Hamas Attacks aka Religion Of Peace


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How Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh watched attack on Israel on TV from his office in Qatar as he celebrated with other officials

  • Terror chief Ismail Haniyeh cheered for joy in the safety of Qatar watching TV
  • He sickenly gloated over worst attack on Israel in its history with hundreds dead

THIRTY-ONE Harvard organizations including college's Amnesty International affiliate blame Israel for Hamas' brutal terror attack which has killed more than 700 people: 'Something is deeply, deeply wrong in academia'

  • The groups have placed the blame on Israel for Hamas' brutal, surprise attack that has killed at least 700 Israelis
  • They claim that Saturday's events 'did not happen in a vacuum' and claimed that the Israeli government has forced Palestinians to live in 'an open-air prison'
  • It comes just a day after a professor was forced to apologize for implying the Hamas attack on Israel was an attempt to distract from 'Netanyahu's corruption'
  • Israel Palestine war LIVE: Jewish state prepares massive ground offensive


PREMO Member

Proportionate about Gang Rape

by Mark Steyn
Hamas Invades Israel: Day Two
October 8, 2023

Israel, as always, is being urged to confine itself to a "proportionate" response. Headline from my former newspaper The Irish Times:

Micheál Martin indicates Israeli response to 'appalling' Hamas attack has not been proportionate

Mr Martin is the former Taoiseach and current Tánaiste (deputy Taoiseach) and Foreign Minister. I wonder what he thinks is the "proportionate" response to that scene? The "proportionate response" to an army that, as its principal tactic, seizes your womenfolk and children, and rapes, tortures and kills them. Would raping, torturing and killing their womenfolk be "proportionate"?

As for proportions more generally, Dafna Breines, an Israeli Steyn Clubber, writes:

As for 9/11, we're far past that now...as of this moment there are 500 Jews confirmed dead, which is the equivalent population-wise of ten 9/11's.

John Hinderaker writes of the above video:

What is notable, I think, is the jubilant reaction of the crowd. Note the boy who spits on the woman's corpse. The idea that what is happening is a 'terrorist attack' by 'Hamas' is a fiction. Hamas is a political entity that rules Gaza with the support of the overwhelming majority of the Palestinians who live there.

Indeed. John is the soul of moderation, and he is trying hard to contain his anger there. Tommy Robinson is the antithesis of the soul of moderation and here is his reaction to the same video. NSFW warning: There is more effing and blinding in these two minutes than Mr Hinderaker has done in his entire life, but it is directed at those in the west who share "the jubilant reaction of the crowd":


PREMO Member

Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran​

October 8, 2023 | Sundance | 298 Comments

You want to go deep weeds, let’s go deep weeds. Almost all of the conversations about the $6 billion given back to Iran have focused on the fungible aspect of money. While true, that focus misses the key and essential point, where the money was delivered.

The captured $6 billion was held in a South Korean bank, the result of sanctions violations. What the Biden/Blinken crew did, was move the money from South Korea to a bank in Qatar.

Now, many people may not at first understand the nature of how that makes such a significant difference. The lack of understanding is the result of people not fully grasping what Qatar does in the Middle East. Qatar is the financial center for Islamic extremist operations. Qatar is the banking center for the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is the political umbrella for a host of Islamic extremist groups.

Qatar is well known to CTH readers and those who follow the deep weeds of geopolitics. Qatar has historically been the financial center and funding mechanism of the Muslim Brotherhood. In many ways Qatar is to the U.S. State Dept, CIA and political elements of the Intelligence Community in the Middle East, as Ukraine is to those same entities in Europe.


PREMO Member

UAE Sides with Israel, Condemns Hamas for ‘Nihilistic Destruction’

The UAE is one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential explicitly Islamic governments. Abu Dhabi’s condemnation of Hamas and extension of condolences to the majority-Jewish victims of the Hamas rapes, abductions, and massacres on Saturday is a dramatic contrast in tone from neighboring Iran – where the regime threw a street party to celebrate the killings, complete with a fireworks display – and the eruption of pro-Hamas rallies and celebrations around the world, including in the United States.

In the official statement, the Ministry “stressed that attacks by Hamas against Israeli towns and villages near the Gaza strip, including the firing of thousands of rockets at population centers, are a serious and grave escalation.”

“The Ministry is appalled by reports that Israeli civilians have been abducted as hostages from their homes,” the Emirati government asserted. “Civilians on both sides must always have full protection under international humanitarian law and must never be a target of conflict.”


