry army:

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The good news is that, so far, there is no sign that Israel intends to blame or attack anyone besides Hamas. Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia have officially called for the fighting to end. I think the issue is not whether the Israelis have the moral high ground. The issue is whether the controversy will spark another regional war. It seems likely that the conflict must get worse before it can get better.

Joe Biden is still sleeping.

But we are awake and praying for all the civilians on both sides, and that cooler heads will quickly prevail.



Well-Known Member

Top Biden Adviser Bragged Of Quiet Middle East One Week Before Hamas Attacked Israel

One week before Hamas launched a surprise attack in Israel, a top aide to President Joe Biden touted a relative calm in the Middle East.

“The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades,” said U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, according to The Atlantic. He went on to stress that “challenges remain,” citing Iran’s nuclear weapons program and “tensions” between Israel and the Palestinians, but added, “the amount of time I have to spend on crisis and conflict in the Middle East today compared to any of my predecessors going back to 9/11 is significantly reduced.”

Sullivan, a former Obama administration official, was speaking at The Atlantic Festival. He had just talked about how the larger region had reached a semblance of peace after the Biden team “walked into” a chaotic situation dating back to the prior administration.

“And what we said is we want to depressurize, deescalate, and ultimately integrate the Middle East region,” Sullivan said, as seen in a video of the remarks. “The war in Yemen is in its 19th month of truce. For now, the Iranian attacks against U.S. forces have stopped. Our presence in Iraq is stable. I emphasize for now because all of that can change.”

Iran's purchases hadn't arrived until after he spoke.


Well-Known Member
Who actually are the people of Palestine .? They are the dregs of Arab countries. People these countries don't want and forced them out. They have been kicked out of every country they visited.


Well-Known Member

The 'Squad' Responds to the Palestinian Murder Spree in the Most Morally Bankrupt Way

Hundreds are dead, thousands are injured, and dozens have been kidnapped after Palestinian terrorists invaded Israel overnight. Horrifying scenes played out, with women and children being tortured and murdered in the streets.

The Israeli response is already well underway. Airstrikes have been slamming the Gaza Strip, and shortly before dark, electricity was cut to the area, paving the way for ground forces to operate. A full-scale invasion is imminent.

With that said, most American politicians have shown solidarity with Israel given the abject evil being perpetrated in what some are calling the nation's Pearl Harbor. Then there's the so-called "squad," which consists of House representatives Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others.

It wasn't long before those in the group who did speak settled on a narrative. Namely, they want an "immediate ceasefire."

I'm surprised that those two 304s even admit to the horrific attacks by their beloved, mostly peaceful Palestinians.

It is long past time to stop this cycle of violence & trauma, and work toward a just & lasting peace in the region.

The only way it's going to stop is when Gaza is turned into a parking lot.


Well-Known Member
I don't really care what Israel does with Gaza, they never should have given it to those bastards to begin with.

Just make sure there aren't enough of them left to fight for the next hundred years.

Don't start no sht. there wont be no sht.


PREMO Member

Victor Davis Hanson Discusses Elevated Picture of Hamas Attack Against Israel​

October 7, 2023 | Sundance | 517 Comments

Today, VDH takes the overall geopolitical landscape and outlines his thoughts below on the Hamas terror attack against the nation state of Israel. Victor Davis Hanson:

But, more importantly, in a larger sense the Biden administration has contributed both to the notion that Hamas was a legitimate Middle East player, and to the perception that the U.S. was backing away from its traditional support for Israel—to the delight of Hamas—based on the following inexplicable policies:

1) In February Secretary of State Blinken had bragged that not only had the Biden administration resumed massive aid to the PLA cancelled by Trump, but cumulatively had transferred $1 billion—even as Palestinian authorities bragged that they would continue to pay bounties to the families of “martyrs” (i.e., those killed while conducting terrorists attacks against Israel).

And millions of American dollars also went into Gaza, run by Hamas—despite the Biden administration’s efforts to keep mostly quiet the resumption of such inexplicable support. In this regard, note the current shameful State-Department (“U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs”) website news release that was posted after today’s attack. It ended with this quite embarrassing, morally equivalent admonition:

“We urged all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”

“All sides?” “Refrain from retaliatory attacks?”

So Israel is the moral equivalent of terrorists executing civilians and brutalizing their corpses? And the IDF then is not supposed to retaliate against these killers?

This Biden State Department insanity cannot stand. So expect some apparatchik to take down this Munich-like posting as soon as possible.

2) The Biden administration had recently released some $6 billion to Iran through a prison swap deal that saw South Korea hand over embargoed Iranian money to Qatar—despite Tehran’s increased anti-Israeli rhetoric and its loud brag about the escalation. We should assume money for rockets (Hamas claims they have launched 5,000, and have received 100,000 of them via the Damascus airport) and weapons in general for Hamas were supplied by Iran, which again is likely the chief catalyst for this surprise attack.

3) Almost immediately, after his inauguration Biden mobilized to resume the bankrupt Iran deal. And in unhinged fashion he appointed the anti-Israeli bigot, pro-Iranian journalist Robert Malley as America’s chief negotiator. Note that Malley is now under FBI investigation for security breaches, involving disclosing classified U.S. documents and also for allegedly helping pro-Iranian activists and propagandists land influential billets inside the U.S. government.

In short, there was a general Hamas and Iranian perception that the Biden administration had resumed the discredited Obama madness of empowering Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas. This discredited agenda was to “balance” the power of Israel and the moderate Arab Gulf governments to achieve “creative tension”, exacerbated by Biden’s loathing of the government of Benjamín Netanyahu (who has been snubbed by Biden and never invited for an official visit).

Note as well that the Biden administration has siphoned off key weapons and munitions from stockpiles inside Israel to transfer them to Ukraine. The so-called “War Reserve Ammunition—Israel” is all but depleted of just the sorts of weapons needed in the present crisis.

In this regard is there not a pattern here?

Upon the ascension of Biden and his woke military agendas, we saw the following: the complete humiliation of the U.S. in Kabul in its most shameful flight in 50 years and greatest abandonment of equipment in its history; followed by Vladimir Putin’s opportunistic invasion of Ukraine; followed by China’s new belligerence and escalating threats to Taiwan; followed by Turkey’s new de facto alliance with Russia and recent drone encounter with the U.S. air force in Syria; followed by the Hamas/Iranian inspired attack on Israel—with more to come unfortunately.