PREMO Member

Iranian Security Officials Helped Hamas Plan Terrorist Attack on Israel

“Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group,” the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Sunday.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officers as well as four Iran-sponsored terrorist groups, including Hamas, reportedly attended meetings in Beirut where the operation had been planned. U.S. officials have said they have not seen evidence of Tehran’s direct involvement in the attack.

“We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there is certainly a long relationship,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on CNN.

“We don’t have any information at this time to corroborate this account,” a U.S. official said of the meetings.

Mahmoud Mirdawi, a senior Hamas official, has claimed that the group planned the attacks on its own. “This is a Palestinian and Hamas decision,” he said. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised the attacks in a post on X. “Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region,” he said.


Well-Known Member
Don’t you have a new Lego set to assemble or something?
Don't you have a Shi Tzu to go violate in Piney Point or something?

Aren't you tired from all of your celebrating the rape & killing of innocent women & children in Israel this weekend?


PREMO Member

The Ayatollah's Plan for Israel and Palestine

  • The book has received approval from Khamenei's office and is thus the most authoritative document regarding his position on the issue.
  • Khamenei makes his position clear from the start: Israel has no right to exist as a state. He claims his strategy for the destruction of Israel is not based on anti-Semitism, which he describes as a European phenomenon. His position is based on "well-established Islamic principles."
  • According to Khamenei, Israel, which he labels an "enemy" and "foe," is a special case for three reasons. The first is that it is a loyal "ally of the American Great Satan" and a key element in its "evil scheme" to dominate "the heartland of the Ummah."
  • Khamenei describes Israel as "a cancerous tumor" whose elimination would mean that "the West's hegemony and threats will be discredited" in the Middle East. In its place, he boasts, "the hegemony of Iran will be promoted."
  • Khamenei's tears for "the sufferings of Palestinian Muslims" are also unconvincing. To start with, not all Palestinians are Muslims. And, if it were only Muslim sufferers who deserved sympathy, why doesn't he beat his chest about the Burmese Rohingya and the Chechens massacred and enchained by Vladimir Putin, not to mention Muslims daily killed by fellow-Muslims across the globe?


PREMO Member
🔥 Political virtue-signaling over the weekend’s attacks in Israel predictably began blooming like wildflowers here in the United States, with smug trans and silly LGBTQ++ folks showing the strongest support for Hamas militants, who would toss them off the roof in a hot Palestine second if they were left unattended for more than a couple minutes in Gaza:


Moving on. Official casualty figures mounted to over 700 dead for Israel, including around 50 soldiers, over 2,000 wounded, and unofficial estimates of over 130 kidnapped as hostages (or worse). That’s just so far; the numbers are still climbing. Meanwhile, yesterday when asked, U.S. propaganda minister Tony Blinken did not deny reports that the casualty figures included some Americans who were killed or captured in the weekend’s fighting.

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal lit the fuse of a broader regional conflict yesterday when it ran a controversial story bluntly headlined, “Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks. Specifically, the sub-headline boldly claimed that, “The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps gave the final go-ahead last Monday in Beirut.”


The Journal, citing unnamed “senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah,” noted that on the other hand, U.S. officials are saying there is “no evidence” of Iranian involvement. If there were evidence, it would be highly inconvenient to the Peters Administration, since Biden just bribed Iran with a $6 billion-dollar package in trade for five kidnapped Iranian-American political hostages. But despite those denials, according to the Journal’s militant sources, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard officers have been working with Hamas since at least August to devise the highly-coordinated, multi-modal air, land and sea attack—a wide front producing the most spectacular breach of Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War and the deadliest single day for Israelis since the horrors of World War II.

Iran, of course, denies any involvement except expressing satisfaction with Hamas’s success.

It only took me a few seconds of digging to find a prophetic Wall Street Journal story from April headlined, “Iran Is Recruiting Militant Allies to Launch Attacks Against Israel.” Um. The sub-headline added, “Quds Force commander has met leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah in recent weeks to coordinate strikes.”

Here’s a lightly-edited recap of April’s prescient report from the Journal’s sources, which apparently was completely ignored by Israel’s main intelligence agency, Mossad:

General Esmail Qaani, who leads the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force, has held a series of clandestine meetings with militant leaders across the region. The Quds Force chief was in Lebanon last week, where he met with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and his deputy Saleh al-Arouri (and others) at the Iranian embassy in Beirut.

Around the same time, militants in southern Lebanon fired a barrage of rockets at Israel, the largest such attack since the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel.

Israel has cause for concern. Gen. Qaani’s effort to unite Tehran’s allies is a sharp escalation in the undeclared war between Iran and Israel after Israel carried out hundreds of attacks targeting Iran and its proxies across the Middle East.

Among Tehran’s chief objectives is to prevent its neighbors from establishing diplomatic ties with Israel.

You’d think there was enough material in just those few paragraphs for Israel to have known what was coming.

Two headlines published this morning in the Times of Israel provided a succinct recap of where the conflict stands as of this morning: first, “IDF says it has regained control of all Gaza border towns but terrorists may remain,” and second, “Air Force pounds Gaza overnight in bid to ‘devastate’ Hamas; rocket fire continues.”

In other words, Israel has not yet started its ground assault, which is surely coming.



PREMO Member

Biden Official Won’t Confirm WSJ Report Iran Helped Plan Hamas Attack

A Hamas official confirmed that the organization received support from Iran for the attack and the Wall Street Journal report gave more details and confirmed the report with multiple officials.

The publication said that officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had been working with Hamas and other Islamic terrorists in planning the attacks, which included firing thousands of rockets and invading Israel by land, sea, and air. “Details of the operation were refined during several meetings in Beirut attended by IRGC officers and representatives of four Iran-backed militant groups, including Hamas, which holds power in Gaza, and Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group and political faction in Lebanon, they said,” the report stated.

Finer — who spoke with ABC’s “Good Morning America” host George Stephanopoulos, who asked, “Can you confirm that report? Can you now confirm that Iran was behind this?”

“So taking a step back, I think what we can be quite clear about is that Iran is broadly complicit in these attacks for having supported Hamas going back decades, for having provided financial support, for having provided training, for having provided weapons to Hamas,” Finer admitted. He continued, “What we don’t have is direct information that shows Iranian involvement in ordering or planning the attacks that took place over the last couple of days. It’s something that we’re going to keep looking at closely. By the way, this is something that the Israeli government has said as well; broad complicity but no evidence of direct support although it’s something we are going to continue to watch.”

“So The Wall Street Journal report is not correct or you cannot confirm it?” Stephanopoulos pressed.

“What I can tell you is we have no direct information to confirm that report. We’ve obviously seen it; we’re looking into it, but we do not have the ability to corroborate it at this time,” Finer replied.


PREMO Member

Crews Recover More Than 260 Bodies From Music Festival Attacked By Hamas

“It was a massacre,” Yaniv, an emergency medic, told Kan News. “I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. It was a planned ambush. As people came out of the emergency exits, squads of terrorists were waiting for them there and just started picking them off.”

Thousands of festival-goers were attending an all-night outdoor music festival called Supernova, also described as a peace party, near Kibbutz Re’im close to the Gaza Strip when video captured showed dozens running through an open field as terrorists began gunning them down.



Damned glad to meet you
I've seen some ponderous sh!t before, but this is the epitome of ponderous sh!t right here.🤪



PREMO Member
There are also numerous reports — but not so far reported by mainstream media — of Hamas circulating images and video on Telegram channels of Israeli soldiers and a foreign civilian they thought was Jewish being beheaded and abused. The images and video appear to be genuine and are consistent with other reports, but have not been ‘independently verified.’

Of course, Hamas made sure to video the abduction of Israeli children.

I’m sure there will be a lot more to be revealed in the coming days.

As I also said in that prior post, Israel faces a difficult choice:

The hostages held in Gaza will not be recovered alive unless Israel gives major concessions and leaves Hamas in power. While of course Israel wants to get them back alive, Israeli military options are severely constrained if that is the goal. Hamas has grown comfortable taking hostages and using them as shields to temper Israeli military responses. The goals of toppling Hamas and getting the hostages back alive are not consistent. Israeli faces a tough choice.

Israeli risks not only the loss of over 100 hostages, but also a front opening with Hezbollah and even Iran directly. I think such a multi-front scenario is clearly possible, but that can’t deter Israel from dealing Hamas and the other Gaza terrorists a blow that will be remembered for 50 years.

There’s no turning back if Israel is to survive.

Our own survival is at stake too. We need Israel to do this, too. The compete destruction of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the other terror groups will show the Barbarians who are inside our gates that they will not win either.
